
She's a 9/10. Gorgeous slim body with perfect perky natural b cups. Firm high and proud ass. Beautiful eyes, pretty long brunette hair. On stage the only thing holding her back from perfection is a few too many tattoos that are a bit too large.
Then she smiles and her teeth are a crooked mess.
I realize the correct answer is "girl shouldn't be using her teeth for what I have in mind", but how much does bad teeth hold a girl back in your mind?
For me it took the 9.5 to a 8.5, and 9 is the threshold for "I'm buying VIP and won't complain if mileage is mid low.
last commentWell, chances are she’s in school to be a dental hygienist, so perhaps a discount on some orthodontics is in her future
I’ve had a couple dancers that I considered attractive enough for private, only to be turned off by bad breath. Man what a way to kill the mood. Both times it was one dance and on my way.
Most dancers have flaws. Some are better at hiding their imperfections. A lot of times an 7 with a wonderful personality is going to be more fun than a 10 with gps.
How bad? If they're yellowed and browned with a severe case of dragon breath, it's as much of a turnoff as body odor. I like my women to smell nice.
If they're just not ramrod-straight, it's a minus but not a deal killer.
Yeah, it depends on just how bad. I dated a girl that had a small gap in her teeth. It was actually kinda cute. But if the are all yellow or missing ? Does take away some of the appeal.
For me it's pretty-much about the body - it's rare I don't wanna get w/ a dancer who's bod I like b/c of the face/teeth/etc - although I do recall 2 different dancers over-the-years that had really bad teeth (both white American girls) - one wasn't my type regardless of her teeth; the other was my type (curvy slim-thick) and the teeth were a bit off-putting but I don't recall if affecting my dance much (this was 5+ years ago) although the teeth-thing was a bit-distracting - I guess the fact I'm not the type to sit and chat/hang w/ dancers too-much is why it may not be a bigger-deal for me personally.
If it’s not that bad, like a slight Buck tooth or soemwhat perfect something about that it’s actually a total turn on for me. Not too fucked up but enough. Like a bunny rabbit sort of look. Idk what it is it’s kind of sexy though. Strippers do NOT have to have perfect teeth for this game
I haven't rejected doing lap dances with a girl because of crooked teeth but have because of bad breath or body odor. Until I started going to strip clubs I kind of thought of extremely attractive women as being like some sort of goddess. After being with a lot of them I realize they are human just like the rest of us and can have things like bad breath or bad body odor.
Same as Warrior I went out with a really sexy girl who probably should have had braces and had a gap between her front teeth. She was so cute it was kind of endearing on her and probably put her in my league. Perfect teeth would have probably given her more confidence and model good looks and she might not have dated an average guy like me.
It depends on the nature of her teeth problem. If it's just crooked, as you say, that isn't a deal killer. If they're blackened, broken, or missing many, that is a deal killer.
I always look at the total package. I don’t have any dealbreaker criteria. If a girl is too ________ I’ll look elsewhere but there isn’t any one thing that’s a disqualifier. Perfection is impossible and the search for it can be fun as long as you don’t judge everyone against some unrealistic ideal.
Depends on where they are on the Shane MacGowan scale.
I think I posted about a dancer that had strange teeth in a Hustler review a few years back.
I still found her attractive. I recall what turned me off was her inflated attitude of herself which made her a one and done.
A messed up grill is a real turnoff for me. It can turn a pretty girl into a butterface pretty quickly for me.
I am also always a little saddened when I see it because it means that she didn't have anyone who could help her deal with it when she was a kid. Braces are expensive for sure, especially because insurance (including Medicaid) generally won't cover them unless they are deemed "medically necessary", which is almost never the case. But even still almost every orthodontics practice will let you pay them off over two-three years.
I will say that we are living in an era of good teeth. Reasonably priced whitening products and Invisalign has changed the game. There are a whole lot more perfect smiles out there.
This is why you would support universal health care.
I wouldn't hold her parents not being able to afford braces against her.
But I wouldn't date or fuck a girl with fucked up teeth
Two perfect posts, icee. No judgment against a girl’s background but you have standards. No mercy fucks given.
