Meeting outside the venue

avatar for rodman91
Has anyone met up with a girl outside of the venue? I met a girl at Adelitas a while back. After getting with her a couple times, she gave me her real name and contact info. We’ve been chatting ever since. She wants to meet up with me the next time I’m in TJ… outside of Adelitas that is. I was thinking about getting a hotel in a nicer part of town like Zona Rio and just kicking it with her. I’m not sure if it’s a hustle or if she genuinely likes me. The fact that she’s a fairly young college student and I’m a middle aged man has me thinking she’s in it for something else (green card, money, etc.) Whether it’s a hustle or not, is she expecting some money in return for her company? Or do I just proceed as if it’s a date where I pay for everything but the sex? lol


last comment
avatar for BuckMcNutter
3 years ago
bring your Amex big guy !
avatar for TJ Walker
TJ Walker
3 years ago
I think she's genuinely working and looking for a sugar papi.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
I doubt it's a "hustle". And she very well may like you. However, I'm sure she wants to get paid for her time. But an OTC session with a local girl could be a lot of fun. I'd like to explore the other parts of TJ. Maybe go to the beach or go to the Markets.
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
I hear wedding bells!
avatar for Omega_Entertainment
3 years ago
I’m not sure if it’s a hustle or if she genuinely likes me.

This sums everything up in a short phrase. You have become the perfect hustle. Its her job and you think she is in love.

When people come to your job and interact with you however it may be, do you see them as clients/customers or your new fiance'? If you answer the latter, then commit yourself.

She is working to support herself and her family and you are just one tool she has to do that. Get it out of your head that its anything but a money transaction, and have your fun, but dont get attached or you will find yourself in more trouble then you can handle. Prostitute mother of your border baby doesnt look good for a green card app.
avatar for Rod84
3 years ago
Agree w/Omega. There's virtually no way she "likes" you, other than a tool in her money-making arsenal. Which, is perfectly fine for what it is, and can be a very pleasant interaction. But only in that context. Whenever there's motivational pay-off for a romantic encounter (TJ girl, Ukranian war bride, etc), the connection is fundamentally flawed. It won't end well and someone (you) will get hurt, big time.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "The fact that she’s a fairly young college student and I’m a middle aged man has me thinking she’s in it for something else (green card, money, etc.)"

I think you answered your own question. As a rule of thumb, if she's out of your league in a regular setting then she's out of your league anywhere. She gets paid to make middle aged men feel good, including paid to fuck, and she probably just assumes that you know the score.

So of course pay for everything and give her something on top at the end for her...time and efforts. I don't know what's considered reasonable in TJ, but I'm guessing that a couple hundred USD on top of the meal, drinks, etc. will make her happy.

Just don't get too attached to her and beware any efforts to be sucked into a long distance sugardaddy thing. She might like to get you on the hook for remote payments if she can, but she'll most likely accept a pay per visit situation if it's her only choice.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
If you get her pregnant consider your life over.
avatar for besmitty
3 years ago
oh i hope @greenbeans sees this post and comments on it today !!! lol
avatar for Greanbeans
3 years ago
Damn! How do i even start….

Definitely hang out with her! Definitely pay for everything! Ask her if there is a way to compensate her time with you. But be careful with HOW you say it. My ATF got offended when i hinted about giving her $$ for her visiting me in my hotel on her day off. I quickly changed my answer and said that its not for that, its for her Ubers, data plan cuz we video chat A LOT. She accepted.

Since then, our ‘relationship’ has evolved, transformed into something confusing. But last month, she spent 3 days, 2 night and never asked about $$. I do however pay for everything when we are together, also buy her things, ie her her most recent plane ticket back to TJ & home (she said no at first and second), clothes, etc. almost feels like a ‘real’ relationship.

Does she like you? Dayum! That’s not an easy thing to determine. Just go with the flow. Someone just recently told me: enjoy the company, enjoy the moment you are together. And when your not with her, someone else is (nature of her work)
But is there a possibility you aren’t the ONLY one? Absolutely! Does she have many other clients contact? Absolutely! Does she treat them same as you? Who knows! Lets face it, not every guy that these girls take arriba is a stud or attractive to them. Some are just nasty, they still have to pretend they like it.

Their JOB is to sell the fantasy. Not saying it can develop into something BUT the simple fact of her job, a prostitute, puts a huge strain on whatever type relationship, in case you thinking of boyfriend/girlfriend scenario.
Bottom line, go for it. But eyes WIDE OPEN sir. Her job is to sell the fantasy. Time will tell you a few things. Just keep eyes open

Mis dos centavos
avatar for Greanbeans
3 years ago
Oh! Here is a little more on my ATF. She pinged me yesterday around 4:45pm, asked if we can video chat. Sure!
She was on her lunch break from HK. She just wanted to see me and talk before having to ho back to work. Said she can’t wait till Sunday night to Wednesday morning, when we together again.
Will she call the next guy and say, can’t wait to see you Wednesday night? Maybe, prolly.

