
Shocking CoVid data from UK

Friday, January 21, 2022 12:50 AM
A government memo made public has just revealed that the vast majority of people recorded as dying from CoVid in the UK had, on average, 4 co-morbidities. Only 17,000 people died exclusively from CoVid. The average age of death among that group was 81.5 years.

During that time, it is estimated that 50,000 people died from delayed treatment, from things like cancer, because they couldn’t get treatment during the lockdown.



  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Covid does not kill, it just infects people who are ready to die. This was obvious by March 2020.

    The cure for Covid is sleep.



    Jennifer Fischer

    TJ Street
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Thats not true. Spreading misinformation like that is potentially dangerous
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    It is completely true. I watched the data for this county from when this first started. If it was like they were saying, then the streets and sidewalks would have been lined with corpses.

    Instead it was nothing.

    And in NYC they were killing people with the ventilators.

    UK data analysis says that very few died without comorbidity. Of those few who did, the average age was 81 years.

    We have finite life expectancy. There has to be at least 1% mortality per year, or otherwise that would mean that the average life expectancy is exceeding 100 years, and we know that this is not so.

    We have been treated to one big mindfuck. And why?

    It's because any reasonable conversation about COVID would have taken us straight to a conversation about Universal Health Care, because that lowers the rate of chronic conditions and premature deaths. All the COVID precautions and that mRNA Immuno Short Circuit combined would not give us as much as Universal Health Care would.

    But, the leadership of the Democratic Party decided that Universal Health Care, in the wake of Strom Thurmond's 1948 State's Rights Campaign and Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy, in a nation wide general election, was a loser.

    I mean imagine the 2020 primary, Bernie Sanders talking about Universal Health Care, and Joe Biden talking about ... NOTHING.

    So the leadership of the Democratic Party decided instead to promote a hysterical reaction to COVID. And one of their main people to do it was Gavin Newsom.

    Now yes, these people are elected to their offices to make political compromises. But this does not authorize them to spread irrational fear and panic, and to present completely distorted pictures.

    Back in late summer 2020, I was telling people to refuse COVID testing unless you are seeking medical treatment. Otherwise all the test data does is fuel Gavin's Gaslighting and Grandstanding. The cure for COVID is sleep, not standing in line to get tested.

    The alternative plan, focused protection:

    Faucci and outgoing NIH Director Francis Collins besides talking about how this seemed to have been something which escaped from a US lab, they were talking about how to discredit this alternative plan. They have never been honest about what they knew and what their motivations were.



    TJ Street
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Alex Berenson on Clay and Buck (read this page and listen to the audio media, vaccine is making this worse, and it is life threatening!)

    Vaccine failure in two charts and two graphs from four countries
    I could make the long case about original antigenic sin, falling antibodies, the issues around cellular immunity, myocarditis, and all the rest.

    But I’m just going to offer these four images because they speak more clearly than anything I could say.

    Scotland, Britain, Israel, and Denmark are four of the world’s most highly vaccinated countries. They all have 90 percent adult Covid vaccination rates and 60 percent adult boosters. Yet the vast majority of deaths are occurring in vaccinated people; serious cases are soaring; and infections are almost literally off the charts.

    This is Covid vaccine failure at the most profound and basic level.

    Democrats Search For New Message On COVID, Because Voters Ready To Move On

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    **** this is an anti-berenson source
    Tucker Nods as Deranged Guest Demands COVID Vaccines Be Pulled

    Vaccine fanatics say the darnedest things
    Apparently Big Pharma has never lied before



    Stanley Clarke
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    number 1 comorbidity is obesity.

    You might want to check out the their threshold for that before you assume you're not at risk:
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    Also on the list is:
    Smoking, current and former
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    The ratio of US CoVid hospitalizations to CoVid cases is about twice what it is in other countries. The assumption is that obesity explains a lot of that.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    That mRNA vaccine juice should be poured down the toilet. Just letting it come up to room temperature for a while will destroy it.

    This is going to go on for decades and decades as the responsible parties are rounded up and tried. Its either that or until we have genetic identification of their corpses.

    Resist ALL COVID Mandates!


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