Traveling dancer wondering…

avatar for Jzan123

I have been a dancer mostly in Detroit area for almost 10 years. I am also a frequent traveler as I travel about once a month but have never worked while I have traveled due to unknown circumstances. Where are back room agreements common as they are in Detroit. How do dancers really know the rules? Let me know maybe I’ll come visit your local club


last comment
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

As a customer, I don’t know for sure but if management won’t tell you if you’re in an extras club or not, maybe the other dancers will? You can also get some pretty good info from the reviews here.

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

That is exactly what I am trying to figure out. Management won’t discuss it and I don’t typically don’t talk much with girls in clubs to remain drama free

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

I don't know about anywhere else, but here in my town, the presence or absence of "back room agreements" are known of by virtually all the dancers. I'd almost suggest reading the reviews for your destination on TUSCL and other sites like USASG. If it's not explicitly stated in reviews (and it often is,despite this site's guidance on not outing dancers), there are usually enough hints. You could try DMing frequent reviewers in your destination area, but I suspect that would be more likely to result in a proposition than useful info.

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

I just know for comparison that I danced in North Carolina for a short period of my dancing career and as I knew extras did not exist or go on there

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

I’d rather be somewhere where I don’t have to worry about it. Example dearborn :)

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

I imagine if you're new at a club and don't know another dancer who can fill you in, you'll probably have to earn some level of trust before other dancers will let on that extras happen. Maybe. In the meantime you can probably get a sense from the customers you dance for as well. If they never ask about it, or frequently do, there's a clue, especially if you can determine they are regulars.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

I have travelled all over the country. Your working arrangements in Detroit ARE NOT common in most US clubs. There’s a club here, a club there but not like an entire city. There are places but it’s not common.



Providence RI

Some areas in NJ


Other members may chime in on areas as well.

avatar for TheElmerFudd
2 yrs ago

If you have a specific city or club in mind, you can also just research or ask here. We got the major cities and clubs covered pretty well.

avatar for TheElmerFudd
2 yrs ago

To add to shilynn's list: a few places in CT, up state NY, LA suburbs e.g. COI, Honolulu, Puerto Rico

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

Good to know it’s not like this everywhere

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Last time I was at Buck's Fort Worth a Cubana was very forward that they do anything in the back room sessions within my first hour working there after getting rehired 🤷🏼‍♀️ that was more than a year ago though.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

I'm confused Jzan. Are you looking for a place that allows extras or ones that does not. I think the guys here could definitely be of more help, but I think you need to be more direct about what you are seeking.

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

One that does. We should create a list.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Ok well extras are a thing just about everywhere if at least for takeout if not allowed in the club. If you are looking for places where it is common/accepted/nobody is gonna shame you for it I'd say a lot of texas and Florida for sure.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

scrub you better keep that asphergers in check.

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

I figured Florida and Texas based on what I have read. I just know it’s a felony in Texas even as much as I love shopping and hanging out in Houston

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

I spent 2 weeks in Fort Lauderdale in January and I wanted to go to a club but I was scared and I forgot about this site

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

I know some places that totally have common extras in private rooms but u will have to tip out the ass and definitely girls will be mean if they find out so I will just not mention most of those despite there being money. One such place is definitely Green Bay but like u will keep less than half ur money. Personally if I am fucking or whatever I would never be ok to keep like 400 out of 1000 FUCK that. Hell even for no "extra" effort involved that is just a shit cut. At most you would only keep 2/3 of room money for cheaper rooms with less privacy where extras r harder and the money is way way too low for all that only like 350 or 300 for an hour ur cut. If u want 1k u gotta sell like $2400. I fucking hate that club but it is a gold mine if ok with basically being pimped.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

^I will say my info could be outdated for Green Bay. This was in 2019

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

Well it sounds like my deal out here in dearborn isn’t so bad. Honestly I do very well here there is just the curiosity of other places.. bigger things. The big city effect

