
So I can't get information on my high school reunion because Facebook thinks I h

I literally am being told I have to provide a "driver's license," "passport," or "birth certificate" just to access Facebook. I need to access Facefart to get information on my 35th high school reunion. This is the literally totalitaran tyranny "Icee" and his apologists have imposed on us all. Do you feel immoral yet? That's a rhetorical question. Of course you don't. You are amoral human scum. I will find a "work around" damn it. I will call Robin or Matt if I have too. Absolutely FUCK you. Rot in the eternal pits of hell censoring filth. I will attend. Budn in hell evil scum.


  • Dave_Anderson
    2 years ago
    Censorship is all fun and good until if causes "real world harm." Banning peopke from Facefart and otbd maunstream platforms denies them even rudimentary equal rights. You claim to care about "marginalized groups" but clearly you want to create actual new "marginalized groups "
  • Dave_Anderson
    2 years ago
    If the Reunion Committee doesn't require a passport or verifiable ID why should I have to provide this to access the reunion site on Faceshit?
  • Dave_Anderson
    2 years ago
    More people than Icee realizes are getting sick of all this. I discussed internet censorship with someone from El Salvador the other night and she was appalled by it. She said free speech and free thought is what the US are supposed to be about. Maybe there is hope that some "diverse" groups will start to turn on the living nightmare of censorship, repression, and hell. One can hope without being a gay happy pants QAnon.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in a North Korean gulag, a political prisoner accessing this site on an illegal cell phone is reading this and saying "there but for the grace of God go I."
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    Because Facebook thinks you what? Aren't you the guy that got banned from there and said it didn't matter?
  • rickthelion
    2 years ago
    Lemme help you out Anderson ape. Imma suggest you maybe call up somebody from your high school for info. Or email them. Or maybe you could just take the attitude of “why the fuck do I want to talk to the idiots I went to frickin’ high school with?”

    I mean really, does this rick spend time thinking about the crew I used to hang with at the watering hole back in tha NC? Fuck no! Most of them were assholes. There was this one antelope - name was Andy - that got all bent out of shape because I ate his sister. Started spreading rumors about me. So I went all wildebeest on his ass. Good times!

    Anyhoo… to return to topic, you should be looking forward in life. Apes look backward, lions look forward. Don’t be an ape - be a lion! Be a frickin’ lion. Say it with me…I. AM. A. LION. ROAR!!!!
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    “Tyranny”, “equal rights” and “free speech” are governmental concepts. You managed to get yourself banned from a free social media site by being a troll and are now refusing to provide minimal proof of ID to get access to something you want and they have? Cry to someone who cares.
  • caseyx
    2 years ago
    Used to be that you could get on FB without any documentation. That led to a lot of fake and spam accounts in addition to a bunch of normal people who wanted to be anonymous. (At least one friend of mine created an account with a blatantly fake name.) The gatekeepers at FB decided this was a problem so are requiring "validation". If I were you I'd just reach out to one of the reunion organizers off of FB. Lots of people don't have FB accounts and don't want them so they should accommodate.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    It's a private company... their sandbox and their rules.

    It's also possible that your high school class reunion group blocked you.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    FB is a private company and that's the businesses policy. It has nothing to do with the gov. You don't have any rights when it comes to the private sector. You support those policies.

  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    I will play along and comment on your discussion.

    Do you know how to use a phone?

    If you do, the most effective thing you can do is to make calls and web searchs:
    1. The school’s Alumni Office. .
    2. Classmate Search Sites. ...
    3. Email Blast/Communications. ...
    4. Class Reunion Website. ...
    5. Use Your Network. ...
    6. Other Social Networking Sites. ...
    7. Public Service Announcements.
    8. Etc etc etc

    Typically everyone gets invited to all high school reunions.

    They will find you one way or another.

    That means if you were not invited to one, you probably weren't invited to any others either.

    If you were not invited to a reunion, you should ask yourself why…

  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Their stock is down about 80% from their all-time high - the future looks iffy for that company but hard to bet against really-smart guys like Zuckerberg
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