
Why do strippers post so many sideways pictures?

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
I mean, if you didn't already know you're a punk if you buy an iPhone not an Android, doesn't the apparent inability to rotate convince you? Or is the post-Boomer multitasking uber-brain able to perceive rotated pictures as well as unrotated ones? I mean, you'd think us Boomers would be able to handle it better, since the villains' lairs were always kinda sideways in the old Adam West Batman TV show.


  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Never owned an Apple product in my life and never will. Fuck Apple.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    They do it to accentuate curves
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    It's a combination of problems. Apple uses the image metadata to specify the orientation of the picture, the actual image is always taken with a fixed orientation where the top of left of the image is the top left of the sensor. If you're holding the camera sideways, it just notes that in the metadata. When shared within the apple ecosystem, it's pretty good about keeping that metadata and displaying it properly. The problem comes in when you step out of that ecosystem, not all applications read that metadata and many sharing platforms will strip the metadata for the sake of privacy since it can have stuff in there like the precise location the photo was taken and whatnot. Some are clever enough to modify the image or recreate the orientation metadata, others are not.

    It's not just an iOS/Android thing, it happens in other scenarios too. I forget the details, but some camera company and a photo editing company had a little public dispute about differing interpretations of some of the values a while back. The result was the same, when working with the picture on the camera or the software it came with, it was fine, but if you used the competing companies software for post processing it would be upside down or something.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ I always thought they just lived in a sideways environment
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    Need specific examples
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago

    style="transform: rotate(90deg);"

    <img src="https://tuscl.net/photos/62e2ebe02a7a4" style="transform: rotate(90deg);">

    Not just a slut uniform, an Action Uniform, or Orgy Uniform. Far better than what you would typically find in strip clubs.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago

    style="transform: rotate(90deg);"

    Not just a slut uniform, an Action Uniform, or Orgy Uniform. Far better than what you would typically find in strip clubs.

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