Dancer training/help at clubs

BihottieAspiring dancer
I want to become a dancer. Is it OK to go to clubs and ask dancers for lessons/moves help? Obviously, I’ll pay them the same as if they were in VIP. I just don’t know if that is something that’s done. Help!
last commentYouTube. But one thing that a video can’t do is provide the experience it takes to talk to perverted old men in a way to extract their $$ from their wallet. That you’ll have to learn by diving in on your own. It is said that girls dont earn $$ doing stage dances. It’s earned from being up close and personal with a well paying customer who has sour breath from not brushing regularly.
IMHO you're way overthinking it. Just move slow at first and keep it simple. You should be able to watch a few dancers on stage and get a feel for what will work for you until you can do more. IME guys are much more interested in how much skin you're showing and how sexy you look than how acrobatic or polished you are.
Now to be clear, normally I would NEVER give a dancer any advice on how to be a dancer because I'm just a customer. In fact this is my first time ever in 20+ years. The only reason I did so in this instance is because your questions set off warning bells.
IMHO you should not make yourself vulnerable to any of these girls by asking one for help and for goodness sake never let one of these girls get their hands in your pocket. These girls are not your friends. They are there to make a living and more than a few will gladly take advantage of a new girl if she lets them. Some of these girls will even steal anything that's not nailed down.
Now over time you may be able to let your guard down a bit once you've developed better club instincts, but as a new girl you'd be better off relying upon your own wits and observations than asking a potential vulture to take you under her wing.
I wouldn’t worry about dance lessons. Nor would I worry about spending money on anything related to learning unless you have done at least 3 shifts. But even then, I wouldn’t pay another dancer on the job, I’d go hit up one of the online stripper courses that started becoming popular like 3 years ago. (Which is a controversial statement and some dancers adamantly hate them, and the whole concept but I digress)?
Reason I wouldn’t worry about your stage dancing: If you go through with starting up, just play up how young and innocent you are and customers will think any awkwardness you have is endearing. Heck, sometimes if I’m not in the mood to talk customers, the person in front of me doesn’t strike me as a hardcore club regular, AND I’m not in my home club—I’ll totally BS being a wide eyed newbie despite that I’ve been doing this for 6 years. That probably won’t be how you make big money but it does makes easy lazy money.
Eventually that new girl sheen will fade away but that’s enough time to figure out a stage trick or two. Heck another dancer may end up volunteering to help you with pole moves if she club is slow and she’s bored enough.
For anything you want to know, I’d start off with browsing through r/stripper just because it’s a resource you can find and read through even if you’re just lurking, and most of the content isn’t from 2007 like Stripperweb is.
Here is one pinned post from there that I’m copying and pasting for you. If you want to keep going further with reading what dancers have to say, then join the subreddit and read through the other “for newbies” posts
Here’s a quick check list of things you should expect if you want to audition and work as a stripper:
[ ] Can you be topless in front of a room full of strangers?
[ ] If you work in a club without alcohol, can you be fully nude and show your pussy to men for no money?
[ ] Do you realize that not all clubs are “pole clubs” and you knowing a bunch of or any pole tricks won’t really change your income significantly?
[ ] Can you deal with rejection on a nightly basis?
[ ] Is your self esteem stable enough to be constantly compared to other women who are making more money than you?
[ ] Do you know this industry is racist and fat-phobic?
[ ] Do you realize there is no guaranteed money? You may leave with less money than you entered with. And unless you live in a semi-wealthy area with high foot traffic, you’re not going to be averaging thousands of dollars a week, or even hundreds a night.
[ ] Are you comfortable with men sexually objectifying you within the first few seconds of a conversation?
[ ] Do you have strong boundaries and aren’t afraid to uphold them?
[ ] Can you spend all night pushing mens hands away from your vagina?
[ ] Will you get annoyed by having the same simple conversations over and over every night?
[ ] Are you able to hear unnecessary comments about your body, clothing, hair? Some of these comments will be inherently negative
[ ] Do you know what a lap dance is? Are you aware that a lot of men will try to hold you down and basically hump you while you try to dance? Or try to finger you or grope your breast really hard?
[ ] Are you going to cry and quit if a guy cums in his pants while you’re dancing for him?
[ ] Can you work in an establishment that allows known sexual predatory to hang out and buy rooms, because they “spend money” even though they are a danger to you and other girls?
[ ] Can you be half naked or fully nude in a room alone with a man you don’t know?
[ ] Can you pretend to be having fun and enjoying a situation while you’re actually bored or miserable?
[ ] Can you deal with the societal stigma of being a sex worker? You may lose friends and family members if they know that you strip. If you keep it a secret, will that eat away at you and complicate your life?
