
Goodbye Illinois

January 1st.

Well that's just fucking stupid. I would enjoy everything the state has to offer while you still can. Emptying out your jails entirely may not be the best idea, just a wild guess.


  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    Illinois, outside of Chicago, is actually a pretty conservative state. The problem is that Chicago is so big it tilts the state to the left. The same is true of Michigan and Detroit. I'm fortunate to live in Indiana where Indianapolis is not quite big enough to do that. Usually, the three most leftist cities in a state are the cities with the most government workers, most college students and most black people. Here in Indiana that's Indianapolis, Bloomington and Gary.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    I think it’s just designed so that if you would ordinarily be eligible for bail, you are out until trial. If you wouldn’t be eligible, you stay in jail until trial.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    @jimmy: Yes. Put another way, you can't buy you way out of jail now. Still another way to look at it is that Illinois will be Max Max Beyond Thunderdome by Christmas.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Buy a gun. Shoot anyone who approaches you......
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    A more objective description: https://www.jlawgroup.com/blog/2021/nove… .

    I agree with Jimmy, bail makes no sense. Unless you're relatively well off, you're going to pay 10% of the bail for a bail bond. That money's gone, whether you skip out on the charges or not. So, it's just double talk, bail provides no incentive for people to not skip in most cases.

    If there's probable cause to believe you will commit crimes if you are released, you're supposed to be denied bail and remanded to jail till trial. It's a blatant lie that bail is the way to keep people safe. It only means your safe from broke people. Do you think someone like John Gotti couldn't make (any) bail? If you swallow this bullshit, you may as sell tattoo "shit for brains" on you forehead. If you wanna say dangerous people aren't being remanded, fine, lets hear the evidence. But when people choose to give you bullshit rather than evidence, it means they don't have any evidence.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    Essentially this already been going on in Chicago already under Kim Foxx and they want to make it the law of the land for the rest of the state. But hey this bullshit has been working out real well in Chicago the last few years. Again these guys talk a big game but at the end of the day the proof is always in the pudding. Show me the results don't tell me, show me. Because what I see is one fucked up city that ain't getting any better. I don't want about to hear what your race studies professor told you, I want to see little girls NOT get shot dead streets, that would be a start.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    The SAFE-T Act ( another liberal lie) will make already dangerous Illinois even more dangerous for honest citizens. Since violent criminals will be rewarded for fleeing law enforcement, people in neighboring Wisconsin and Indiana can expect increases in violent crime, as well.
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    The main thing this will do is put every bail bondsman in Illinois out of business. It may let a few broke people out of jail but when letting someone out of jail before the trial should it really matter if they are broke or rich? I just hope this causes judges to deny pretrial release more often so that the people they used to set a higher bail for stay in jail instead of buying their way out. If there is a reasonable chance that the defendant will either flee or commit another crime they should have never been given the option of bail to begin with. Why should the ability to pay $X make them safer to release.

    What we need everywhere are judges who are willing to keep people they think are likely to commit another crime locked up instead of even considering giving them bail no matter how high. Of course, with Chicago judges they'll probably just release everyone pretrial instead.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    You’re assuming that these judges have time to evaluate everyone who comes before the bench, my bet is the average arraignment lasts a whopping 15 minutes, and it’s anyones guess how many arraignments any given judge handles as a daily caseload.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    Even if this law ONLY eliminated cash bail, it would still be bad- just not as bad. Here's what it really does:
    If someone violates house arrest, the police cannot pursue them before 48 hours have elapsed. They could literally drive to Alaska in that time.
    If someone trespasses your business or HOME (yes, your HOUSE with your FAMILY inside), the police cannot remove them. You must determine how may lawfully remove them - no, you are not allowed to shoot, attack, or even threaten them. I can march into your home, grab a beer from the fridge, and plop down on your sofa, and you can do nothing more than alert the media.
    "the legislation will allow suspects charged with kidnapping – as well as second-degree murder, drug-induced homicide, aggravated battery, burglary, robbery and arson – to be released on $0." Someone can kidnap your children, beat your wife, and burn down your home, and be back on the street in 48 hours.

