
Do strippers/escorts have professional jobs? What do they look for in LTR’s?

Is it easy for strippers or escorts to find middle class or reasonably well off men to marry? Or are they usually the breadwinners in their relationships
I’d imagine their career choice may be a dealbreaker for many men? But given modern society and the popularity of cuckolding and hotwifing maybe it isn’t so hard

What kinds of things are they looking for in long term relationships? Are they looking for different things in a LTR compared to regular LTR relationships. Like are they looking for a guy who is going to babysit the kids, and is okay with their job. Or a good looking rich tall guy like everyone wants

If they did have access to a rich guy to marry or even someone making 6 figures or above, wouldn’t they not need to strip or escort anymore?

Are there women married to rich guys who still strip or escort
Have you heard of any rich women like doctors, lawyers, consultants, or someone with wealthy parents who still strips or escorts?

If you consider the time value of their money, they can easily make $500 an hour or possibly more. That hourly rate is far more than doctors, lawyers etc. so it could seem feasible that if someone really liked easy money they could both be a working professional and also strip on the side. But i haven’t yet met any strippers who also have a professional job.

I have heard some pornstars who were into escorting, stopped escorting when they got married. And they married rich men like movie producers. The relationships still sound like escorting just long term. For instance one famous escort literally has an “exclusive” option where you have to pay her like $30,000 per month and she stays exclusive to you and lives with you.


  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Why do you keep bunching strippers and escorts together in these questions?
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ Why do you respond to an obvious troll ?
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ^ Because some (but not all) of the topics are interesting. If the troll accounts infesting this board didn't kick off some of these topics nobody would.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Rick, i was curious on both of them, but the answers can be done separately. I didnt wanna do separate threads for escorts
  • BGSD3100
    2 years ago
    I imagine that they have a hard time maintaining a relationship. People are naturally jealous. Not a lot of people would be cool with their significant other doing sexual stuff with other people. Especially if she does extras. That being said, it's certainly not impossible. I talked to one dancer who had a boyfriend and a girlfriend. All three of them lived together, and neither of them had a problem with her stripping.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Being in a relationship with a dancer can be great. Depends on how secure you are with yourself and what qualities you have that keep a woman. Her job ir irrelevant if you're secure. You just get yhe same problems as any relationship
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    Strippers are not part of a separate species. They want the same things other human females want.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    I have found if you are in a big city with big strip clubs who have lots of customers that come and go, then most strippers only strip for their income (think LA, Vegas, Miami, NYC, Dallas, etc.) in smaller cities some strippers can't make it alone on stripping so they have other jobs, OR women with normal jobs strip a few nights a week for extra income. Not really any different than a young women just starting out her career who may bartend or waitress on the weekends for some extra money.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Docsavage i know everyone wants the same thing
    But unless its an open relationship thing, it seems like strippers have less options available for long term relationships. Their partner would have to be willing to let them do their job. Some people draw the line at anyone interacting with opposite sex, some draw it at massage therapists, some strippers and some escorts

    Shailynn that would mostly be relevant with college age strippers using it to pay off school right

    Have you heard of cases where actual wealthy women, lawyers, doctors, married to rich guys or from rich families were stripping or escorting on the side!

    Icey do you think many strippers are in relationships with weaker men who they can control? Especially what if the guy in the relationship isnt allowed to sleep with other women or get lapdances from strippers, while the stripper herself is out giving lapdances every week...?

    Would most people consider getting lapdances, grabbing boobs etc to be going too far and cheating. What would strippers feel about their SO’s getting lapdances from other dancers
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    BigThirdEye, most strippers I've known have said it is a little difficult to find guys who will go along with their girlfriend stripping. I've had several regulars leave stripping when they moved in with a guy, at least partly because he didn't want them to keep stripping. On the other hand, girls who can make a living out of stripping are usually above average in looks and personality. Girls like that can usually get a boyfriend if they want one.