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

There is also Cabaret II in Gresham here with no camera in backroom heard u can def fuck there. Some chicks out here spread rumors that u gotta be skinny to get hired but that isn't true. I did get hired and came back a different day to work there but they sent me home cuz I was too lazy to put on makeup and I was very unfriendly to the illegals who were the only customers at that time. I've actually made a lot of money off of illegals and halfass know some broken Spanish so I don't discriminate, but those illegals there that day were too damn cheap with the tipping w/ any of the girls on shift for me to be friendly

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Idk maybe next time u travel take some extra days to try and work? Or just enjoy the break.

Sorry, I'm usually hard to follow with my retard ass and I'm also fucked up right now 😅

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

Even in recently experience I have had certain clubs try to charge me an absolute goldmine to work. That’s ok though they can convince younger girls to pay their fee. I’ll go elsewhere paying 10% what they want and actually make more 😂 the smaller clubs that treat their good gjrls well are the ones that do well long term

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"Management won’t discuss it and I don’t typically don’t talk much with girls in clubs to remain drama free"

There are dancers on TUSCL who have worked both in Texas and Florida. My suggestion is to send those dancers a private message on the site, and there are other dancer groups online they can refer you to.

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

Girl you should come to clubs in the outside of Detroit. Inkster and dearborn. Especially during Dayshift nobody gives a shit the gjrls work and mind their own business

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

I have also noticed that a lot of times it is the younger girls who don't seem to mind paying out the ass to work. The most I am ok paying long term is 1/3 of my money and for me keeping only 2/3 I damn well fucking expect easy sales and big spenders otherwise f it. I am in agreement less fees less rules is my jam. Not really into extras myself though, just a bit less of a cunt now lmao

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

Shai is not wrong either. Pre-2018 the activities in Detroit clubs were more open but now in the city of Detroit there are no fully private vip rooms

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

Blah blah I think they don’t mind paying it because they truly don’t know better

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

===> "One that does. We should create a list."

This comes up every so often, though usually it's a dude trying to compile a nationwide list of where he can get his dick wet. I don't think that there is a lot of appetite on here for outing specific clubs in a public forum. Not all of us are in areas where LE is as tolerant as they are in the Detroit suburbs.

Shailynn gave you a good starter list of areas, though I would modify L.A. to mean specifically City of Industry and Miami to also include Pompano Beach. You could also add Pasco County FL to the list. Since you have access to the reviews, it shouldn't be too difficult for you to compile your own list of target clubs. GMD is also right that USASG is a good resource in some areas as the dudes on that site are a lot more explicit. It may require a little effort on your part, but the information is out there. Also you should be able to identify regular reviewers of certain clubs and reach out to them for confirmation.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

I should also add re: Shailynn's list, I wouldn't be in a hurry to go to the NJ area right now if I were you. It's an expensive area to visit and the clubs are a shit show right now. They are losing affluent dudes hand over fist to states like TX, NC, SC and most notably FL.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

I’m in South Florida and just about every type is represented here, but it has gotten very expensive to live here, especially at this time of the year, if you don’t have accommodations in advance you’re going to pay extravagant prices for not so comfortable living

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

^truer words have never been spoken - the WPB Quality Inn, which is bogus, is $167 a night.

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

Usually I like to encourage strippers to come here (south Florida), but I can't do that in good conscience right now. Our clubs have been unseasonably slow since mid-Jan. The girls outnumber the guys often times. The roads are packed, but the clubs aren't.

I'm not saying stay away by any means. Just know that it isn't the typical winter down here where the whales are fat and money is just falling from the sky.

avatar for 3131
2 yrs ago

You are already in the damn near perfect place for extras dancing. Most anywhere you go will be disappointing from a club standpoint compared to what you have in Detroit.

