$30 is the new $20

avatar for Dan3635
Basic front room lap dances at Rick’s Cabaret in Fort Worth are now $30 per song. Still $20 at two other clubs (Temptations and Bucks Cabaret). I know some dancers say they charge $25 or $30 even when the club is at $20. I’m not talking about the exception. I’m talking about the normal baseline dance.

Are you seeing $30 at your clubs?


last comment
It won't be sustainable. Not with cover charges and drink prices going up
I grew up in Texas. Lived there until 2001. Basic price for a lap dance in 1982 was $20. That's 40 years ago. I'm thinking the price might be in line for an increase by now.
I just grabbed aluminum foil, garbage bags and gallon baggies at Walmart (no I’m not making drugs) and it was $29.00. I was like WTF didn’t this used to be about $12.00????
Minimum wage is going up... why can't strippers have a raise too?

The prices have gone up some at my club, and thankfully, it helps take a little of the sting out from not being able to work all those months that we were closed (and subsequently taking a much lower paying job).
Gas, food, etc... all the essentials we've always had to buy are all going up. It's only right that we get a little bump toward being able to continue to afford them. 🤷🏼‍♀️
I'll repeat myself in saying, it truly is a luxury past time- not exactly a bargain shopper's dream.🤪💋🔆
Nobody likes paying more for anything. I get that. At the same time, I remember paying $20 per dance in the 1990s in RI. Now the average price is $25 or so. $30 to $35 for full nude.

I'm not going to complain a lot about a $5 to $10 increase over 25 years.
Lap dances have been $20 in my local clubs since the late 90's. Times were good back then, since then hardly anyone buys dances anymore. I have noticed an increase in drink prices, and charging cover more often during the pandemic. I would likely find other things to do with my entertainment dollars if dance prices increased. Also if LD prices have increased in your area they likely aren't coming back down either.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Whatever you think of them it does change the game. You got really think about getting a dance before pulling that trigger and stacking at $30 sometimes $40 I’ll see. There’s a line somewhere in there, where it’s just not worth it. Save for unless the girl is just hot out the fucking wazoo which is rare anyway. I gotta feel for some of these girls that are going to have a tough time selling them, especially with all this inflation, how many ways can Americans get squeezed? I think $30 Lapdances are one of the first places to get cheap on, I’ll get my steak dinner instead.
Muddy you could just buy a goat like SJG did instead.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
^^^At this point if I get a coupon for one, I’m in.
I've never paid more than $20 for a lap dance in my life and I think that is my red line in the sand.
Prices on everything are going up faster than incomes. All of my Cuban friends and colleagues said they feel like they are back in Castro's dystopia.

Let's go Brandon!
it's usually 25 at the clubs I work at but inflation for sure and also great point @warrior15 !!! I've heard this too from older dancers ! everything else has gone up immensely in price since the 80s so I'd say a 30 dollar lap dance is fair!
It's not inflation. It's just raising prices because they can. Inflation is just an excuse coz most people wouldn't react well to "were raising prices to increase profits."

Girls are getting b ripped off though. How much did $20 buy 40 years ago vs now
avatar for WiseToo
New York
3 years ago
Lap dance prices increased from $20 to $25 at a local club, but the dancer doesn't see the $5 increase. That increase goes to the house. The dancer now has a more difficult time selling dances for the same pay!!
Hard to peg what something should cost – in the 80s or 90s probably spending $100 was a lot for the avg SCer – with $20 dances a PL in recent years could afford to get a lot more dancers and also spread-the-wealth by getting w/ multiple-dancers – I didn’t SC back in the 80s/90s but I wonder if dances were sold back then at the clip they are sold today in clubs with $20 dances – i.e. higher dance prices may not necessarily equal more $$$ - at $20 a PL may string more dances back-to-back; at $30 to $40 he may think it much more; not to mention that at $30+ PLs will likely get a lot more picky and perhaps less spreading of the $$$ around - higher dance prices may turn out as a wash since a PL would likely still spend the same total amount in the club or may be a negative b/c of sticker-shock where a PL decides it's not as worth it?

