
Lebron James - Dumbass

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
I haven’t really followed the story much about the Phoenix Suns owner Robert Sarver, but I did read what LeBron had to say.

Once again, Lebron proves what a hyprocrit he is. He says

“I love this league and I deeply respect our leadership. But this isn’t right. There is no place for misogyny, sexism, and racism in any work place”

He says that as his 15 teammates blast rap music in the locker room filled with blatantly misogynistic, sexist and racist lyrics


  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    LeBron has been making dumbass comments for quite awhile.

    This is one of his lesser displays of stupidity.

    He’s pointed fingers - in the name of police violence - and in the name of China - that were obviously short sighted and uninformed - or just wrong.

    I know he wants a voice beyond basketball, but he’s not proving to be an intelligent and informed voice.

    Maybe it’s time to retire and fade into obscurity?
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    I'm from NE Ohio same as him and I say FUCK lebron!
    I don't have time to get into everything about him so I'll leave it at that.

    FUCK lebron!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    How is opposing misogyny sexuam and racism on the work place bad?
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    LeBron moving to LA said he wants to build a legacy beyond basketball.

    His forays into civil rights include attacking a cop who stopped a girl from knifing another, and aforementioned falling into line with the rest of the NBA sucking Chinese communist party cock.

    He could be worse; he could be Colin Kaepernick who discovered social justice after losing his job to Blaine f'n Gabbert.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Basically you're just saying misogyny racism and sexism are good coz you practice them. So anyone speaking out against it is bad.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee , Lebron doesnt oppose racism in the workplace. He supports it. He believes people of some races should be treated better in the workplace than people of other races. That is racism.

    He might not be misogynistic or sexist. I haven’t read enough of things he’s said. But he’s clearly said racist things before or made racist implications.

    He also believes people should be able to attack cops who are there just to arrest them. Look at his comments and many nba players/coaches opinion on the jacob blake case. Blake was trespassing, going to his ex girlfriends house when he wasn’t allowed to be there.
    Cops showed up to arrest him. He wrestled them, had a knife in his hand, and walked over to his car and leaned under the car seat (clear implication he’s reaching for a weapon). Lebron and many nba players response to the situation was anger that jacob blake wasn’t allowed to attack the cop who was there to arrest him.
    Lebron felt the cop had to allow jacob blake to stab him before attacking blake. Blake wrestling, wielding a knife, refusing to be arrested and leaning under a carseat wasn’t enough, for lebron.

    So even if he’s not misogynistic or sexist, he’s clearly racist, and anti cop, and immoral. You don’t need to be racist or sexist to be evil or immoral.
    Making stereotypes, generalizations, and thinking its okay to attack people because of their career paths, religious views or political views is still basically just as wrong as racial or sexist violence. Lebrons the equivalent of the mass shooters who think it’s okay to attack random, innocent students because one or some students engaged in immoral behavior. He just replaced students with cops.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago

    Hey dougee, spread your cheeks for your hero bronee, he's cumming home Lulz!
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ Pretty rich for the woman beating, manipulating, lying, drug addicting, thieving Pimpy to talk misogyny and sexism. And racism for that matter, until he goes into Club Blaze and calls everyone there his "nigga."

  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Also its odd to only call out misogyny in the modern world. There could be just as many women hating men as there are men hating women. Even if there’s an imbalance in one direction, it doesn’t justify only calling out one but not the other. Just like you cant call out white on black violence then ignore black on white violence, vice versa.
    Especially with all your promoting of dancers being allowed to scam and rob tricks icee, you cant be serious calling out misogyny.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Making shit up about me doesn't change the fact that you're a bigot calling someone stupid for being against racism sexism and misogyny
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ Nothing made up about you, Pimpy. All documented.

    I'm calling him stupid because he's chronically wrong in all his jumps to conclusions.

    Kind of like you.

  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    The funny thing about this thread is that if it was in praise and support of lebron, iceydougee would be taking the opposite viewpoint lulz
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Robert Sarver is a very wealthy man who has gotten away with what ever he has wanted for a very long time. In an investigation by the NBA that has gone on for almost a year, they have found he has made sexist and racist comments in his own workplace, apparently NOT in or around the NBA or WNBA franchises that he is involved with (at least that’s the way it sounded in a few articles I read).

    When confronted by the NBA about these discoveries he was rather flippant about it instead of apologetic. An example, the NBA said “hey man you’re out here using the N work you can’t be doing that,” and he fired back “I’m only repeating what other people said.” IMO he kinda backed the NBA into the corner where they had to do something. They did, and fined him $10 million and banned him from the NBA and WNBA for a year. He is pissed. Many wonder if he’ll be so pissed as to sell his share of the teams, but guys like that want to be in the spotlight and you can’t be there if you sell your shares.

    Let’s face it, it’s 2022 and there’s a lot of shit you just can’t say in the workplace today that you could get away with a decade ago even though it was wrong then as it is today. Because he’s so powerful he’s pretty arrogant to think it’s okay for someone in his position to do that. LeBron and several other players (including well respected Chris Paul of the Suns) voiced their displeasure in the verdict and think it should be more severe.

    I think the NBA didn’t want another Don Sterling situation to unfold. Don was a special kind of idiot and doubled down on his long history of racist remarks when confronted by the NBA, he left them with no other choice.

    Right or wrong I agree LeBron is usually quick to make a statement on just about any issue he thinks he needs to be a part of and a lot of times he fails miserably when he makes a “statement.”

    As for the punishment of Robert Sarver, I have no idea what would be fair, what I’ve read so far hasn’t shed much light on the situation for me. Look ar Dan Snyder of the Commanders, he’s been accused of a ton of misconduct and little to nothing has happened to him.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    Icee, you’re missing the point badly.

