
Are You Such A PL That You Even Get Rejected By A Computer?

They never tell you what you need to know.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 6:16 PM
“AI Companion users are in crisis, reporting sudden sexual rejection” [view link] This may explain what happened to someone here, although it was a goat that rejected him, not a computer. OK Computer.


  • TheeOSU
    a year ago
    Regarding that certain someone, life rejected that creep.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    Another certain someone whose name rhymes with Dicey was rejected by a crack whore, so why not AI ?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    a year ago
    Imagine being so pathetic you have to coerce hookers. Or wait for the 1st and try to prey on broke stripper hoes
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    a year ago
    20fag you have a big mouth online and are good at hiding like a bitch irl
  • TheeOSU
    a year ago
    Imagine being so pathetic you have to spend 15k a month on a whore like you claimed when you first started posting as phatboi, remember that dougee?
  • TheeOSU
    a year ago
    More recent... Imagine being so pathetic you have to post on a strip club forum how you almost killed yourself because a crack whore hooker left you for another drug dealer, we all remember that one dougee, lulz!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    We’re running out of options here. Let’s circle back to those life like sex dolls
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    a year ago
    20fag lost 2 wives and his kids ignore him. He needs a waifu lmfao
  • Cashman1234
    a year ago
    Sexy chat bot versus blow up sex doll? I’m thinking that blow up sex doll is looking pretty good to some dudes right now….
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    Imagine being so broke and desperate as a country that you convince yourself that shutting down a hot chat bot is protecting someones data.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    I fear one day the world will be like: A. The movie Surrogates [view link] Or B. The movie Blade Runner 2049 [view link] Either way I hope I’m long gone by the time this happens. What makes me think it will be like that? Articles like this one I read on a weekly basis.
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    Yes, yes I do! Especially whenever I discuss economical issues and inflation trends. Big time rejection!! Lol…
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