
Optimal dance price for dancers

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Thursday, June 9, 2022 3:02 PM
At the clubs where dancers net the most money (after house fee, club cut of dances, expected tip out), what is the one song dance price? Or, does dancer net $ not correlate well with dance cost? Does it help or hurt when there are "volume discount", like a half-hour is cheaper than 10 songs? Do PLs generally tip better when the dance price is high or low? Does the club having a "premium" lap dance area result in more $ for dancers (even if they don't do extras)? For dancers who have lived in or traveled to multiple cities, does higher income end up not being worth it because of higher living expenses?


  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Why are you so fixated on what these girls earn ? SMH
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    This thread has "It depends on the club and the dancer" written all over it.
  • Pussylicker2
    2 years ago
    A fairly hot dancer who gave good bbbj and did cfs at a dive bar in ohio had guys waiting when she came to work. She easily walked out with $1,000 or more every night. She made the bar a lot of money. The one song price was $20, the bar got $5 of it. Songs were off the juke box, full length. So she could do 8 or 10 songs / hour and make $125 - $150 per hour for just songs. But, we all got extras.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    There was a club with a free lunch buffet and $10 dances during happy hour. It attracted lots of blue collar guys who got paid in cash daily. A girl I know was making $600 per day shift because of it. Another club had the same type of happy hour but girls were broke and the club dead. Earning potential isn't just on the girl. The clubs management has a lot to do with it in terms of being able to get customers through the door.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    The top hustling robs (strippers) can make bag regardless of price/club cut. The lazy 'entitled' ones find a way to complain about/blame any price structure.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The dumbest girs are the ones complaining about making $17 to $19 on top of tips and dances. And think they earn less coz tipout rates and house fees are deducted from the hourly pay.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Why does anyone care what other people earn?
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @PL2 In most places, a fairly hot escort could net well over $1,000 with 3 FS sessions or fewer. But some sex workers do seem to find it relatively easy to do a back-to-back BJs. (bbbbbbj?) I would guess they've lost any aversion by eating lots of foreskin sandwiches at Arby's. Sounds like she's no longer working there, do you know why not?
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The optimal is how it works in our underground places, just money little by little, not fix amount or fixed duration. They make a party tape with no gaps between the songs. Girls don't ask, they just do, and then they try to get money. When the money is there they continue, when it stops they move on. Most guys give them their last money and then wave them on. Girls in insist that they get more because they are dancing and metering it in, not asking. So in a 3 hour show they are metering in money continually. And then they pay a flat access fee, not a percentage or a cut. How aggressive they can be in getting money, depends on how many guys are there relative to the dancers. Talent agents try to make it as many as possible. BUt if it gets to high, girls stop showing up. They might get around $200 per hour. And this is from a largely Latino crowd and with average looking girls. Most of the girls are there so they can line up OTC. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Dick head, our underground places are how it goes when the girls can largely do it their way, instead of the club management's way. Experienced dancers have assured me that they get more money that way than in the "wanna dance" places. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The only thing better than that was at the one of our underground places where the girls took to FR FS. So they would just move on you and go for your cock and start unzipping you. Those girls are all go for anything, kissing, titty sucking, BBBJ, all. Then try to get the big money and then climb on and work a load out of you. These girls were bloved. LE loved the shows to, and that is why the investigation went on so long. After that they core group, sisters and cousins started bringing their minivan. But the original FR approach was the best, and of course the girls raked in the most money that way. Management of course saw absolutely nothing. SJG
  • doctorevil
    2 years ago
    “ quite often it's probably better to have the numbers than to get more cash per dance.” I think Follies proved this hypothesis. Or to more properly apply the scientific method.
  • doctorevil
    2 years ago
    . . . failed to disprove it. (How did that happen)
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Volume brings more money in the front door. Wanna Dance is just fishing for chumps. SJG
  • PinkSugarDoll
    2 years ago
    Too many variables. Example: I am in St. Louis, these girls are telling me they demand a tip at the start of a dance or VIP. Your question does not account for that. Also every place I go has a unique-to-that-place slow season, your question doesn’t account for that. Doesn’t account for girls who have regulars, for varying house fees place to place, for girls who upsell dances, for experience, etc. Too many variables.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Girls say stuff like that, you can't believe them. Best is you take control of the situation by right off putting money into her and and starting to verbally butter her up and get to know her. But very quickly try to move to Front Room Feel Up And Make Out Session. Demonstrate generosity at all times and then invite her to the back room to continue, and then to come home with you for more. Like I said, at the best of our underground places the girls would just move on a guy, and they were totally cool about titty sucking and BBBJ, and then they would get him unzipped and get what money they wanted and then climb on and get his load. Doing it like that, so little red tape, the girls get the most money because of volume. SJG Gimme Shelter - Cleveland School of Rock [view link]
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    SJG said "Girls say stuff like that, you can't believe them." I think I'll take more seriously the opinions of PSD, who is an actual dancer working in actual strip clubs, over rape cult guy who can't sort an internet connection outside of library hours.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Well I tend to buy more lap dances the cheaper they are (from a customer perspective). A dancers may have to put in a little more work (more time) but I’m more happy and she’d make more money off of me. Would she rather do: 4 dances @$25 for $100 5 dances @$20 for $100 Or 20 dances @$10 for $200, because of dances are that cheap I’ll buy more if I’m having a good time.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    The songs are getting so short anymore that I've been negotiating for FR dances where allowed.