IDK if one can necessarily equate lap-dance-prices to other things in the economy nor that everything necessarily goes up in price – doing a quick Google search the link below states not everything has gone up in price over the last 20 years but I didn’t look at their methodology too closely:


My club technically doesn't sell single dances since covid, just 5 for $100 VIP, which has been the VIP price forever. Many dancers are willing to do 2 for $40 but no one wants to do single dances unless it's sold as a "preview".
avatar for alldaylong
3 years ago
How many songs does the average guy buy?? I usually plan 3-5 as an ice breaker unless the first is just terrible.
Faves I'll easily do double digits dances.

The solution is do bulk pricing discount. 1 song= $30, 2 songs= $50 3 songs= $60 and $20 each additional one or $25 a pop for the 1st 4 and $20 there after. From the girls' perspective the first one is the hardest to sell and from the customer's POV there's the point additional dances lose their ROI.

Shit adds up quickly if we're talking $30+ a pop from start to finish. No way I'm out.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
There should be a timer in every spot in VIP. You agree to $X for Y seconds, and pay in advance. Dancers don't waste time and thus money waiting for song starts.

But, getting back to reality, this is the US strip club industry, and your T&A is inevitably coming with a big, heaping, steamy side of stupid. You can only hope you'll have a club nearby where the stupid is not so bad it's intolerable.
Clubs I've been to have timers. Vip rooms have themes. You choose the music bottle and even temperature. Time starts when you start yhe music tand is times
avatar for samiel
DFW, Texas
3 years ago
Last time I stopped by Rick's (last fall), girls were indeed asking for $30. I passed. My regular clubs in Fort Worth are Bucks Wild ($20 topless, $30 nude) and Bucks Cabaret ($20 topless).

Bucks Wild actually has specials. Sunday $10 topless. Monday 2 for 1. Super Tuesday, $5. If a girl asks for more those days, you can complain to management. I'd always ask before you get a dance though.

In general though, I feel like for low mileage, $20 is fair. $30 for high mileage, depending on the girl might be fair. Clubs are slow right now, so girls don't seem to be complaining about $20.
avatar for tin man
tin man
3 years ago
Inflation i guess. If the mileage is decent,i have no problem with it.
Guys don’t go to a club thinking “I’m going to buy 10 dances” they go thinking “I’ve got $xx to spend”. If $xx only buys 3 dances and a beer he’s going to start thinking there is better entertainment experiences to be had for $xx where the money can actually last more than 30 minutes. The customer needs to feel like he’s getting value.

Dancers need think of things in terms of “how much do I make in a shift”, not “how much do I make in 3 minutes”. There is no cost of goods sold component to providing dances since the dancers time has the same value to her if she dances or sits doing nothing. When the dancer sells ALL her time at a given price per dance that is when she should raise the price per dance amount.

Would you recommend to the guy selling eggs at $10 a dozen; who complains he’s not making enough money; that he raise his price to make more?
All the price increases are doing is making me lose interest. $10 a minute for a lap dance? If I were younger and hadn't been going for 47 years, I would not care a bit, but now as I age out it's not worth it. Golf is cheaper than 20 years ago and with the new ski passes I paid $28.90 a day last year to ski and this year will be around $30. It was $80 ten years ago.
Good point that strippers provide a unique service but also are competing against other forms of recreation.
avatar for 8TM
North America
3 years ago
Let’s be real, $20 dances means $100 for maybe 20 minutes of work, and most people would think that’s still crazy good. Let’s assume there’s a lot of downtime in the club and round it to $100 an hour.

Dancers are almost always contractors, and the standard advice is that a contractor needs to charge 2x the rate of an equivalent full time just to cover insurance and benefits.

So $100/hour from dancing is like a $50/hour “regular” job. At that point it’s easy to imagine a lot of girls get turned off. And that’s not bringing up the extortionate house fees.