Cant be blind to that possibility
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Do people that do side-jobs in addition to their main--job not expect to get paid.

We are basically an ATM w/ legs to these girls - nothing wrong with that - that is just the reality - we want something from them; they want/need something from us - you shouldn't expect an attractive young girl likely close to half your age to wanna spend her free time w/ you b/c "she can't get enough of you" -
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
It would seem like if you are going to meet a girl by appointment, you want it to be outside of any strip club, and even outside of the zona.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
IMO you should def pay her if for anything else she likely needs the $$$ more than you do else she wouldn't be fucking strangers for a living - I wouldn't even ask and thus put her in an awkward position - I would consider it a gift for her time and attention and her willing to be a pretend girlfriend - if she didn't need the $$$, she likely wouldn't be contacting you - she probably sees you as an easier way to make $$$ other than being in the club hustling and also having to pay the club its dues; she likely sees it as additional side-$$$ or a way to get treated to some fancy restaurants w/o it being on her dime.

You are a customer and a source of income nothing more - if you can date equivalent hot chicks then you wouldn't be doing TJ.

There's several guys on here that hit TJ on the regular at least one does see his faves on the side - I would assume he drops $$$ on her every time he sees her but IDK the details.

Given they make $100 per 30-mimutes in the club, I'd assume a $200 gift plus treating her to some nice places she likely wants to go would suffice but that is just an assumption on my part as I'm not a TJ guy.

These girls meet hundreds of men; what are the chances "you're the one"; answer; you're not - w/ rare exceptions the only thing we should expect from these girls is them treating us well, not that they are in-love w/ us.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
At the end of the day it's busine$$ - the provide something - we provide $omething.

But you gotta be careful you don't become a clueless-mark and become a "Western Union Papi":…
avatar for rodman91
3 years ago
Thanks for all the feedback, guys. Thank you for helping me put things into perspective. I will definitely not be too emotionally invested, but still have a good time.
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago

I will play along and comment on your discussion.

I will start by answering your questions:

Q: Has anyone met up with a girl outside of the venue?
A:YES, some tuscl members claim to have had OTC meetings in The Happiest Place On Earth. (according to Krusty) TJ…

Q: is she expecting some money in return for her company?
A: YES, time is money, when you are with a woman that works in the adult industry you are paying for her time, modeling and companionship. Anything else that may or may not occur is a matter of personal choice and personal preference between two or more consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted for, nor is it requested to be contracted for in any manner. Gift donations are for time spent only.

Q: do I just proceed as if it’s a date where I pay for everything but the sex?
A: YES, if that is how you want to proceed is fine.

In Mexico they have an expression for when a wealthy man meets a pretty girl and makes her his exclusive mistress, concubine, trophy wife, or Sugar Baby.

“Sacrla de trabaja” = get her out from working for others, and make her his exclusive girl.

In all cases they both agree to what king of girlfriend/playgirl she will be willing to be.

Many girls all over the western world have seen the movie Pretty Woman, and we all should be aware that it is a remake of Cinderella, where the Prince rescues a pretty damsel in distress.

Like any place in the western world many pretty/beautiful high end escorts, movie stars/starlets”, swimsuit models, etc etc etc end up being exclusive with a wealthy man.

I assume that you speak Spanish fluently or she speaks English fluently, and you can ask her if she is looking for a ling term relationship.

Women, life mis female mammals, have imprinted in their DNA 🧬 to look for a healthy sperm donor typically the alpha male of the group, that will be a good provider and protector of her and her children.

In today capitalist society/system they are looking for a generous wealthy man, regardless of he no being physically the alpha male physically.

“We have courtesans for the sake of pleasure,

Concubines for the daily health of our bodies,

And wives to bear us lawful offspring and be the faithful guardians of our homes"

(384 – 12 October 322 BC)
Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens.

In this one startling sentence is the Greek view of woman in the classic age.

And in all times for those who can afford it...

Just make sure that you both agree to the type of relationship you both feel comfortable with, and feel that is a mutually beneficial relationship, win win situation.

Just make sure you can afford it and have fun and be careful out there.

And remember: Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

avatar for THE CHAINDOG
3 years ago
Wore a gun at a web shoot, I was a big scarey guy back then, 5,10 240 with arms almost 20 inches lol
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
"I will definitely not be too emotionally invested, but still have a good time."

