PERV RAIL dancer-customer contact increasing

avatar for David9999
The "extras" issue is talked about all the time, whether just a long term trend or a reaction to a possible strip club downturn. This is a bit different, because the tip rail is completely in the open for all to see.

Contact can vary at the tip rail depending upon the laws and ordinances in effect in the various cities and states and the rules and policies within the clubs themselves. However within a club, one might notice when dancers start to become more aggressive with increasingly high levels of low cost or virtually free contact with clients, and that's what I've noticed in recent months with certain dancers in certain clubs.

Basically these dancers seem to be pushing up the level of rail contact in what I am presuming is an attempt to get patrons into the private dances, because most dancers don't get rich with 2 dollar rail tips. The large money in most clubs is obviously in private dances and ideally in VIPs. This could primarily be a response to the apparent slowdown in cash outlays by typical patrons in strip clubs, caused by the arguably slowing economy or whatever.

Tbe irony is that by "giving it away at the rail" customers over time learn if anything that 2 bucks at the rail or a few dollars more, can be a far better deal than private dances. Many clubs in the past understood this and I believe intentionally minimized dancer and customer perv rail contact for that precise reason. Now the clubs apparently are increasingly not enforcing their own rules.

Looking from the club perspective to keep (at least) foot traffic high and (with the mins) liquor sales high, some clubs seeem to tolerating more at the tip rail, even though some must also realize that longer term its dancers will take the primary hit.

It basically ends up a short term solution creating a longer term larger problem.


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avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago

Glad to see such matters takeing up a significant portion of your waking thoughts. I find that over analizing a club's internal policies dramaticly increases my enjoyment of said establishment. You must be a very good time. A magnetic personality with the most sintilating conversation just rolling off your tounge. I bet you are surrounded by women constantly!
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
"A magnetic personality with the most sintilating conversation just rolling off your tounge. I bet you are surrounded by women constantly!"

avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
I see David9999 has trouble with sarcasm.
avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
A former AFT told me, "There is no limit towhat dancers will do to get extra money. It's tough." She also said that she wouldn't do those things. The limits, if any, are being pushed. Bad economy creates an oversupply of dancers, which makes them compete, more agressively, for the declining entertainment dollar. What's going to happen when gasoline goes to $4 a gallon and wages are flat or reduced--at least in the Midwest? Club managers will just look the other way while dancers do what they have to do to sell drinks and dances.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
"I see David9999 has trouble with sarcasm."

avatar for David9999
17 years ago
"There is no limit to what dancers will do to get extra money."

Also of course, Super Strip Shit (i.e. bullshit at levels that would shock the conscience of a reasonable strip club PL") is part of what's going on

However for some of us, it can be fun
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I'm generally VERY ANNOYED if the tip-rail experience is the highest level of contact available from a girl. At some clubs in NO's FQ, the amount of grindage and touching and face-mashing and so forth is in the 9 to 10 range (out of 10) at the stage-side, but then drops to the 4 to 6 range in the private cubicles. At other clubs in the same area, the arrangement is the other way 'round. I regularly post reviews that highlight this fact.
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