    This is liberal insanity. It is completely indefensible. It is what the democrat party and leftists want for all of America.
  • Lone_Wolf
    2 years ago
    What's really behind all of this is the cost of all lawsuits payouts in our over litigious country.

    Put cameras on the high school graduate cops and dissect their every move down to the second when they arrest someone.

    Payout millions every time someone is unjustly put in cuffs for five minutes. It's not sustainable.

    The answer seems to be let everyone out of jail and stop police encounters with criminals.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Most of the safe t act provisions have been around since 2021
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Yes. Coinciding with an exponential growth in crime.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    I mean do people really actually think these actually guys are showing up to their court date? Or they aren't just going to continue to commit the very same violent crimes when they aren't incarcerated? LOL all day!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Skibitch. Lieing as usual.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ^get cancer.
  • chiefwiggum
    2 years ago
    This bill is beyond the pale. I have personally seen more shootings these last few years, in good areas of the city mind you, then when I used to live in the ghetto southwest side with my immigrant parents. This bill really gives cover to the states attorneys, like Kim Foxx, who refuse to enforce the law, where before the law they would claim ideas of equity and fairness (which neither are supported). The really egregious part is that those who want to enforce the law, have to prove using clear and convincing evidence, a very high standard, that a suspect is danger to the community. I heard that this law was snuck in during a pre-dawn lame duck session. These people don't understand what it's like in terrible communities. There used to be some hope that if people got the cops involved, that these criminals would be off the street. When people see these criminals back on the street, there is going to be a chilling effect to witnesses and victims. These people already think that the system is against them, this will further lead to the destruction of our institutions.
  • rattdog
    2 years ago
    when was the last time that chicago was ever considered a safe city to live in? i've been under the impression that it's always been bad. the first time i ever watched good times on tv in the mid 70's was my first introduction to the shittiness of chicago.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    My my don't we have some serious pants-wetting cowards up in here. They're afraid to leave their houses unless the Sandra Blands of the world are locked up.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    ^Inane race-baiting liberal non-sequitor of the month nominee.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Lmao pretty funny to see a pussy liberal post about fear. Then again when you have a life worth living, it seems like a waste to lose it for political correctness. Then again, we might just fear spending our money on a defense lawyer after killing one of the lowlifes that make up the base of the Democratic party.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    Illinois is one of those liberal states like New York and California that are slowing losing people. When liberals take over, the productive taxpaying segment of the population votes with their feet and leaves. You can tell a state is poorly governed when this starts happening. Unlike their fellow leftists in Communist countries, the Democrats who run these states can't post guards at the border to shoot fleeing citizens. They have no way to stop this exodus.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    The city that has lost the most residents is the most liberal of all cities: San Francisco. The city with the greatest wage disparity in the country is: San Francisco. Liberals are good at two things: bitching and blaming others. They have no other skills which is why they always fail when in power.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Illinois lost less than 1% of its population in 2021. So, seems like the panic is pretty limited. In Texas, for example, seems like people mostly move to the Houston, Austin, Dallas metro areas. The more liberal parts. You also see politically conservative states like Mississippi and West Virginia losing people. There's no simple pattern.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    Check out this crazy shooting from a few days ago in Chicago. http://crazyshit.com/cnt/medias/129837-n… This guy already killed people in a home invasion and he just got out, and now well you guessed it killing again. That's a menace to society but here in liberaland, we'll yet again "give him another chance"
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    that clip from Muddy is chilling. that guy, and the cunt with him, have no business being anywhere but behind bars or six feet underground.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Gotta be scared ot yhe red state mass shooters
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Ilba the sandra bland case is a pure conspiracy, you have a suicide case which because the person was black, and because BLM os popular, anytime a black person does suicide in jail it turns into a conspiracy of a cop or white suprrmacist killing them. Why dont we do the same with white suicides in prison and assume they were actually killed by a black cop or black supremacist
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Blm even spread the conspiracy further and started posting on social media that black people doing suicide in southern states were actually being hunted down by the kkk. We should then also assume the same for white or other suicides
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