That's the sweet spot. If you don't speak fluent Spanish, put some time in to locate someplace "safe" to meet in a tourist area if you're going outside the club zone. Try not to be an easy target. Keep your expectations low and the right girl might surprise you.

If you read the stuff on TUSCL long enough (and the OP has been on since 2011) you'll see that most dudes who've been doing this hobby for decades only have a few standouts. Maybe only one. Some none that they'll admit to. When you're not enjoying a situation anymore or you've gotten everything you can out of it, move on.
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
Ticuán hotel is popular for this level of 'relationship'.
avatar for Cristobal
3 years ago
As I have been on mongering hiatus I do not comment too often because I do not have much to contribute much to my felliw TUSCLers.

However,I woukd like to offer a few comments on this subject.

During my mongering time in TJ, I saw a few bargirls (BGs) outside the club, even "dateds" few.

From my experience, if you want to see a BG outside the club keep it profesional and pay her for her time, you can call it a gift (regalito), the amount depends on the day of the week and amount of time.

Remember, the pussy you do not pay for will cost you the most, you do not want to owe her a favor, in the future she will collect.

Be clear about what you want to do and plan accordingly.

Also, with regards to a "relationship" with a BG, be advised of a potential downside:

If she is fucking you for free that pretty much means you cannot go to her club and take other BGs arriba, if she finds out there will be plenty of drama.

Also, the BG world is kind of small community so word spreads quickly and you could even be limiting your ability to party at the other clubs.

Solo mis dos centavos
avatar for rodman91
3 years ago
Once again, thanks for all the insights. They sure came in handy when I met up with my girl last week. So here's a followup. We were texting back and forth as I was making plans to meet up with her. That's when she told me that she would be charging me her usual rate for the night. That's when I replied by telling her that I thought we were just hanging out and I was unaware that she was treating our meeting like a job... but if it's just a job, I don't mind paying. That's when she responds by saying that it's not a job and that she genuinely likes me, but since she is taking a couple days off work, she needs to make up the money somehow. She further adds that since she's only charging me for the one night even though we're spending 2 nights together... it's a good deal.

At this point, I realize that this is a ruse, but I'm still going to have a good time with her. I will spare you all the details since we spent 3 days and 2 nights together. But had quite a few romantic dinners... and we even took a trip down to Puerto Nuevo for some lobster and a nice walk along the beach. But here's the kicker. On our Uber ride back to my hotel, our Uber driver struck up a conversation with her. I didn't mind since I don't speak Spanish and the driver and my girl didn't speak much English. Even though I don't speak Spanish, I know enough to be dangerous. So, I was able to understand the part of their conversation where he asks her if I'm her boyfriend. To which she replied with a, "No." This was further evidence of what our arrangement was going to be.

By the time my trip was up, I paid her, we had one final embrace and we said our goodbyes. I did have a good time with her. It was definitely a change of pace from the typical club seen where I can't get a word in because everyone is wanting me to buy drinks and stuff. We are still keeping in touch and I plan on meeting with her again in the future. However, I don't think I will be walking down the aisle with her. lol
avatar for ATACdawg
3 years ago
She probably just wants your kidneys, or maybe your heart and lungs too.....🩺💉
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
ATACdawg is trolling you, but it's probably worth looking for signs of a long con. You're at a real disadvantage in her backyard if shit goes wrong. If you got a bad feeling about it, listen to your gut. None of us were there so we're gonna talk shit, but it's your life and there's lots of dudes who do TJ and talk about it like they came off the mount with two titty tablets. Your story doesn't sound like that.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
No women actually like men unless you are at least 6'5" and drop dead handsome and have no neuroticisms or issues and make decent money and above all have a "bad boy" vibe.

Women aten't like us. Everything is about "what can he do for me." I hate to be so black pilling but I've seen a lot and nothing has convinced me otherwise.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
Life is still beautiful. Not trying to get everyone down. Focus in the beauty in nature, majestic snow covered mountains, the sweet innocentce of a newbor child. The world is beautiful but don't worship women. If it wasn't for the wrapping nobody would want the present.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
You could chalk it up to poverty and money needs if it was only among poor women but its got nothing to do with it. Rich girls are exactly the same. I've dated poor girls, middle class girls, and rich girls. Its all about how they can get the best deal for themselves. The man is just a tool. Its universal.
avatar for 623
3 years ago
Dave, sounds like you are too cynical to ever be open to meeting people that are not “only in it for what they can get”. I get it, life has a way of making us that way, especially if we have had some good fortune or been successful. Many people will have their hand out. Sorry for your loss.
Altruistic behavior can help heal that cynicism but it must be true altruism. And it doesn’t need to be financial based either, in fact it works best if it’s not (although that’s harder to achieve).
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