[ ] If you work nights, are you ready to say goodbye to semi normal schedule? 10am will now be early to you, and you’ll be busy a lot of nights.
[ ] Did you know your sex drive and desire may decrease?
[ ] Did you know your faith and trust in men may also decrease?
If any of these questions seem like a huge shock to you… Then I implore you to do more research before trying to enter this industry.
Leave anything I might have missed in the comments
Go as a customer, get some dances from a girl working and just tell them you want something to spice up the bedroom with your boyfriend or husband.
Do Not go to the club you want to work at, go to somewhere else. This keeps you safe from the animosity from the girls and the debt guilt they would throw at you.
Oh and stay away from Youtube. The person who gave the first girl a chance on stage and let them do nothing but twerk needed to be removed on the spot and 99% of the so called dancers on YouTube are fake and have never even stepped inside a club.
Learn to be sexy and sensual, not slutty and whorish and you will make more money in the long run.
@Omega what club are you the manager or owner at?
Yeah – I think hitting the clubs as a custy a few times and hitting different clubs will give you an idea of how things work and how the dancers carry themselves in the club – the stage-thing is not a make-it-break-it thing in most clubs – especially in SoFlo, the stage is not that big-a-thing as the clubs are more about lap-dances and VIP and half-the-club may not be even paying attention to the stage.
Being a stripper these days at most clubs does not require any “special training nor dancing skills”, it mainly requires being nude in front of strangers and being comfortable being groped by strangers during dances as stage-dancing is full-nude and dances are grinding 2-way-contact dances.
IDK if asking other strippers for tips will work out well – I think you’re better off just visiting a few clubs and observing – unfortunately most SoFlo clubs the lap-dance areas are often out-of-view of the main-room but clubs like Showgirls down on US-1 or Deans Gold in North Miami the dance-area is somewhat visible depending on where/how you sit and you can inconspicuously take some peeks and see how the girls give lap-dances - alternative you can go w/ a guy-friend and get some lap-dances for the both of you so you can see a lap-dance up-close-and-personal or even get a dance on your own if you're comfortable w/ that.
I would say just google clubs, call their number and ask 1) are you hiring dancers? 2) When do I come in to work or audition?
Also something I wish I knew about some clubs ahead of time. Certain clubs I think it is better to be a server or bartender. I tried to do that at Buck's Cabaret FOrt Worth lol cuz it was a way better deal than trying to dance in that fucking trash ass cheap whore house, but I think they didn't want me cuz they sussed out I wasn't local haha.
How you dance doesn't matter in most clubs, I mean it can help, but if you just wanna get started quicker and making money f that. Watch a quick youtube vid or 2 for basics to get you going and watch the girls for ideas once you start working. Do a tiny bit of homework on the type of club you are trying to get a job at. Like if every girl is a plastic barbie type and you're more alt looking then you're wasting your time trying to get hired somewhere. But there is something for everyone and all types make money. Just find what works for you given your look, personality, and style.
You are more likely to get rejected for not looking however the fuck the hiring person wants u to look. Which honestly is a real toss up. These days you have some of hte most beautiful girls getting turned down or getting the run around. It is what it is.
You can obviously improve ur chance looking like a high maintenance hooker or porn star lmao.
As @blah mentioned - working as a waitress for a while at a club is something some newbies do as a way to get familiarized with the strip-club-game.
I'm also trying to tell her that at some clubs bartenders and servers literally make more money than the strippers and do not have to do w/e the strippers are doing. but it depends on the club. Most clubs it is the dancers making more. Idk what area OP is in.
^ But how easy is it to get a waitress or bartending gig in those clubs? Heck some (but not all) of the servers and bartenders in my local clubs ARE ex-dancers. Those are plum gigs and turnover in those positions is often very low. IME it's far easier to get hired as a dancer. Now becoming a shot girl is another matter.
It's easy. You just need to suck dick.
"... Idk what area OP is in ..."
She's in Miami
Thank you guys for all the help! You are all amazing! I am taking your advice and will update you as to how it goes. Went to two clubs and didn’t even have to audition. They told me to start right away. I did dance at one this afternoon and was super turned on. Once I started the nerves went away and I just went for it, So far so good. Ill post more pics of me in my dance gear shortly
Where are you dancing?
The most important thing you need as a dancer is courage!
The only way to obtain courage is to seize the moment and go.
Everything else will fall in its place. Don’t try to be like other dancers. Stay in your lane and own that shit. Keep ya head down, a smile on ya face and, ya hand out.
Good luck
Try farting on da customer
Go hang out at a few clubs watch and learn. Then start stripping. But start slow and go easy.