But if you're set on trying..... I'd suggest the Spearmint Rhino in City of Industry. it's really just a warmer shithole city version of Detroit, with more people speaking Spanish.

avatar for 3131
2 yrs ago

And I'm now second guessing my decision to skip Cricket in my Detroit rotation. You look remarkably better than any dancer I've seen there in the past 3 years

avatar for chiefwiggum
2 yrs ago

You shouldn't have a problem in Houston (or Dallas for that matter). Even if the club isn't extras heavy like DET, a little discretion and a semi private booth goes a long way. Chicago is known as an extras desert, believe me, I've tried. But go outside the city and options improve. Of course, South Florida are much better choices. Maybe go to an area like Chicago or as my friends are telling me, Denver or Minneapolis, where extras are supposed to be more discreet and you can have market share.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Minneapolis def has extras- but they are discrete, girls will definitely bully her if they find out, and she will have to tip EXTRA for the troubles. I can't in good conscience tell her to go there. I also looked at her photos, and I can't in good conscience tell her to go to Denver because that is a skinny girl city honestly except for maybe 2 whole clubs in the that metro area, and one that nicespice iirc says doesn't even have a private area (tho that doesn't stop extras in many areas). Anyways, but if she is skinnier than I am assuming then yeah Denver is a goldmine. I had a good customer back in another state tell me he got to fuck a girl for a 15 min private room paid $500 for that. So if I was down with the program and IF the Denver cut is good, shit that is the place lmfao.

I have been told by a number of people on here about City of Industry. I don't think it is travel friendly unless ya wanna commit to being there a while cuz the employee status thing and scheduling isn't a joke there.

I know that Dallas/Fort Worth is extras city- idr how the cuts are though. In Dallas a lot of the clubs want some semblance of a schedule last I checked. Spanish-even halfass and broken would help anywhere in the whole states of TX/FL/Oklahoma/Cali/other areas honestly. Some Spanish speakers are not even looking for extras and are so very grateful that a non-hispanic girl they find cute is willing to try and talk to them in their language. I have heard Houston is extras city even in the so called "clean" St James. San Antonio/Austin got that shit too lol. Really the whole state of TX is extras state if at minimum extremely common takeout statewide if it isn't in the club.

I've heard Seattle is extras city, but she would need $180 license and probably something of a schedule and $180 house fees so nah.

I've heard about extras in most clubs in East St Louis.

I have also heard about a lot of extras in Rhode Island and New Jersey. I am not sure she should go to Jersey. I have heard they have an overabundance of ridiculously beautiful plastic surgery top to bottom Brazilians. I mean I still made money competing with that in Florida, but it is kinda rough sometimes competing with Cubanas/Colombians whatever that get openly fingered for $25.

avatar for Givemegothgirls
2 yrs ago

You should come to fort Myers lookers is basically a brothel and there’s lots of money

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

Wow I didn’t realize this was a place for girls to blast other gjrls calling them fat and ugly.. my god

avatar for longjohn81
2 yrs ago

@Jzan Dude don’t sweat that chick. 1. You’re a smoke show. 2. reading her comments, do you really think you’re talking a balanced, stable person? Lmao

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Blah wasn’t calling you fat. Denver is just especially about being skinny. And Denver sucks for traveling anyways because most clubs have picky standards and manager ego standards. And you need to have either a Colorado ID or a utility bill that proves you live there in most of the clubs.

And if you want to go to the travel friendly clubs, then you will be at a club where the possibility of getting date raped by one of the club owner’s friends on night shift is a real possibility…and be gaslighted by both staff and other girls if you complain, specifically because it’s a club that has more lenient body standards and managers who (despite allowing the owner’s friends to do their thing) otherwise will actually be respectful. OR you can be at a dive club full of Cubanas and management who will charge you whatever house fee they feel like despite what it says on paper. Or decide to fire you for any reason but for $50, you can work there again. It’s fine if you want to travel to Denver because you just want to be in Colorado and have fun and make some extra money, but I wouldn’t come here specifically for working.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

That is my most recent work photo out there that was taken a couple of weeks ago. I’m one of the bigger girls at my club without being a deliberate BBL type, and that club is one of the more lenient places to work. That’s what blah is referring to by skinny standards.

