Are You Such A PL That You Even Get Rejected By A Computer?
They never tell you what you need to know.
“AI Companion users are in crisis, reporting sudden sexual rejection”…
This may explain what happened to someone here, although it was a goat that rejected him, not a computer.
OK Computer.…
This may explain what happened to someone here, although it was a goat that rejected him, not a computer.
OK Computer.
Imagine being so pathetic you have to post on a strip club forum how you almost killed yourself because a crack whore hooker left you for another drug dealer, we all remember that one dougee, lulz!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m thinking that blow up sex doll is looking pretty good to some dudes right now….
A. The movie Surrogates…
B. The movie Blade Runner 2049…
Either way I hope I’m long gone by the time this happens. What makes me think it will be like that? Articles like this one I read on a weekly basis.