
Mike Zimmer's swimsuit model girlfriend

Avatar for grand1511

Mike Zimmer got canned as the coach of the Minnesota Vikings a couple weeks ago. But he probably is thankful to have more time to spend at home with his 40-year-old swimsuit model, Katarina Elizabeth Miketin. She's sporting the team colors here:



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Avatar for Rod84

Ugh! She's one plastic chick. I wonder now that he's no longer coach, how long she'll hang before she seeks greener pastures?...


Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I think this is my "her elbows are too pointy" moment...

Avatar for rattdog

coach looks good for a guy that's 65. the girl is not my type but the fact that a senior is dating a young model is still impressive.

Avatar for mark94

He’s been a horrible coach the last 2 years. Is she the reason ?

Avatar for shailynn

I feel like if she opens an over to check on cookies baking her face will melt off.

Avatar for Mate27

Ha! If she was a stripper we’d all be asking where she works and if extras are available.

Avatar for shailynn

^ of course because in strip club lighting she’d look 10 years younger and all that plastic would glow under the black lights. Who can’t resist that!?!?!?!?

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