Should Thick Strip be added to the TUSCL data base?

avatar for shadowcat
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I know that twentyfive will want it added. :)


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avatar for Brahma2k
2 years ago
Should It: No it shouldn't be added to the database.
Why: Because the LA Times is doing nothing but selling specific propaganda.
Reality: no matter how much the insulated circle jerk of media and academia push their agenda, they will be unable to change the reality of what people hold as ideal beauty.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
When they asked Brahma2k what he thought of the works of Rubens, he said "I prefer a good steak and cheese myself".
avatar for Brahma2k
2 years ago
Ah, 4 or 5 hundred years ago Rubens painted thicker models. See! there is no underlying evolutionary primacy of ideal beauty. There is no evolutionary sweet spot of body composition or symmetry. The foundational procreation aspects are made up! In reality it is what a unstable painter named Rubens or contemporary media says is ideal beauty!
For the record, you don't have to have ideal beauty to be attractive. But the idea of you and media(etc etc) believing you can alter humans' pursuit of ideal beauty is comical, though you'll undoubtedly not stop trying, and failing, to force it.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
um... yuck.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
As Marcel Marceau said in Mel Brooks "Silent Movie" - "NO". Whatever people like is fine. Just don't FORCE SHIT ON US and then call people out when they say no.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Eh. It's not for me, but there's a segment of people out there who really enjoy it. It's a show, not a club. So, no, it shouldn't get a listing.

But if it was an actual club, then yes. It existing on TUSCL doesn't mean that I have to go there, but would help guys whose tastes run in that direction.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
LOL :-)
avatar for ATACdawg
2 years ago
And once more, shadow at causes me to gouge my eyes out.....😵😂
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
Jesus fucking Christ what did I just look at?
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I'll never understand you guy's falling for shadowcats links every single time, I salute you shadowcat, you are the true Jedi Master.
avatar for RTP
2 years ago
I saw they are paying for lessons. Are they also learning to do extras?
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I think it should. We need something to designate the opposite end of the spectrum from a 7-up club. However, since "Thick Strip" may be trademarked and copywrited, we may want to consider "PCM Factory".
avatar for CarlitosPeligro
2 years ago
I like that this exists somewhere in the world, but I won’t be seeking it out. I don’t think it should be listed here only because it’s not a regularly scheduled show. Fat queer girls want their own strip show, it’s doing no one any harm.
avatar for Jdo11
2 years ago
I'll go sometime this summer and post an update on the front page; give or take an indecent exposure charge. Fat bitches with big ass cheeks is right up my alley.
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