    I’m not supporting any of those things. Lebron is being hypocritical in his criticism. Go back and reread my posts.

    Or listen to some current music to understand my point

    I’m not supporting Sarver - get it?
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    ^ can’t wait to hear Icees reasoning to defending this.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    You're a bigot trying to say his position against bigotry js invalid coz they play rap music in the locker room and you can hear where lyric.... that's not a strong position
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ThatX guy is a bigger douchebag than Icee and SJG combined. I notice LeBron is a huge fan of the rapist Kobe Bryant, who would have people pissing on his grave if he were white. LeBron hates people who say things and loves rapists. Every progressive. XGUY - fuck you bitch.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Skibitch thinks he's not racist coz his wife likes black dick
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    LeBron not as good as Jordan.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    You can't compare 2 different eras. It's a different game now. Jordan wouldn't be sho he is today. And lebron wouldn't make it back then.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee lebron is a racist.
    That was literally in the last year that a few organizations redefined the meaning of racism to mean only situations where a majority group oppresses a minority group or a group with power abuses a group without a power.

    People who believe in the first definition laughably look at examples of blacks abusing whites and say “its not racist but it is prejudiced” as if that makes it any different or better. That definition is in itself racist because it implies only the majority race in a country can be racist.

  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    The other definition is nonsense because theres rich and powerful black people and poor and weak white people. So the second definition doesnt support the narrative that only one or particular races can be racist.

    Lebron admitted in an interview that he hated white people in highschool and when he was younger.
    He claimed he resolved that hatred and doesnt have an issue with them now.
    Maybe he did resolve his particular hatred of them. But he is still a racial supremacist. Look at his comments on ahmaud arbery and jacob blake. He clearly believes some races shouldnt have to follow the law and should be allowed to attack cops
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Also winning championships isn’t relevant to how good an individual player is
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Jordan would be just as great. Charles Oakley would have taken LeBron's head off 12 years ago. Icee I hope everyone near and dear to you gets pancreatic cancer and you watch them die.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    Lebron is too fucking stupid to be the GOAT, and so ugly he can't even be SJG's bottom goat
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    ^ 2 of the funniest comments today!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Calling lebron a bad player coz he opposes bigotry and you're bigots 🤡
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Talent isn’t intelligence LeBron would do himself a world of good if he just shut his piehole and kept his opinions to himself, but he’s got a billion dollars he probably doesn’t give a flying fuck.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    The NBA is un-American. As a matter of fact, it would be truthful to describe the NBA as anti-American.

    No disciplinarary actions at all for protesting the Star Spangled Banner.

    No repercussions for claiming that President Trump was illegitimate, a Russian puppet, and other vile lies.

    No consequences for spreading lies from BLM, ANTIFA, ACAB, "Defund", and "Abolish [ICE][prisons][the justice system]" movements.

    However, if one little GM tweets support for pro-democracy Hong Kong demonstrators, all of professional basketball comes down on him and attacks him for having an opinion which might decrease the amount of Yuan they can rake in.

    The NBA is anti-American. Therefore, belonging to the NBA is anti-American. Ergo, supporting the NBA is anti-American. Personally, I've never been happier about not giving a fuck about professional sports. It's in the news, so I absorb via pop-culture osmosis and just sit back and laugh at people who think it all means something.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    I care what Lebron says about as much as I care what Icey says. Just because Icey posts here, do I leave TUSCL ? Heck NO. Just because Lebron says stupid things, do I stop enjoying watching basketball ? If course not.

    Do I support any of the public positions that the current NBA commission has ? Not really. I'm still a fan of the game. But I do enjoy college basketball more. Probably because my team is DAMN good.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    Sorry, Warrior, but grown men who follow college and high school sports are -to me- even sadder than those who follow pro sports. Especially if you did not go to that school or have a child actively participating. It's a common thing in the south, which blows my mind. The NCAA is a criminal racqueteering organization. It should be completely not-for-profit and exist solely to facilitate intramural sporting events.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    ^ Offense taken. But I follow the school I went to.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    When the second round of fantasy basketball draft came around, I had to choose between Lebron James and Kevin Porter. Since Lebron is an overrated asshole and stupider than Joe Biden, I chose Porter despite being injured. Win, win. Porter played in only two games before surgery, LeBron had his second-best year ever, and I won my league with the stupid fuck. God has a sense of humnor. The best player in this black racist enterprise is White. Thank you Nocola Jokic.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Skibitch. Is lebrons dick your wife's fantasy?

    It's crazy how worked up bigots get when anyone.mentions social justice
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    It's crazy how worked up troll Iceydodo gets about anything posted. 10,000+ posts in less than 2 years is autistic as fuck. 🤭🤡😂
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee you used to call skibum a white supremacist, racist etc then when he said he would be okay with his wife being with black guys you switched over to him being a cuckold. So theres no way to win icee, in your mind if theyre not racist they become cuckolds or trolls or something else
    I think youve made up words and terms for every user on this site. Nobody can match your perfect morals icee, which includes beliefs like doing the least for the most amount of money, being a hustler, playing tricks, robbing tricks, etc
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    I'll say it again...

    The point of Iceydodo's existence here is to elevate herself above others. She does this through straight up bragging, aggrandizing and embellishing debacles with stripper whores, denigrating others that pay sex workers, and passive aggressively playing the victim of trolling. Just look at any thread that she posts in and the examples supporting this are numerous. It's predictable.

    And the core reason she's doing this is because of her own inner guilt and self loathing of using and abusing desperate junkie stripper whores. Deep down she knows this but she doesn't want to face it. So what does she do? She finds targets to blame for their faults and again elevate herself above them. And somehow through this she feels better about her pathetic self.

    Again it's evident in nearly all her posts and the pattern is there in every thread.
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