Fellow TUSCLERs I will be driving south to the DC suburbs from Hamilton NJ on Sunday the 24th, in the early afternoon. I had wanted to try Hak's in Wilmington. It likely won't be open when I would be in that area. And I don't really want to go into Philly. Nearby to where I'm staying it looks like the options are Risque, Babe's and Tattletales. Most of my clubbing is BYOB which points me toward Babe's. But their reviews are few and far between. I'm looking for stage tipping, possible LDs and am flexible on dancer ethnicity. I'm tempted to TOFTT and try Babe's for the sake of generating a current review. Open to other club suggestions if I'm missing something. Thanks for any input.
OC I hit up Risqué Bristol recently of those I would say hit that one up. It’s pretty well reviewed too. People are trying to figure out what those area clubs are right now because a few clubs closed around there in the last couple years and now it’s post CoVid.
Unless something has radically changed for the better, I’d skip HAk’s. It’s been a waste of time the last few times I’ve been there, all pre_COVID, and I think there are very few clubs where things improved post COVID
Let us know how it goes. I might be up that way this Summer and recent info is always a plus. The other day I went through some clubs that hadn't been reviewed in years just to do an update.
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