Looking 4 A Lawyer
Please help me there is a exotic dancer somewhere on here that bragged for the last decade that she was going to become a lawyer. We need a lawyer at Bouzouki Law, can someone please put her in contact with us. We have a lot of hit and run cases and could use her help.
I'm glad to see you've been following her for so long, as she is very appreciative of her fanbase. I believe her name is Nina. From what I hear, she's pretty badass and makes great money.
Everyone knows the most cutthroat people to never trust are lawyers and real estate agents. I would add preachers, too but people will believe just about anything they tell themselves to believe in, and we all need something to believe in.
Thanks for sharing your fake life with us, though. Time to get real.
That crazy ass ape said that “…the cheap bastards simply wouldn't pay any decent wage if you weren't a lawyer even if they were billing $50 an hour for your time.” Did he ever think that the reason they didn’t pay a “decent wage” is simply because his work sucked big fat donkey dongs? Or maybe he was sucking donkey dongs while he worked. Who the fuck knows? After all, I’m currently in the alcoholic fog that we ricks call the rick fugue.
Anyhoo…I think it is clear that there is some connection between Anderson-ape and donkey dongs. I’m too drunk to know what it is but I’m a rick so I guar-an-DAMN-tee that said connection exists. ROAR!!!
Anyway, the tagline to include you with SJG, Icee, and Randumbmember may well be overdue. Just keeping it real!
Making the best money in dancing requires a combination of looks, charm and sales skills. It only make sense that dancers, when picking their next occupation, should consider those that also involve sales.
The barriers to entry can be significant, in the NYC market, as the connections take years to build and grow. But, apartment prices are still a bit insane.
With good communication skills, negotiation skills, knowledge of comparable properties (which can be researched at home), and a strong work ethic, and a relatable personality - you basically set your own course for success.
I guess I could go for my masters eventually.
Probably try the first, and then if that doesn't work use the second.
Knowing what you like, and developing your own sense of style, are both great. Once your vision begins to come to life, it will be even more enjoyable.
Weather Report - Live at Montreux (1976) [Remastered] (really good!)