
What happened to Islamic terrorism?

Friday, December 23, 2022 5:18 PM
For years the media and government whipped up hysteria about Islamic terrorism. Every time they wanted to get us involved in a middle east war it would seem a convenient Muslim terrorist attack would happen. At some point over the past decade it just seemed to gradually stop and now it no longer is even talked about. Even Iran, for years the "greatest threat to "our democracy"" is rarely mentioned when the media talks about the "greatest threats to "our democracy."" Muslims are now far behind Russia, China, Donald Trump, moms at school board meetings, and old ladies with miniature American flags walking through the Capitol as "threats to "our democracy"" according to the media and politicians. So what happened? Muslims just got tired of blowing things up, stealing airplanes, and killing civillians, and went back to their hookah pipes and fucking little boys? Or was the whole Muslim terrorism thing exaggerated purposely by the media or even coordinated by the CIA and shadowly forces in western intelligence or the global elite in the first place? When the media drops something that it used to work the public into a frenzy over and just moves on to the next thing, it should raise questions. Sadly, most sheep will not even notice and even "get mad" and call insult names at those of us who point it out. Just food for thought.


  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    "So what happened? Muslims just got tired of blowing things up, stealing airplanes, and killing civillians...?" Once they were down to killing civilians that no one in their advertising demo cared about, the news stopped reporting it. There's only so many news cycles and western society likes to hear about their niceties. "Or was the whole Muslim terrorism thing exaggerated purposely by the media or even coordinated by the CIA and shadowly forces in western intelligence or the global elite in the first place?" The next time your society gets 2 or 3 generations of its men decimated see how much fight you'd have. Wait til the young ones grow up who are too young to remember the occupation, then you'll get your wish.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    Merry Christmas Dave. Or happy Chanukah. Or happy whatever holiday they celebrate on your home planet.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It was an exaggerated threat. So-called Islamic terrorism is just guerilla warfare against western puppet regimes and the west. The real problem in the US is domestic right wing terrorism
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    The monkeys called Islamic terrorists saw what Biden was doing to the world and realized they could never, ever fuck it up like he has and they retired. Well two are Democrats in Congress, but the rest retired.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee Youre true that it was exaggerated for political purposes. Your second statement isnt correct. Not all examples of Islamic terrorism or otjer terrorism are guerrilla warfare. Yoi can make the guerrilla warfare argument if someone is in a war attacking a soldier, that argument doesnt work if a civilian is attacked. Your argument is worse than a conspiracy theorists because there are for example conspiracies about how some of these terrorist attacks are Israel or false flags or etc. but youre claiming attacking civilians is guerrilla warfare? Laughable... And no considerating BLM counts as left wing, right now left wing terrorism Is more destructive than right wing terrorism. Both are bad, but if you’re comparing which is causing more deaths and damage that would be left wing terrorism. Blm has killed more people and damaged more property in the last 10 years than the kkk and trumpers have in the last 30 years.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    So the pedophile changed names to moneyman. What an anal fissure.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    HEY dave...... clear that flea off your screen, dumbass!
  • dha
    2 years ago
    It went away with BLM, defunding police, #metoo, hunters laptop, border walls, supporting veterans, enforced social justice, eliminating iran funding, and covid. Thanks to brain dead Biden.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    A justification is always needed for continuing to spend high amounts on the military-industrial complex. What is done is taking a foreign threat and exaggerating how dangerous it is. For many years the Soviet Union filled that role. When it collapsed, a replacement was needed. Radical Islam was the replacement. When there were no more major terrorist attacks for twenty years after 9/11 it became difficult to portray radical Islam as a major threat, so Putin was picked as a replacement. If Putin is gone someday there will be another replacement dangerous menace, probably China. It's mostly about preventing cuts to defense spending. The new defense budget just passed is a 10% increase over last year. This is in a time when the federal government is running trillion-dollar yearly deficits and the national debt is over thirty trillion dollars.
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    You mostly answered your own question. There was a pandemic that locked down international travel making terrorist movements and activities more challenging. Russia invaded Ukraine. The US pulling out of Afghanistan means we aren't as high on the priority list.
  • iknowbetter
    2 years ago
    The threat still exists. It might not currently be front page news, but it’s still there, and we need to remain vigilant.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Wallanon what do you mean here are you referring to people living in Muslim countries? “The next time your society gets 2 or 3 generations of its men decimated see how much fight you'd have. Wait til the young ones grow up who are too young to remember the occupation, then you'll get your wish.”
  • bang69
    2 years ago
    The issue here is not Islamic [view link]’s Joe Biden and the Libtards.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    They killed a lot of the big names, froze assets, broke up the big organizations.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The real threat is domestic right wing terrorism
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Lol im not sure about that icee, the people saying that completely deny the existence of left wing terrorism which is very odd. You can debate which is a worse threat but to deny the existence of left wing terrorism entriely shows your source is biased. The people yoire quoting literally believe the N word is terrorism but blowing up buildings is a peaceful protest
  • crazyjoe
    2 years ago
    I dumped a load on all da terrorizerz. Dey got scared of da Mackie! Your welcome. Mackie saved da day!!!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    If beating cops, to the point that many had injuries that will never fully heal, is old ladies walking through the Capitol, then Islamic Terrorism is just old ladies wearing hijabs. Unfortunately it took nearly three thousand people dying on US soil for the US government to stop being completely stupid about heeding warnings: [view link]
  • RandomName111
    a year ago
    Iknowbetter nailed it. It still exists, it’s still a major threat. However, with a potential world war looming due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Turkey preparing to invade Syria, a global pandemic with new variants every few months, etc the media in the US has moved onto more important topics. Much of the threat to the west has been reduced and it’s taken the fight out of some groups entirely. Give it time, they will rebuild and catch headlines again at some point, but the media has moved on to other things.
  • gSteph
    a year ago
    Still there, inside your head
  • Studme53
    a year ago
    Times Square NYC last night
  • orionsmith
    a year ago
    Al Quadra and ISIS fighters are still busy but the US is likely paying third parties to pay whatever mercenaries want to fight Russia for money. So they are busy. They just have more of a regular job now I heard online. You can trust our US government to never skew an election or do any other sneaky tactics. Just being sarcastic. I know some out there don’t understand sarcasm. We live in a country where only the richest people get elected to the highest offices of this government and many of them see no issues with lying and pulling the wool over ordinary Americans. Insider trading, no way , make that illegal unless you’re married to Pelosi. Pay a third party for biological labs in Ukraine? The US did not directly fund the labs. Nothing sneaky there. US can claim they didn’t fund the lab. I do believe Putin can be compared to Hitler and has committed great evil invading Ukraine. Apparently he doesn’t believe in an afterlife. He must believe he is a great emperor ruling over a Russian Empire when he’s really just a temporary human ruler that is destroying the country he is in control of inflicting massive suffering to millions of people all for whatever reason he chose.
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