
Slot machines in Vegas strip clubs?

Atlanta suburb
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) -Clark County leaders are reviewing the existence and reasoning for a 42-year-old rule that generally prevents gaming and slot machines in strip clubs.

After one establishment requested an exemption, Clark County leaders requested a overall review of the law to examine intent and the impacts of any changes, though current leaders express concerns over red tape caused by overlapping liquor and adult entertainment licenses.

In 1980, Clark County leaders passed CCC 8.04.070, which states, “any place located within a 250-foot radius of an adult-oriented business is presumed to be unsuitable for the conduct of gaming unless the Board determines, after a public hearing, that the public health, safety, and welfare will not be impaired by granting the application.” Some adult establishments within Clark County have been able to get exemptions over the years.

Sapphire, which encompasses 500,000 square feet for a night club, lounge, dancing, adult entertainment and a day pool, would also like gaming in a portion of their establishment and requested the exemption from Clark County.

“It’s an upstanding business. They’ve worked very, very well with Metro over the years. They’re asking to have the ability to have gaming machines just like hundreds of other taverns in Clark County, Nevada,” said David Brown, a representative for Sapphire who spoke before the county commission. “The adult clubs were one of the last to reopen during COVID. They’re still impacted more than a lot of the other tourist business in Clark County,” he said.

Business license officials could not determine the intent of the ordinance, after research into records from the fall of 1980. Several commissioners who were in office around 1980 have since passed away, according to county records.

“Why are they prohibited in strip clubs? No one seems to know the answer. We’re going to do some research, talk to the Gaming Control Board. But truth is, I’m not sure there’s a need for a few more slot machines out there,” said Commissioner Tick Segerblom. “Gaming laws are different than liquor laws, and we the county we enforce the liquor laws, the state does the gaming laws. It just seems kind of complicated for a few slot machines,” he said.

The Nevada Resort Association releasing the following statement:

“We have concerns over the unintended consequences and public policy matters this item creates. It sets a troubling precedent for licensing gaming at other adult-oriented businesses throughout the Las Vegas Valley, creating more potential issues and neighborhood impacts. Further, adding another entitlement, in addition to a cannabis dispensary and a cannabis consumption lounge, to this location is premature and could lead to other unforeseen situations, such as additional calls for service from law enforcement. "

The commission tabled the request to address the ordinance as a whole in 60 days, and consult with the Gaming Control Board.


  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    Mixed feelings -

    On one hand, why not? They’re everywhere else - the airport, convenience stores etc, so why penalize adult clubs

    On the other hand, why? I have the same feelings about pool tables and video games. If the dancers are such poor quality and you need other means to be entertained, it’s not a club I want to visit
  • 59
    2 years ago
    Skimmed this article but didn't see a mention that there are at least 3 clubs that are "grandfathered". Possibly got their license prior to 1980? Play It Again Sams. Club Platinum. And the former Olympic Garden, now Peppermint Hippo. My understanding is that they are significant money makers, from patrons and strippers.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    They don't want the strippers to waste all their tips on playing the slots.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Judging by the way I see video games used in the few clubs that have them in my area, my guess is the slots will be used by the strippers not the PLs.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    There was a short window of time where Detroit clubs had few poker tables and a few table games. If there was a decent strip club that had a decent poker game going on inside it I’d have to figure out a way to move near by.
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