Not what I was expecting.

Decided to take a little break from clubbing and go see escorts for a while due to OTC/SB opportunities flaking and still feeling more to be desired when leaving club. One thing for sure is the quality of women in the club is leaps and bounds better than most sex workers. This could be the age of the girls in the club, little to no drug use or sensual atmosphere, ie music and clothing. In seeing the escorts I have realized that yea there is a guarenteed pop, but the energy you get from the girls in the club to me is more sensual even though they are both getting paid to provide a sexual experience. So I am saying all this to say that clubbing to me seems to be more enjoyable and though there is no guaranteed ITC/OTC I believe the chase it what continues to draw me back time and time again. Escorts to me seem to be much more disconnected.


last comment
avatar for drewcareypnw
1 yr ago

Totally agree.

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

It should be no surprise that these women need to "disconnect" when their income is directly linked to how many penises they can have ejaculate in single workday.

Strippers at least have more discretion in what they allow and how far they allow each individual to go.

avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
1 yr ago

Strippers are all about the glam. They get dolled up for us. It's more about the fantasy. And when they take turns going up on stage, for us men its like being a kid in a candy store. We don't know where to begin. There is also the luck element in strip clubbing. Sometimes we hit the jackpot, sometimes we strike out. It's similar to the rush people get from gambling but a lot less risky. Well, so long as you keep your expenses under control.

avatar for georgmicrodong
1 yr ago

Welcome to the club. 😉

avatar for Brahma2k
1 yr ago

Little to no use of drugs in the club? Umm, really? Gyrating on multiple men’s sticks, even over clothing, is not sex work? Rule for escorts, the prettier they are the more expensive. You want best dancer in the club level escort then get ready for $$$$. Club is definitely higher atmosphere, the right club! and there will be a mix of only ITC dancers. But the right escort is a 100% certain great night.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

Personal opinion... I suspect that SB/Seeking is having a greater impact on escorts than strip clubs.

I think the thing that most guys don't enjoy about the better escorts is the verification process that often requires a lot of personal and/or employment information. And I understand why escorts do that, but it's a pain point for customers. Especially since everything is a click away from being published to the world.

In a strip club, dancers and customers can get comfortable/safe around each other in a controlled setting. For SBs, it's meet & greets, etc., in public. Be it one or several. And it can be more discreet (though nothing is perfect).

I probably wouldn't ever consider escorts unless I was in a wide dead space for clubs. Even then, there's a lot of good TV I have watched yet...

avatar for rickdugan
1 yr ago

===> "Personal opinion... I suspect that SB/Seeking is having a greater impact on escorts than strip clubs."

I'm not sure I completely agree with this. Maybe not in markets where girls are fucking and sucking ITC, but in places (like mine) that are not as open, I think that SA is definitely diverting strip club dollars.

Just look at the guys on this board. How many of them are also hitting SA girls now?

I think that there is significant overlap between high spending club customers and guys who are attracted to SA. They both offer the potential to have OTC fun with hot lower volume girls with fun social elements mixed in. The only difference is that SA is even more convenient in a number of ways since one can shop at his convenience.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

^ You may be right. I'm not not an expert on SA or escorts if we're being honest. I was thinking of it from the perspective of escorts and SA both being sex work models where (1) the guy does his prospecting online, (2) there needs to be pre-meet communications, (3) there needs to be planning for the meet, and (3) the date/meet takes place out in the world (restaurant, etc., and then to a hotel or whatever).

But the big difference between the two is that escorts want some degree of personal information for verification before you ever get together. Which is a turn off for a lot of guys, particularly with everything being online and hackable. For guys who've always gone to escorts and aren't really strip club guys, SA must look more appealing because I'm not scanning my driver's license and emailing it to an escort.

But this is probably a lot of navel gazing. I know of dancers who are also escorts and have SA profiles. The cross-pollination between those three worlds makes it hard to say where the biggest impact is being felt.

avatar for rickdugan
1 yr ago

All true CMI, but like seeing a stripper OTC but meeting her in the club first, the M&G serves the same function of allowing one to meet her in person before committing to the purchase. It's also still a social element, like having drinks with a stripper at the bar. Then there is negotiating the money by text before the main event - I swear the process is nearly identical, lol, except the language used is slightly different.

Shit even the money is about the same. It's truly amazing how side-by-side markets have a way of syncing up, probably because there's a large overlap covering the same group of guys - those who would never dream of calling an escort, but are OK with SW adjacent p4p.

Overall non-pro SA girls are the closest thing I have found to non-stripper OTC in all of the different formats I've tried over the years.

With all that said, I don't disagree that SA may also compete with escort markets a bit. There are plenty of quick strike girls posting on there too and plenty of guys going on there for that. But there are also the civvie girls who work vanilla day jobs and use this to supplement and they are the ones who I definitely think are competing with strippers for affluent customers (er, I mean SDs of course, lol).

avatar for rickdugan
1 yr ago

That should have read "non-pro stripper OTC" lol.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

I haven't seen any clear patterns with any category of sex workers. But, yeah, a fair number of escorts are only interested in the wham bam thank you ma'am type of john. As one such escort explained to me, the only appendage I was supposed to touch her with was my dick, no hands allowed.

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