Did you know strippers date customers?

Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Apparently I found this out on Reddit again of course lol. Been really interested in the stripper side of Reddit so I've been doing some popcorn reading.
Also, it turns out strippers HATE HATE HATE men from USASG and tuscl:
last commentIt's pretty rare if they see you as a customer
hi. this is 'sam'. she's just a clingy pity fuck that needs to stay tf outta my media.
hell i'm not even sure which one she is.
they're all just CILs (criminals in lingerie) and mad cuz i fucked them over first. lol.
great thread tib.
Can’t say I disagree about USASG
Have to say I kind of agree with the responses that say he's playing her.
Between the tusclers making a big deal about that guys who date strippers are “losers” and the most upvoted comment on that Reddit thread referred to him as a “psychopath” I think it would be great if Mr 3-tuscl-reviews-guy-who-sucks-at-covering-his-tracks hung around the discussion board 😁 That would liven up the discussions around here, haha.
Anyways, I noticed the only person the OP responded to was the voice of dissent saying something like “give love a chance!” So, erm, hopefully things go well for her. Emphasis on hope.
Well I’m a sales rep and I hate most my customers so I can see where strippers are coming from 😜
TUSCL has like what, 20 people who are actually regulars on the discussion board? The vast majority of members just post a review now and then.
^lol, yeah I seriously doubt whoever it is would have the time or motivation to hang around the discussion board here. He has too many Instagram thirst trap pages to keep up with. (Admittedly, it would do some of the discussion board members on here some good if they were to do the same thing)
Did I fail to mention that I love the he said she said stripper customer stuff between the sites? Deep down I’m really middle school girl, maybe I should start identifying as one.
Yes, repetitive stress disorder happens a lot in the sales industry. Doing the same pitch over and over wears at your sole after a while and resentment creeps in. I too resent handling peoples unrealistic expectations, so I suspect that’s common in this industry, too. The good thing about strippers is they don’t have to serve you if they don’t want to, because some choose who they let to be a customer. Unless you’re a ratchet girl then yiu may have to put up with a lot of shit to get a liveable wage.
Customers fall into a specific category. There's no incentive to take them out of it.
"Also, it turns out strippers HATE HATE HATE men from USASG and tuscl"
can't wait till dig into usasg. plenty on reddit still.
every 'man hater' and 'sob story' poster there are the same strippers that would pull this heist on the next unsuspecting guest given the chance.
bad karma and they deserve every nasty thing that happens to them.
no sympathy here.
That's not a heist. It's called getting wasted and having buyers remorse. He's lying. And cops would never tell him there's an investigation with people reporting the same thing. He's trying to scam the club to get money back.
The converse of telling the SC patron "you are a customer" is telling the dancer "you are a provider." It isn't an exclusive relationship.
I have not and do not want to date a stripper. All I want is an honest, straightforward interaction.
One of my favs married a customer. Perhaps the most beautiful woman I've ever met. She had a lot of self-discipline, very non-needy. He wasn't wealthy. I would have been serious about her if she had had any interest in me.
Another fav had a brief fling with a customer. She got tired of his heavy drinking and limited availability. He was married and traveled a lot for work. She's been tempted to have flings with a few other customers. But she's always regretted flings, she ends up getting feels that are disappointed. She doesn't want to get serious about a guy with a drinking problem, the guys she meets in the club generally have one.
—>“It can work out, I think treating customers as broken for relationship purposes is not "cute". I mean it's unlikely and she shouldn't be lowering her guard but it can work out.
Source: My butt. I have never dated a stripper.”
No, I don’t think club customers are “broken”. Ouch. 😬
But there is a nonzero amount of guys who are kinda serial stripper daters, where they will go out with more than one, one after the other (doesn’t stop them from ceasing to go to the clubs while simultaneously griping at the current stripper girlfriend to quit—either overtly or in a subtle way). That’s the obvious breed of guy to look out for. And past the regular relationship angst, that’s just asking for angst at the club too since he has “contact” with others you work with. Like I guess the first test one should be thinking of is if you get along with him well, just how unique of an experience is this? Probably not. The individual in that story is giving those vibes, and I don’t think it’s just regular anti-men attitude driving the comments there.
Also, I have dated somebody I met at the club before. But he wasn’t a “club guy” and the interactions didn’t give that vibe. And he gave me a certain amount of money to hang out with him outside the club that this site would think is ridiculous. And there was no uneasy doubting of what he was doing any step of the way. (Unlike the OP of that Reddit thread) And then we just ended up together. And then later on, it ended in a way that wasn’t because of the club.
Decades back I decided that in general I like the women who work in strip clubs, especially those I call The Beloved Latina Escorts. They are all go all the time and they love slut uniforms.
I like them. I don't mean I just like them because they will fuck guys who treat them like prostitutes and only like them for that reason. I mean I really like and respect them.
Gimme Shelter
School of Rock
So is that why you didn't post on july 4th, you were with a latina stripper?
Was she also locked out of the library?
Money, Mistress Maintainence. In other countries, I think most every where except the US, guys understand this.
A key thing to keep in mind when wondering if strippers are down with dating customers, is that most women generally seem to prefer guy who don't go to strip clubs.
And for good reason they feel that way, as this forum makes abundantly clear.
So if you go to the club, select the girl you want and let her know you, like where you live, why you are in town, how often you will be in town, and move to FRMOS, Back Room FS, then to TLN. And that is the first and last time you go to that club.
^^ are you referring to me as being “abundantly clear”?
Reading through the reddit thread, it doesn't sound especially stripper-related to me. She just sounds like somebody who doesn't like flings, like many chicks. It's sad how people try to conform to some universal idea of how things are done. Use to be, many women wouldn't fuck till they were engaged. The guy had to get an expensive ring, that cost at least one month of his income by rule of thumb. Custom was, she got to keep the ring if he broke it off, or got caught cheating or otherwise seriously lying. But I think now women feel like it's unrealistic to expect anything like this, and they may be right. It's good that there's less stigma now when women do want to have flings and hookups, but too bad we can't just support everyone doing what's right for them.
Why would anyone even consider someone's job when seeking a romantic partner? I must be old fashioned, but how about a relationship with a woman that you like?
And make her feel that you like her right from the start. And that has to be f2f.
A lot of you put too much thought into everything. It all just comes down to how you make a woman feel.
I feel really bad for her. I don't even think he's leading her on. She's reading romance into things like "your hand fits perfectly into mine" instead of realizing "and around my dick. Just like the other strippers I'm banging" is the rest of that thought.
Strippers lie to customers. Customers lie to strippers. It's part of the business.
Girl needs to call him out and air everything and see where the chips fall. Odds are he will bolt and she will have her answer at least.
Found out about this site through a stripper that was complaining about having found her boyfriend on here. She was able to match his username to his Reddit.
cunt-whisperers like 'sam' and the few hustlers that can get the best of these thieves-in-lingerie and leave them crying in the shower deserve special recognition. the rob avengers award. bravo.🏆
@playman66 he fucked up. Can't be trying to be sneaky using the same username on sites you don't want to get caught up in.
@skibum69 I dunno man. WOuld you date an onlyfans girl who also moonlights as a dicksucker for the fans who "donate" the big bucks while in a relationship with you. After all, it's part of her job.
Of will block you if you're a hoe. Their algorithm is pretty strict