    I've known very few strippers over the years who were in long term marriages. I think they save that for after their stripping days are over. They tend to come from more working or lower middle-class backgrounds and their dating and mating habits tend to reflect the background they come from. There are a number of single mom types among strippers but that is now common among many young women. There is more societal acceptance now of women having children outside of a marriage than there was sixty years ago. When I was child in 1960 I had an older unmarried female cousin who got pregnant and was sent to another city to have the child and put it up for adoption and hardly anyone knew about it because it was hushed up. That would seldom happen now.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Docsavage thanks for the input thats been mu experience as well. Thinking purely logically i dont see why more professors doctors and rich women arent into stripping especially since stripping is much more anonymous than things like internet porn or onlyfans.
    Strippers can make $400 an hour on Friday and Saturdays, that rate is more than the top doctors. There are definitely dentists and professional women out there who could strip if they wanted to and do well.

    I have heard there is a conondrum where the escorts or strippers have trouble finding a guy for LTR, and that they don’t respect the guy they have for ltr since he’s okay with them stripping or escorting which means he’s a pushover or desperate with no options so agrees to let her strip or escort. Everyone I know who would marry a stripper or escort fits a certain behavioral type. These are guys who would let their SOs cheat on them
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Twentyfive you keep accusing people of trolling but everyone you accuse is either asking questions or answering questions in a detailed manner. Meanwhile you and a couple others don’t contribute anything to a discussion besides posting X person is a troll, which is literally a form of trolling my friend...flaming and always starting drama or false accusations is all trolling and much more serious than apparently asking dumb questions to troll
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Eh not reading all this.

    I have found that most of us strippers do have issues with relationships unfortunately. But not all of us have all the exact same issues because we are not all with the same type of dude and not all strippers do all the same things.

    Most strippers I've met do either have another job at least occasionally or some side hustles. Like even if they make enough money, there is burnout and cases of I don't give a flying fuck 🔪🔪🔪

    I've never met a stripper who has been at it for a few years that doesnt either have another job from time to time or another hustle or side hustle, whatever. You men are too fucking irritating and act like you want us to murder you then dump your body in an alligator pond, *hypothetically*.

    What someone said above about strippers in big cities strictly stripping isn't entirely true. An incredibly high % of girls in places like dallas, miami, LA at least occasionally dabble with itc/otc extras and or having sex with disgusting old guys they pretend to like for cheap aka sugar daddies.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Blahblah do you think once women start making 100k+ from their regular or professional job do they quit stripping or escorting since the money isn’t needed as much
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    @rickdugan this is the main thread i was hoping to get your thoughts on.
  • FLAP3000
    2 years ago
    There is no answer to this question. Every woman is an individual, every man is an individual. Would I date a dancer that I knew for a certain did extras itc or otc? I’m actually facing that conundrum now. I have a local dancer well known and mentioned quite extensively on here wanting to go on a date. An actual date. Like wine, romance, holding hands on the walk back to the car date. I met her at the club, didn’t even get any extras just regular dances (albeit quite sensual). We talked for 2 hours after our dances - club was very slow and the conversation was just very engaging and interesting the entire time. She wrapped up the convo only because a regular that had booked her showed up on time.

    Granted, we haven’t gone out yet but have agreed on a date in the near future. How might it end?? Who knows..But if things progress, if the date goes well and we actually end up liking each other…would I see myself dating her long term and I knew she did extras? It’s like old folks pissing, it just all depends.

    Is this a means to an end? Does she have any other aspirations for down the road? Does she bring it up regarding stopping? How is she financially - is she stacking that money she’s making while doing extras or is she blowing it fast and frivolously? Is she bi-does she occasionally bring a dancer friend home for me? Does she get all pissy if I go to a club and have fun with other girls?

    These are just some of the variables. Of course, right now it’s just conversation since we haven’t gone out yet. But definitely something worth thinking about.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    I think strippers would be hard to fully civilianize. If they really are FSSW, then they will not want long term strict monogamy.

  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Fly likes penguins ive heard once you commit or date them they lose the respect for you. If youre okay with their job. They may just be using you for security as well. Like fool around all the time, and have a guy still committed to them
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Well I think it depends on what else you have to offer them, what kind of a life

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