Is Muddy coming to your town soon?

On TUSCL, we have seen many types of Mongers, but has anyone here been as consistently active as Muddy? He seems to travel up and down the east coast and hits 4 to 5 clubs per week. Has anyone met Muddy? Or is he like a restaurant reviewer who needs to not be recognized so that he doesn't get special treatment? Why doesn't Muddy have a meet up?
Muddy was in the town where I hang my hat last weekend. He did a pretty good job at describing the environment in the clubs, although he was not out as late at night as he usually is. He slides in and out of town without meeting other members. Seems to travel by himself. He clearly was at the clubs, as he provides details that he was there. Papi used to be pretty active, but he then needed a break. Will Muddy need a break?
Does Muddy have sponsors? According to most of his visits, he spends 100 -300 in 4 to 5 clubs a week. That is a few thousand without the hotels, travel, meals, etc. (I have noticed he is slowly lowering his expenses. He may be the older guy trying to get a peak of what you are doing in the dark with a dancer.) Maybe the local strip club owners are flying him in?
One think Muddy does not seem to be is a troll. He also seems to be liked by almost everybody on here. Maybe Muddy is a politician?
Muddy does not sit around letting life come to him, he goes out and gets life. He is in a different city almost every weekend. He is out and about. He adds lots of value to this site, and seemingly is getting little in return. TUSCL needs more Muddy's.
last commentAnd he's the #1 reviewer, with more reviews than #2, #3, than #4 combined.
He's a TUSCL treasure!
I’ve met muddy IRL before precovid. Cool guy.
Getting a sponsor. Now there's an idea.
Maybe Muddy could sell advertising space on his car. But instead of Pennzoil he could advertise Trojan.
Maybe he can get a sponsorship from Listermint.
Muddy has reviewed some clubs near my area, and his reviews are spot on. I appreciate his insight.
I’ve never met him irl. Based on his posts, he seems like a good guy - with a good sense of humor.
If I see a guy come into a local club wearing a Discount Anal Lube dot Com t shirt - or a Porn and Biscuits t shirt - I might think it’s Muddy with a new sponsor!
Muddy is gay. Looks like Shrek.
Kidding he referred to himself as Shrek once (I think). One of my favorite Muddy moments was when he posted about his California/West coast trip. He’s a great writer. Giving Sinclair a run for his money on the raviews.
He has some reviews from my neck of the woods and they are solid here too.
The fact that we didn’t meet up on Friday when he was in Baltimore was the fault of my schedule, not his. Hoping we can meet up down the road.
"And he's the #1 reviewer, with more reviews than #2, #3, than #4 combined."
Let's not get too carried away. The Top 40 count on TUSCL is only for the past 18 months, but that is a lot of reviews. Especially with the whole pandemic thing.
He had reviews of the SF Bay area clubs that were also spot on. I was actually supposed to meet up with him but I ended up not making it. Which sucked because from his review it sounded like I missed a fun night. From his posts he has a great sense of humor and certainly not a boring dude.
Muddy is like the Tuscl mascot. Just making his rounds. Next time I meet him I want a picture with him. Ok Mr Celebrity
Founder should get him a shirt. “Treat me nice ya under review”.
I think Founder is getting t shirts for everyone attending the JAX meetup - so we can identify each other without our avatars.
Haha thanks for the words guys. Couple things to say
-As far as expenses I don't do hotels too much unless I got OTC lined up. I usually just sleep in my car to save money. Or if I need a shower I'll try to get in a local gym for the day, or a pool somewhere. I also have a generous rent situation living in a trailer park. Or maybe I got a couple roommates lol. And I also cut out any sort of regular OTC or seeking the last few months or so to compensate. Everything else in life I'm cheap as fuck in. I'm on my Dave Ramsey outside the club, hell some dancers would say maybe even in the club.
-When I'm traveling I'm really going, I'm not STAYING anywhere, I'm moving and grooving, it's almost work no relaxing except maybe in a strip club. I like doing tourist and food shit too. Like an Anthony Bourdain with strip clubs kind of thing. This last little trip I had a night and two days off. I drove to NC, hit Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Charlotte and back doing strip clubs then went back home and decided to just hit a few Baltimore clubs.