But yeah, extras in Texas should be no big deal. Nor in Florida. I remember one club around Tampa had a manager outright point out the room I can do extras at if I wanted to.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

Jessica, Blahblah is thick too, that was not a shot at you at all. And btw not of all us customers like super skinny girls, many of us are into busty girls with curves. Me personally I'm not about that anorexic life, I don't get it all.

avatar for whodey
2 yrs ago

Most of the better areas that are extras friendly like Florida, Texas and City of Inustry have already been mentioned. I had heard good things about wxtras being available in Minneapolis and Denver but from the sounds of it in this discussion it isn't a good deal for the girl financially.

I mostly club in the Midwest and extras aren't super common in most of the region. Detroit is definitely the epitome of extras for the Midwest. Louisville has a pretty good selection of extras friendly clubs but it isn't nearly as universal among clubs or even among specific dancers at the club as Detroit is. Lexington has a a limited amount of extras but not nearly as much as it used to. Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton and Indianapolis are virtually no go as far as extras in the club, but take-out can be had if you build a trusting relationship. Most of northeastern Ohio, especially Akron, are fairly open on extras but the talent level is pretty low. West Virginia is hit or miss on extras with them mainly being available in the smaller clubs in the smaller towns. Pennsylvania used to have some extras but I haven't club there since around 2018 so I don't know it that has changed. The east side of St Louis has extras that are almost as widely available as Detroit but can be a little iffy when it comes to safety.

In blahs defense I don't think she was trying to call you fat or insult you in any way. It is just that in some places they seem to only hire rail thin dancers and anyone thicker than a broomstick with curves that aren't made of silicone aren't hired for the clubs. Personally I tend to avoid those places.

avatar for JimGassagain
2 yrs ago

I’d eat spice like she was bacon!! Nice pic by the way.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Huh? I wasn't calling anyone fat here. I meant that some clubs still very highly prefer really thin girls, bonus points if the ribs show clearly. It is like nicespice is saying that denver is crazy from what I hear with preferring very thin girls. Nicespice is also teeny tiny so take that into account. We just don't want you to waste your time going somewhere for nothing.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Ok, I feel kinda bad that I made you feel that way. So I will post here again. To be very clear and forward, I think you are very pretty. Sorry that I came off the wrong way.

I only meant that you don't look super skinny/bone thin which is all the rage in weird places like Denver and a small number of clubs here n there all over the map.

Idk how I could even call you fat when I might well be a bigger girl than you, just saying LOL.

avatar for Jzan123
2 yrs ago

It’s all good honestly my bad for reading it wrong!

avatar for Pussylicker2
2 yrs ago

You can do whatever you want in the vip at several akron ohio bars.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

Jzan, I may be a frequent customer at certain extras clubs in northern NJ.

After seeing the photos you posted, I think you would do very well at those clubs. You have a cute look, you are buxom and you have some sweet curves - and with your ability to carry a discussion - I think you could make bank at any club you work.

There’s no fingering allowed in NJ clubs! What sort of uncultured perverts do you think we are Blah?! And $25 is a bit rich for my fingers…

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"There’s no fingering allowed in NJ clubs!"

This is obviously a joke so now let's go find the post it was responding to...

avatar for TheElmerFudd
2 yrs ago

You are adorable. Talent in the Northeast is spotty, and good looks and good social skills or even just being able to speak English fluently will make you stand out. I agree with Cashman I think you'll do well.

Just make sure you come back to Detroit ;)

avatar for Sammy63
1 yr ago

Jzan, There are a lot of clubs in Philly that are extras-friendly. As stunningly beautiful as you are, and being comfortable with extras, you could make a ton of money in Philly in no time.

Let me know if you decide to come here. I will come see you for dances, dances and dances.

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