Tijuana Prices

avatar for OPIllini96
Wrote an article about how much the cost of mongering in TJ has increased:


Let me know what you think.


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avatar for PutaTester
2 years ago
Good article. Appreciate your taking the time to write it. Being a frequent flyer, I was aware (and have voiced similar complaints myself). Likely most frequent flyers agree and are already aware of the situation. For those who indulge occasionally, it is good information.

You did leave out the clubs and the hotels are also raising prices. Fichas are now $10 plus tip as opposed to $8 or $9, depending on which club you go to. Short term rooms at Cascadas and Rizo (owned by the same people) are now $30, up from $15. And being forced to buy a bucket if the girl is in your room for an hour or more really sucks.

I have been voting with my dollars by entertaining putas in my room in downtown hotels, like Ticuan and Caesars. I book a room in Rizo when I am on hunting trips and then invite street girls or girls from other clubs when they are off shift to my room for sessions.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
I definitely do not like the price creep but it's still cheaper overall than in the US.
avatar for TJ Walker
TJ Walker
2 years ago
Prices have doubled. I used to spend 12k/yr but this year it's 24k. May be I should cut back from 90min sessions to just 30min sessions.
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