The media is again trotting out polls claming overwhelming American support for the War against Russia and endless money and weapons being sent to Ukraine. They also claim about three quarters of the population still view Zelinsky positively. While I question the accuracy of these polls, it really isn't legitimate to ask people's opinion on a subject in which they have only heard one-sided massivey biased media coverage over and over for years.
Americans are basically prevented from hearing the Russian perspective on this conflict at all. Anyone who simply tries to give the Russian side of the argument or perspective is censored, banned, or restricted on most social media and mainstream media never gives the Russian perspective at all. All most Americans hear is that "Russia is a dictatorship ruled by an evil dictator who attacked a neighboring country out of the blue in 2022 for no reason other than wanting to steal land and take it over to me mean and murder and brutalize people and crush their freedom and capitalist way of life. Zelinsky is a heroic leader standing up valiantly to this evil against all odds and Ukraine is winning but needs more weapons and money to finish the fight. Russia has literally no valid interests or arguments over Ukraine, Donbas, or any legitimate beef with the "west." Anyone who says they do is a propagandist for the Kremlin or even a Russian bot. Russia has committed terrible atrocities while Ukraine has not. Russia engages in human wave attacks [despite no evidence of this]..." Literally on and on and on and on.
Most Americans have no reason to question any of this. Why would they when this is the only message or perspective they get and efforts are made to prevent them from even hearing the other side. SO HOW CAN A POLL HAVE LEGITIMACY IN THESE CIRCUMSTANCES?
Without hearing all sides and being allowed to ponder them and conclude on one's own which makes the most sense any opinion is just regurgitating what one has only been allowed to hear.
BTW, that narrative I repeated above that most Americans believe by default is so utterly and completely false and even ass backwards, its actually ludicrous but if thats all you hear over and over sadly you will probably believe it.
Here's a hint. If you think this cunfkuct started with Russia "invading" Ukraine out of the blue in 2022 and there was no provocation or reasonable reason for the Special Military Operation you're probably brainwashed by "western" media. Try going back to 2014 or even earlier when this conflict actually started. Then continue with the 7 years of shelling and rocket attacks on Donetsk City and the Donbas, for starters.
I think you have it backwards, it is the Russian people who are prevented from hearing and seeing both sides.
Feel free to post a link to an article you think best describes the Russian perspective and I'll have a look. I've probably already read some of it. But nothing can justify what Putin has done in Ukraine.
"Try going back to 2014 or even earlier when this conflict actually started."
Are you talking about when Russia annexed Crimea when they got pissy because they didn't like their national boundaries after the USSR imploded? "Even earlier" is a better guess.
"Conflict not cunfkuct, lol. Though that's a good typo to describe it."
TUSCL is a titty bar site. Typos by "Dave_Anderson" are not going to be held against you.
I'm not seeing any polls showing massive support for helping the Ukraine. One recent AP poll showed only about half of the public wants to send weapons. Another poll I saw said that only a quarter of respondents say the U.S should play a major role in the war.
More important than the poll results are the trends. There is a slow erosion of support for this war according to polling. It's easy to whip the public up into a little temporary hysteria but over time rationality asserts itself again. There is always a new Hitler ready to knock over all the dominoes according to the lackeys of the military-industrial complex. They have to convince the public of this. They might take a hit to their profits otherwise. The public is starting to get tired of hearing them crying wolf all the time and is going to start tuning them out.
The Russians have no perspective, all they know is what Putin and his cronies want them to believe. Friggin Russia apologists here in this country are stupid and gullible.
I would remind the excement known as dave Anderson that Russia is was and will always be the fucking enemy of the United States of America. I will never forget growing up, attending elementary school and having drills where we hid under our desk in case the Russian cum stains followed through on their thtreats to nuke us. You are a fucking traitor dave, you fucking peice of shit.
Someone already pointed this out but the thread title is a lie. NYTimes headline today “Biden challenged by softening public support for arming Ukraine.” With SJG and Icee gone, Dave vying for role of lead troll.
Ukraine is corrupt as fuck, and I don't trust Zelensky at all. But I hate Russia more, always have. 200B for the destruction of 100k+ troops, thousands of tanks, hundreds of aircraft is probably the best god damn deal the US MIC has ever made. I'd gladly spend 200B more if we got the same results. "But that money can be spend on Americans instead!!" fuck you, you know that is not a genuine argument. That money would go straight to the pockets of American Oligarchs instead. The same people crying about helping Americans with that money are the first to block any aid to the American people.
Fuck Ukraine, Biden, our MIC but fuck Russia and Dave's daddy Putin even more. I grew up being taught Russia was our enemy. Their actions have backed that up. I'm sure as fuck not going to change my mind because some modern day Quislings go on TV and try to argue "no, Russia is actually good".
last commentFeel free to post a link to an article you think best describes the Russian perspective and I'll have a look. I've probably already read some of it. But nothing can justify what Putin has done in Ukraine.
Dave I’m going to send some Jewish guys over to your house to kick your ass since you said you were scared of them before.
Are you talking about when Russia annexed Crimea when they got pissy because they didn't like their national boundaries after the USSR imploded? "Even earlier" is a better guess.
"Conflict not cunfkuct, lol. Though that's a good typo to describe it."
TUSCL is a titty bar site. Typos by "Dave_Anderson" are not going to be held against you.
More important than the poll results are the trends. There is a slow erosion of support for this war according to polling. It's easy to whip the public up into a little temporary hysteria but over time rationality asserts itself again. There is always a new Hitler ready to knock over all the dominoes according to the lackeys of the military-industrial complex. They have to convince the public of this. They might take a hit to their profits otherwise. The public is starting to get tired of hearing them crying wolf all the time and is going to start tuning them out.
Friggin Russia apologists here in this country are stupid and gullible.
Now go out there and make that happen.
Fuck Ukraine, Biden, our MIC but fuck Russia and Dave's daddy Putin even more. I grew up being taught Russia was our enemy. Their actions have backed that up. I'm sure as fuck not going to change my mind because some modern day Quislings go on TV and try to argue "no, Russia is actually good".…