===> "Reasonably priced whitening products and Invisalign has changed the game."
Agreed. The problem though is that Invisalign only works on mild issues. When a grill is seriously fucked up, like teeth lining behind each other or the bite not aligning well, braces are the only fix.
“This is why you would support universal health care”
Full dental coverage is not typically provided in countries with UHC
whether it should or not is a medical debate as heart disease can be linked to poor dental health
^ Lots of severe infections (like endocarditis--infection of heart valves) start in the gums. You can also get dental abscesses that grow through the upper palate and infect the brain.
Our "universal" dental coverage for poor kids, Medicaid, is shit.
Full disclosure - my teeth ain’t great, so I’m not so critical lol.
My siblings look back with some resentment about our parents not getting braces for us, but it is what it is. They were great in other ways.
^I asked a dancer giving me a lap dance what traits in men turn her on. I was hoping she’d say something like, “Muscles and a big dick”, but she said, “nice teeth”. I knew she was putting me down so it was a real boner killer lol.
I know someone who is using Medicaid coverage for herself and her kids' dental needs and it's a mixed bag. The coverage for adults is very limited, but for kids it is more expansive. The biggest challenge around here is finding a reliable pediatric practice that accepts it.
But none of the dental plans that I have ever seen cover braces, which fall into the category of "cosmetic."
My oldest kid complains about her braces every time she goes for a routine tightening. I tell her that she may resent them now, but I'd be the one she resented 10 years from now if I sent her into the world with a messed up grill.
Ha ha - had to google Ishmael’s Shane McGown reference. The singer for the Pogues - who do a great (kind of) Christmas song - Fairy Tale of New York. His teeth are so bad they’re a dealbreaker for me.
Teeth is about much more than the external. Vitamin intake, diet, calcium, vitamin d, k2, etc all play a role. Weston price observed primitive cultures with perfect teeth
Where can you get the diamond or silver teeth grills?
lol icee, I don't believe that. Every guy (and girl) says I wouldn't do x with y then they go do x with y.
Either way this shit was never my problem. I never needed braces, and I am grateful cuz I don't think I woulda got them as a child if I did need them hahahaha!!! I could never hate on any adults that wear braces- it's the parents' fault if the kids didn't get braces and needed them. At least that is how I see it. I do think though that most of us that dance should be able to make more than enough money to fix teeth if it is a problem. If dancing isn't fast enough money to fix the teeth, then idk why the girl is even dancing in the first place.
My all-time favorite dancer had bad teeth. Her father became addicted to drugs when she was a child and deserted her and her mother. Lack of money and lack of parental attention led to poor dental care. Even though I'm a libertarian I would be for government subsidized medical care, including dental care, for children. It's not the fault of the children they are poor.
Would anyone turn her down because of her teeth? img.huffingtonpost.com
In Japan it's called Yaeba and considered a beauty feature. Not rotten or discolored, just crooked.
I gotta admit, I think it's pretty hot.
If you're into Japanese porn you'll see this on many of the female performers.
What about the girls with braces? Are you concerned about getting BJ's from them? I remember many years ago there was a dancer at my then favorite club that was young, cute and had a fantastic body but her teeth were a turn off for me and I turned her down for dances many times. A year later she had gotten her teeth fixed and wouldn't give me the time of day. I still regret that.
@shadow sounds like she's lacking in good hustle anyway. You don't seem like the type who'd turn dancers down in a rude way. A smart stripper rarely if ever wants her customers go get to know her. It just part of the job, that dancers and PLs are both (almost always) superficial with each other.
I admire people who get braces as adults, so I’m kind of attracted to the personality of women with braces.
It shows they can defer gratification for self improvement, which is a good trait. My sister was in her 30s when she got braces.
Here's another one: pics.dmm.co.jp
I also admire ladies who get braces as an adult. It's like when you're a kid you can't control if your parents don't have money for that, but I feel like as an adult that makes decent money you should have great teeth.
Tell your mom to get some braces for those snaggly-ass teeth of hers. She cut up my meat pretty bad last night.