The series is made at Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta. Georgia is now the #1 state in movie productions. Trilith Studios, the largest in GA is just 6 miles from my house. Fuck Stacy Abrams.
Remember, it's all "Hollywood". The opening sequence of the dancer doing really good pole work who walks out after her stage set was shot in a MS club. Is that authentic enough for you?
I don't anything about the show other than what was in the article and interview with the showrunner, but it sounds like a scripted series not a "reality" series. It's pretty common to sub locations in shows and movies, which you guys already know.
@twentyfive and @Wallanon, agreed. It's not a reality type show, more of a drama, about as bad as a Lifetime show. I compare the writing to 9th grade drama club and the over acting to COPS.
last commentUnless there's a 'Mississippi' in Atlanta, it's going to be kind of fictional?