Do Not Spend Money!!! - Jeff Bezos

avatar for shailynn
If you read about the economy it seems to be going up and down everyday for more reasons that I could list. Everyone with a crystal ball says a huge recession is coming.


A report came out that this was the biggest Black Friday in regards to sales ever. I mistakenly drove by a mall at 6pm on Friday and got into a traffic jam because I totally forgot about Black Friday still being a “thing” in physical retail stores.

Still, the one thing that sticks in my head is a Jeff Bezos quote this week where he says people shouldn’t buy a new car, or don’t buy that new TV, because who knows what around the corner will bring in the coming months, and why do you need to put that burden of expense on yourself with uncertain times ahead.

I don’t recall ever hearing news about him making a statement about the economy, and I find it really odd a guy who probably banks on Black Friday for his company making a statement like this days before Black Friday.

Most of us have read how stocks for many tech companies who really kicked ass during the pandemic (Amazon included) are getting their asses kicked right now. Does this guy know something we don’t, or is it just purely speculation?


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avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
He's right. The gov is ignoring inflation and covid. It's not going to get better. The give only concern is the proxy war against Russia and the zelensky regime.
avatar for captainfun
2 years ago
Many are predicting tightening times a coming. Some well publicized lay offs and a lot less venture capital funding available for start ups. Not hearing about many layoffs from well established companies however. Everyone has less in their investment accounts than they did a year ago however that mostly applies to those that were comfortable enough to save.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
I agree, it is odd that Bezos would say something like that, days before black friday.
avatar for Goodclubrep
2 years ago
@Captain, some are fortunate enough to have a funded retirement account but still can not afford to add to it. Many others can only add enough to max out a match amount. Values of these accounts not withstanding, all walks have lost value. Shouldn't assume a person with any type of "investment account" is even swerving near "well off".
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Biggest black Friday means revenue dollars. Revenue dollars are tied directly into inflation. What we would need is a metric to define value or percentage of budget to measure YOY spending habits. There was also significant lack of doorbusters and major sales, so even if people bought the exact same things last year, we would see a huge revenue jump.

I saw a headline that the rich dad/poor dad author was advising people to put the liquidity into gold, silver, and crypto, and to get out of stocks, bonds, and funds. It is good advice, in a time of high inflation and great recession risk, to purchase commodities most likely to increase in value faster than you can expect interest to accumulate in your liquid bank accounts. If you don't believe me, look at all the former retirees who are taking jobs at the supermarkets to supplement their pensions and 401(k)s. the demographics of the employees at the Publixes around me have aged 50-60 since 2021. Let's go Brandon!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Capitalist greed will be the nail in capitalisms coffin
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
Bezos can go fuck himself with his advice up his ass. I do what I want, this is America not some shithole country where you're not free.
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
Blah, I’m with you I try to and usually do avoid Amazon as much as I can. The bigger question is why is someone who makes money off of sales trying to talk us out of spending money? That’s like someone going to your club and you lecturing them about how lapdances are a waste of money. I’m trying to understand his reasoning behind it. Asshole or not, he’s a pretty smart guy.
avatar for Thick-5-Incher
2 years ago
"Asshole or not, he’s a pretty smart guy"

Bezos is a REALLY smart guy, and a lifelong Democrat, too. We're fortunate to have him on my side, the Mighty Dems.

He bought the Washington Post for the singular reason of kicking Beijing Donnie out of the White House like a piece of shit, and he succeeded wildly on that.

BOTTOM LINE = don't fuck with a fabulously wealthy Democrat alpha like Bezos cuz he'll send your Trumper ass right down the toilet
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"don't fuck with a fabulously wealthy Democrat alpha"

Lol, alpha? Is he a wolf or something?

We can still see you're liking your own posts, which is extremely not alpha.

Trucidos aka VH kicks aka Yabba Jabba aka TXTittyFag. aka jonathan999 aka caesarsghost aka 5 incher working on his 8th block from this site.
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
So I shouldn't buy that new 7th generation Mustang when they come out in the summer of 2023?
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