May B These Dancer Names Ideas Can Help.
These Could B For Reg Names Too:
Brook, Angel, Heather, Allessia/Alessia, Alaina, Scarlet/Scarlett, Clair, Sukki, Savvy, Alice, Sunshine, Ivy, Iris, Mary, Kitty, Dawn, Millana/Milana, Lizzy, Venessa, Eve, Eva, Lucinda, Cindy, Alekktra, Lindsay, Seliya, Selena, Sabrina, Linda, Sophia, Starr, Meeka, Milly, Isabel, Cupcakes, Pebbles, Luscious ✔️ 💲 👽
Dancer Name Additions To The Above:
Suvvy/Suvvvy, LeeAnn, Alleahh, Nelly, Rawana/Rawanna, Aisha, Asia, Woo, Wu, Sandy, Veronica, Stacy, Amber, Lillian, Vicious, Tabitha, Ciara, Mindy, Felicia, Luvly, Gina/Ginna, Brandy, Francis, Faith, Grace, Abby, Monika, Cheyenne, Lesley/Lesly, Dimitria, Alicia, Alisha, Eileen, Lilly, Hunny, Moonlight, Ginger, Jenny/Jenn, Patrice, Nancy
Cool Dancer Name Additions Ideas!
Levia/Levvia/Leviaa, Chenigh, Chenigha, Chenighia, Francis, Monikka, Asiaa, Foxy, Alaisha, Cherry, Asaigh/Asighia/Asai, Summer, Mindy, Mariah, Alaina, LeeAnn
For Additional Dancer Names Ideas & Fuller Lists, Check The Verified Member Section Dancer Names Topic. I Posted Some Here In VIP & Front Room As Well. Strippers Cheers!!!
Additional Dancer Names Ideas:
Mommy, Chenikka/Chenika, Destiny, Sinndy, Asinda, Wendy/Windy, Bunny, Baby, Sarah/Sarahh, Peppers, Wanda/Wanna, Nina, Heavenly, Candy, Dustina, Cheyenne, Nelly, ReaAnn, Jan, Genny/Gen, Kristina/Christina, Claudia, Celeste, AsiaVu, Lilly, Vinny, Ann/Annie, Anniahh, Nina, DejaVu, Hotme, Flirtme
Names Addition:
Fantasy/Fantasies/Fantasia, Smoothie/ Smoothy/Smooth
These Dancer Names Might Help:
NightWishes, DayDreamer, Estrella, Beaches, SweetCakes, CreamCakes, Lusty, BossLady, Celestial, Xtreme/XTREME, Silinda, Sizzles, Saisha, Sasha, Katrina, Karina/Katinna, Sativa/Sativva, Sikku, StripperLove, StrippMe/StripMe, StrippGirl/StripGirl, Strippy, Naudia
Additional Dancer Names Spellings:
StripLuvv, StrippLuvv, StripGirrl, StrippGirrl, StripLove, StrippLove, StrippyLove, StrippyLuvv, DayDreams, SinFull/Sinnful/SinFul/SinnFull/Sinful, StripperLuvv
Like This Dancer Name Version As Well:
Additional Dancer Name Version: StrippyLuvvy, StrippyLuvy, Sinndy
Fun Dancer Names Combos: StripperGirl, StripperGirrl, StripperLust, LustyStripper, StripperLuvee/StripperLuveee, LuveeStripper, StripperSin/StripperSinn, StripperLuvv, SinMe, SinnMe
A Fun Addition Of Stripper Names/Versions:
SinnDust, StarDust, LustDust, LustyDust, DustLust, LustyShowGirl, BossyStripper, BossStripper, ShowBoss, SweetieStripper, StripperSweetie, SinfulStripper, SinnFulStripper, SinnFullStripper, SinFulStripper, StripperLady, StripperBoss, Sinnin'Stripper, StripperSweetie, SinninDust, RockStripper, Sinnin'Lust, VenomStripper, LuvvvDust, DustLuvvv, LuveeDust, Smokin'Stripper, NightLuvvv, Sinnin'ShowGirl, LustyShowGirl, LustySinn, SinnLust, StripperSinn, DustLuvvv, LuveeDust, Dustina, BossyShowGirl, Sadie, Sade, Archie, StripperLove, PoleBoss, Smokin'Pole, ClubBoss, StrippyLuvvv, Smokin'Hot, SweetCake, SavvyStripper
Additional Names Versions:
HotCakes1, Cupcakes1, SinnDust1
For Some Additional Help, I Posted Mi Fav's Music Groups/Songs Names & Some Really Cool Dancer Goodies/Gifts Ideas On Mi Profile.