Coed Smoking Areas
dam zaddy got all my lips smiling
these DMZs are a plus to any club.
great place even for non-smokers to meet, interact, talk pre-game, and occasionally make sordid plans with the hoes for free in a more quiet natural environment.
i always choose a vantage point to keep an eye on potentials ducking out for a smoke/buzz.
or is this just a rare midwest club thang?
great place even for non-smokers to meet, interact, talk pre-game, and occasionally make sordid plans with the hoes for free in a more quiet natural environment.
i always choose a vantage point to keep an eye on potentials ducking out for a smoke/buzz.
or is this just a rare midwest club thang?
Bit in my area (SoFlo) that is a moot-point since smoking is still allowed inside the clubs (which I pretty strongly dislike).
just don't see it mentioned often in reviews for us passive-suicidals.
You can smoke in Vegas clubs though. Sometimes its funny to watch but girls who smoke will really gravitate towards smokers