  • MaxMaxima
    2 years ago
    Buy far more $10 dances in Atlanta than any place else. Much easier to swallow (ha) than 2-4x elsewhere...
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    We should just re-title this thread “dance prices should always be $10/song because of VOLUME: the official circlejerk”
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    “Maybe $20/song is okay too as long as there are blowjobs”
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I'd guesstimate that a stripper is doing better than average if she can average 100 songs sold per week. Which works out to about 5,000 songs per year. At $10 a song, $50,000 gross, minus house fees, tip-out, and outfits. Is that enough incentive, in exchange for being viciously demeaned by many, making it orders of magnitude harder to have an SO who isn't a shitstain, greatly increasing the chances of being assaulted or murdered, tolerating PLs who don't bathe or refrain from doing stuff the stripper is not OK with, etc.?
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    Volume is great when it’s there. Lowering the dance prices doesn’t guarantee that, however.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I've said it before, but what would be great for all concerned is if there were minute timers at each seat in the couch room. Seems like it could increase the time strippers are in the money zone significantly, if there's no issue of waiting for the next song. It would be especially cool if the timers has a configurable "stripper minute". Like, it could be $10 for a stripper minute of 90 seconds. Then, strippers could get a COLA by changing the stripper minute to, say, 85 seconds. Always seemed bad to me, how stripper purchasing power must kinda seesaw, because prices that aren't a multiple of 5 or 10 are hard to deal with.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Lowering dance prices does not guarantee and increase in volume. But buying dances is a chumps game, always was always will be. In our underground circuit there was no buying of dances. Girls just approached and engaged, and then tried to get money. If you keep feeding them money, they stay. When you are done, give them their last money and then wave them on. Some engage in different ways. One emphasized titty sucking and she wore stuff which is all vertical, nothing in the center. She would approach just by parking her sternum on your face. Real trip. SJG
  • Liwet
    2 years ago
    In my current job, I generally get tipped $1 at a time. One thing I've learned internally is that the difference between $0 and $1 is much greater than the difference between $1 and $50. On paper, the $50 is awesome but there's something fulfilling about constantly getting a $1 casino chip and putting it in your pouch. Whenever I'm in a situation where I probably should get a $1 tip and don't get it, it feels like a sucker punch to the soul. With strippers, I think it's the same; they just want to make <em>some</em> money per customer rather than trying to find a whale to make up for all the customers that turned them down. Sure, it's really nice to find that whale that gives them 100s of dollars but I assume it can also be empowering to make money from every customer you meet.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    Unfortunately most robs live in 'never-enough-now' world. Only the top successful dancers have the facilities and patience to comprehend delayed gratification.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    I see a Master’s thesis coming out if this discussion “Using LaGrange Multipliers to Optimize Dancer Earnings with Capacity Constraints”
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    There are numerous strip clubs in my local area but lap dance prices fall within a fairly narrow range, twenty to thirty dollars each. There is one club that has ten dollar lap dances. I often run into strippers who live near it but prefer to work at clubs further away because they can make more money at other clubs. This is especially true of really pretty strippers. The club with the ten dollar lap dances serves a particular market niche, guys who don't want to spend much money and are happy with an average looking girl. There might be a demand for more than one local club like this but none of the other club owners think so and keep their prices higher.
  • 623
    2 years ago
    I’m always curious why dancers dance at a club that takes a cut of the per dance fee when there are lots of clubs that charge a flat fee per shift only? A dancer with a good game will make bank if she stays busy and only pays a flat $40 day shift tip out.
  • ElDuderino_AZ
    2 years ago
    To be a fly on the wall in the room full of strippers reading this and laughing...
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @623 I think $10 a song would only work if it pushed up the average number of dances each customer got one after another to 5+. From what I've seen, with walking up, rolling up, chatting up, waiting for a song start, it's hard for a stripper to sell more than 10 songs an hour, on average, even in a busy club.
  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    Some totally misunderstood the question, it is cost of the lap dance, not brothel charge. Old habits never die.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Buying Dances is a Chump's Game. Some still don't understand this. SJG
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