
Dancer Blur ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 4:09 AM
As I've often posted; I'm a variety-PL and during a visit I prefer to be w/ as many different-dancers as I can and that are my type - I also don't like repeating w/ the same dancer(s) on subsequent-visits even if I enjoyed my previous-visit w/ them (I get more excited w.r.t. experiencing a new-dancer vs a dancer I've already been with; but if it's been a while since I've been w/ them I'll usually repeat with them but still won't be as exciting as the first-time).

It used to be that I could recall in my mind (when sitting at home) how dancers that I liked in the past looked - but after so many visits and so many different dancers it started to become a blur where these days I can barely remember how those dancers looked (even if I had great times w/ them) although I can recall others aspects of the club and can even recall what we did; I just can't recall the details of how they looked.

How bout you? Can you recall-well dancers that you liked in the past (in terms of how they looked and the specific aspect of their physical-appearance that you liked)?


  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    Of course not. Just too many. It gets worse as you get older. :)
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Can you imagine if Picasso were to do stripper portraits.
  • EastCoaster
    2 years ago
    Like Papi Chulo, I'm a variety-PL. I certainly don't remember all the dancers I've met, but I definitely remember quite a few with surprising detail. All my life I have had a photographic memory, which helps a lot when it comes to dancers. Having said that, it doesn't work very well in the dark, which is one of the reasons I like VIP/LD areas that have decent lighting. 😁
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    I can remember the names and appearance but only if I've done lap dances with them three or four times. I once wrote down the names of all the dancers I remember meeting and it was 26. That sounds like a lot, but I have been visiting strip clubs every week for a decade. That's over 500 visits. There are probably 200 girls I've spent time with where I don't remember their name or what they looked like. Sometimes a girl will tell me she did lap dances with me before and I don't remember it.

    Sometimes a strange girl in a strip club will approach me and then, after a few seconds, I remember her. Two weeks ago a smiling girl walked up to me in a strip club and asked me if I remembered her. I looked at her a few seconds and then the name "Chloe" popped into my head. I had done lap dances with her about five times three years ago. She left and has now decided to come back. It's not usual for them to be gone that long and then come back but when they do I'm happy to see them.

  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    Yeah sometimes I have trouble recalling the face. I can remember she was hot, but I can't paint that picture in my head.
  • RTP
    2 years ago
    I really can't remember dancers and I am really bad with stripper names. However, I am often talking to a dancer and she will mention something about where she grew up and it will come back to me. So I am good at remembering certain details, but not so great at faces and names.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    When I set up an OTC date with a girl, I always want her to send me a couple of photos of herself. One reason is that I like to look at pics of pretty girls. The other reason is so I will recognize the girl when she walks up to me for the OTC.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    I tend to remember faces, especially if it's a girl who I was motivated enough to sit with for a while, tip her barside and perhaps make an OTC offer. Now of course the faces fade after a while if I haven't seen them for some time, but if it was recent I will usually remember her.

    Names OTOH Fuhgeddaboudit. Unless she has really done something to make a lasting impression, I can't be bothered to remember her stage name, or her "real" fake name, or her "real real" name or whatever. That's why I use generic names like "honey' and "sweetie" when I deal with most of these girls.
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    it is embarrassing to forget which girls I’ve had before or even approached before... but it is a wonderful blur.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    I can remember the ones I liked. But if I couldn't remember them, how would I know?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    I do pretty well at remembering most dancers and my experience with them, even if I've only done more than 1 or 2 dances with her. I have a pretty good long-term memory (at least for now...). This is particularly useful when it comes to very hot dancers that (for whatever reason) I didn't enjoy spending time with. Names I'll occasionally get wrong, but half the time that's because they change their stage name.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    I recall their look and the dances, but I universally suck at recalling names. My CF has now told me her real name 9 times and I am not sure I recall it now.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    In most clubs, there´s under five dancers whose dances are worthwhile to me. Not enough to blur. And unfortunately, if you get a lot of dances from some dancers, they get lazy and just start blabbing at you.
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    I think the thing about female beauty is ironically the more attractive someone is the more forgettable. In general we find the most average faces the most attractive; the hypothesis is our brain likes to be lazy.

    Breast size and shape definitely varies a lot. But end of the day if you're making a spreadsheet it would end up with a bunch of A B C and D cups with some implants mixed in. And we know Papi likes the thick asses and while I love a nice ass, I feel like they blend together even more than tits.

    So when it comes to memories it's gonna be the weird ones that stick out and often over time the details fade.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I haven't forgotten any of them. But when I go to a club nowadays I very rarely find anyone worth my time
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    >> I haven't forgotten any of them. But when I go to a club nowadays I very rarely find anyone worth my time<<

    “They’re on to me, every dancer I approach runs to get a manager to throw me out”
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ what’s more delusional than an Iceefag post ?
    Can’t think of anything.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    I can recall most of my favorites over the years and likewise the liars/robs.
    It's mainly the ones in between that I've forgotten about.
  • caseyx
    2 years ago
    I have pretty good recall for names and faces in general. I can easily recall names and appearance of girls I danced with ten or fifteen years ago. Not so much the one and dones but if I danced with her multiple times then yes.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    I went to my first strip club at 17 and the last time I went to one was yesterday. I will be 65 in 2 weeks. How could U recall many or any of them after 47 years, but I recall some. I know that the bonsai stripper I danced with last night will be a deathbed memory.
  • gSteph
    2 years ago
    I always jot down a few notes (and/or do a review) on the dancer/dances I had after a visit. Specifically so I can remember the pleasures of such. Should be fun reading in my old age.

    Just a few details to help me remember her and the fun of our few minutes.

    'Course I partake less than many on here so it's much easier to not lose the memories to the blur.
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