Ron Jeremy - He's nuts.
Kamala, you're FIRED!…
"Adult film legend Ron Jeremy is suffering from "severe dementia" and will be declared incompetent to stand trial on multiple charges of rape later this month."
"Adult film legend Ron Jeremy is suffering from "severe dementia" and will be declared incompetent to stand trial on multiple charges of rape later this month."
He has been in porn since the scenes were shot on film - in Times Square! I think other male stars have moved to directing or other behind the camera roles, but he has continued to go for it in front of the camera. I’m guessing he’s not been living the healthiest of lives.
I suspect the real hedgehog Jeremy convinced a mentally disabled ape to take the fall for him. That is one clever hedgehog. I tip my hat to that lil bugger. ROAR!!!
But I doubt he has dementia. Medical experts will say whatever they're paid to say…
I’m sure most would agree that Rape is a serious despicable act and people found guilty of such an offense should receive long prison terms. It’s sad that so many victims never admit to being assaulted and carry the trauma inside for years or even a lifetime. I sincerely emphasize with Anyone that has been through such a violation.…