Also I really doubt the average non-extras stripper is consistently pulling in $800 on an 8 hour shift. They’re probably counting on one or two “hot” shifts per week.

Not to white knight too much. Strippers being horrible with spending and finances is a whole nother topic.
At the end of the day in order for one to have fun in a strip-club one knows they have to spend $$$ - it mostly comes down to ROI - it mostly comes down to if I felt the money spent was worth-it or did I leave the club feeling like I got jacked.

As dances go up it may just be the guys for whom $$$ is not an issue and don't have to think about what things cost whom may be getting-them; and that is likely gonna bring down the #s of guys getting dances and multiple-dances.

Most of us on here are vets and spend pretty-well and many of us have spent a small-fortune in our clubbing-career - so it's not a question of spending or not spending; but more a question of ROI and if $30, $40, and $50, dances, are worth it just to touch some titties.
From a recent review of Mons Venus:

I have always been a fan of Mons. It is not the place for extras or anything even close, but the women were always classy and the evening was honest. it was a place that you went more for the class of the women. Well, I guess I can't afford classy anymore.

Yes, the place has had an upgrade. The new dancefloor is attention getting. The curtains on the benches along the wall are rather useless, but I suppose are to make it look better. There is no private area, so basically it is the same place with a real fancy floor and red curtains around the benches along the wall.

To pay off the fancy floor, the dances are no longer, $35 a dance. Now the charge s $50 a dance. A 42% increase. It makes the national inflation rate seem rather small. It you figure the average dance is 3 minutes and 30 seconds that is $100 for 7 minutes. Just to put that in perspective, that is $14.28 a minute, or by the hour... a whopping $857 an hour. Wow! And in most cases you get an air-dance for that.

Now... let me be fair. The girls there are very nice and yes, I would love to have a dance with any (or every) one of them. The women are still the best in Tampa.

It was early, and I was one of about three or four customers. I waked in paid the $22 entry fee, and the $6.00 water. And a nice small young blonde came up and carried on a very nice conversation. She said she thought she knew me. I have heard that one before and since I had not been in Mons since September and it was two years before that. I shrugged it off. Later on in the conversation she insisted she knew me. She said you sat at that chair, and you gave me a shoulder massage. I remember you. Okay, I was impressed. I don't think of myself as that memorable, but she was correct. She did remember me. Okay, now the $857 an hour is getting a bit more understandable. It they actually remember you and make you feel that you matter. Okay... maybe.

It was then she wanted to take me for a dance, and luckily I asked how much. I was taken back by the $50 a dance. I was used to $35 a dance, and maybe you could talk them down to $30, but $50 was a surprise. She said they raised the dance prices. $45 during the day and $50 at night. I told her I just couldn't get myself to pay $50 for a Mons dance. I gave her the money I would have paid for two dances, and told her to tell the manager I left once I found out the price.

I like to visit Mons every once in a while. It is a good show. I just have to adjust to the fact the I would pay someone almost $500 an hour to dance in front of me, and don't even get a good drink or steak to go with it.


^ I don't necessarily agree w/ his per minute breakdown angle but the point is that he was so turned off by the current dance prices that he just walked out even though he's a fan of the club.
Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!

Wah! Wah! Wah!


Wah! Wah! Wah!


Wah! Wah! Wah!

I give $5 for da lapperz and $20 for da lot lizzards and dat is dat
Youn people are funny. So pathetically weak and stupid. They are ok with $30 dances, because despite their lies here they don't get them anyway. To the young its about image, not success.
avatar for seanbean1990
3 years ago
hi all))
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
So far I have never met a stripper who smokes her roaches or even knows what a roach clip is. Perhaps this is the ultimate proof that dance prices are too high.
Well the dances should be $30 at that club and have been for over a year. Considering the type of pieces of shit that attend Fort Worth clubs and how desperate to please texas sluts are $30 should be minimum imo.
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