-Yeah I really should do better on meeting people I think I dropped the ball with that. And I should be more proactive organizing the big meetups. Part of it is I'm really kind of shooting from the hip, living by the seat of my pants and I just don't know exactly when or what the schedule is gonna be I just kind of do it and let it play out. Another thing there's this feeling why would anyone drop what they are doing and meet some lunatic off tuscl just cause I'm came to town, I don't know what people's situations are there's part of me that doesn't want to bother people or impose. Another I'm pretty much a night time strip club only, a lot of daytime experiences have been wastes of time with how slow it is, it's not my thing and I know a lot of guys on here are strictly day guys.
-But I want to get some meet ups going for sure. Especially with NJ guys, I already know that would be a riot.
-As far as reviews go I'm gonna slow down here soon. The clubs I've been hitting the last 6 months or so are all local to me, where I can just drive out on my day off and come back the same night, so NY, NJ, PA, DE, RI, CT, MA all that stuff in there. I just throw on a podcast it's all good it's my time to decompress, but point is I'm running out of new clubs to check out in my orbit. 99% of my reviews are just first time in that club, unless something crazy happens I don't really feel the need to re-review places. What that's all about is just figuring out my options in my area, I want to know if a club sucks or it's awesome and it's near me. I think the only way to know for sure is get your ass there in person. But like I said I'm almost done doing that and I'll only keep going when I get the rare chance to get a couple weeks off go somewhere different.
-I'm not sure I'm so universally liked lmao but thank you. I DO show up on that most ignored list last I checked so some do think I'm troll I can't say they are totally off with that. A lot of stuff I say though is very tongue in cheek, just bustin' balls, going on rants, bitchin whatever, just taking a piss, trying to make people laugh, I get these stupid jokes in my head and I just can't resist but to shit it out and tell my tuscl buddies you know what I'm sayin. I think maybe it's comes off better in person in text some stuff might get lost in translation, people might take it on face value which probably doesn't go to well. But some things just HAVE to be made fun of. Period, end of story. Whatever reaction I get back, IDGAF.
-And as far people I want to meet other than SJG and Icee (who not even for there opinions with which I disagree but it's because they spam, try to take over this site and make it all about them) but other than that I'd be stoked to meet anyone on here especially the big characters from the board. I've met a few already I want to get to all I can eventually. That goes anyone out there in the NYC area hit me up anytime, I can't guarantee I can make it but if I can I'm there.
Anyway thanks for the shoutout RTP, next time let's do Charlotte right. The city that is, not the one stripper.
And one thing to add no I'm not into oogling other couples. I made a thread about it back when but it's called the Hedonic Treadmill but after a while it takes more and more to get you doing backflips over something. I'm looking for something specific in a strip club (depending on what I'm feeling that day but usually just a busty, fat ass princess) and if I don't find it, I fold and get my ass to the next club. I'm only pulling that trigger on something I'm really into, never just for just because. That style has really saved me a lot of money.
I thought I saw muddy in a club once
There was some guy that gave me a dirty look
I'm a little late here, never met Muddy but he strikes me as a cool fun guy.
Anytime you're in south Florida Muddy just give me a shout out, we've always been cool
OSU always been at the top of my list of people to go drinking with. Missed him a couple years ago during Covid ran out of time to get the Cleaveland.
@25 you know it brother. I know last couple times down in Florida it was kind of a crazy time but now all bets are off, Papi too. Pompano Beach is in trouble.
Muddy is living the life he wants. His posts and articles are extremely entertaining.
We need to get founder to sponsor this young man
^ Muddy has a lot of potential.
He does. He can even post his reviews on tik tok
Really?!? Muddy is coming out of the closet? Yay!!!! 😉
^^^ you and Rick should take him to Olive Garden next time he’s in town.
Muddy puts me in mind of
Rech, and like Muddy, Rech was a good natured fun loving goofy guy .
When we hung out at Tootsies a few years back he was a blast.
Actually that time JS69 met us there as well and Rech and JS got into it over a dancer named Hannah Bananna that evening was epic. Culminated in a marijuana overdose from all the fumes in Rech’s Hoopty