
This is going to piss off a lot of people. But I don't care.

North Carolina
Friday, April 7, 2023 2:20 PM
All y'all anti gun dip shit's think that having gun free zones. Will stop mass shootings? Your are bunch of idiots. The only way to stop mass shootings in gun free zones . Is to get rid of them.


  • booty_lover92
    a year ago
    I agree totally.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
  • mickey48066
    a year ago
    I agree. Don't be surprised to see additional sick, transgender deviants copycat the Nashville sicko and continue to target schools, churches and other gun free zones where their sick deviance isnt supported. They have now been emboldened by Democrats who continue to justify the actions of the Nashville sicko and place the blame on the gun and not the sicko.
    If you work in a gun free zone, arm yourself now because the next attack from the newest breed of domestic terrorists is right around the corner.
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    Anyone else noticed how when it's a right fringe group doing the shooting, it's the fault of the ideology _and_ the gun, and when it's a leftist group (can't call trans fringe, Biden called them the soul of the country), it's only the gun's fault?

    Just like the Colorado Springs LGBTQ bar shooting, the fact that the shooter identified as "non-binary" got buried rather quickly.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    You guys really need to get out and look at some titties, this is a nonproductive waste of time.
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    @25, how is commenting on it more of a waste of time than trolling it?
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ I find it amusing
    This type of thread is no less #clickbait
    Than any of the lunacy posted by CJ Kunt.
  • Hank Moody
    a year ago
    Lol. You think posting that here is going to piss off a lot of people? This isn’t MSNBC, tough guy.
  • mickey48066
    a year ago
    Bang 69, if you want to piss a lot of people of on here, just encourage people to include dancer names, services rendered, and prices in their contributions. Post your own experiences with those details in a discussion thread (don't submit it in a review because it wont get through). That will get a lot of people on here worked up far more than a gun control debate.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    Honestly, who gives a fuck if some tuscl PL thinks this or that political position. It’s all been said before, and 10x worse.

    You think the trannies are teaming up with hunter bidens laptop to take your guns and sell them to aoc for adrenachrome and it’s all because the goddamn libs? Take a number, pal.

    Or take a pro tip and cut to the head of the outrage line by saying stormy gave you head in the vip for $75. Now THAT will get tuscl panties wadded up!
  • rattdog
    a year ago
    ^interesting. during the 90's vp head for $75 was probably not that far fetched. notice how for the same girl if you're a celebrity you would have to pay at least a 100 or a 1000 times more?
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