Where Are They Now?

avatar for shailynn
Remember some members from past that you assume are still alive but disappeared?

Remember the really hot stripper that used to post here that said she was going to prison? Wonder what happened to her? Can’t remember her profile, she was blonde and I think she was in the upper west coast (Washington or Oregon?)

Dear god, we’ll trade you San Jose Guy for FarmerArt, but you can keep Alucard. We may consider trading Subraman for someone too!!!


last comment
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
rockstar666 is one that comes to mind

Not seen since 2019. Over 7000 comments.
Pretty non controversial. I admired his musical knowledge
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I think Rech is in the witness protection program
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
Where o’ where is Dougster?

Someone with almost 20,000 comments doesn’t just disappear. It’s been 3 years. Did he take his own financial advice and become a multi millionaire?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Shaylinn is now harassing homeless people and calling users on a strip club forum homeless to make himself feel better.

He accuses users of using libraries as if that's bad. Kinda like how desert scrub says dancers can't read
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I wish we could make Icee fag disappear I’d trade him for SJG any day
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
SlickSpick? Would love to hear his take on the whole LatinO discussion.
avatar for WavvyCain
3 years ago
Winex hated me but haven’t seen him around.
avatar for Longball300
3 years ago
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Coming from me, this might sound odd. I wonder what’s going on with PoleDancer? I hope she’s doing well, staying safe, and getting herself in order.
avatar for trpterp
3 years ago
JuiceBox69 and his "chacken fangers" (or however he spelled it 🙂)?
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Icee, SJG and I have been harassing each other long before you ever came here to annoy everyone. Name one person here that can stand you. Even SJG doesn’t like you.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Hoping April9424 is doing well
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Shailynn not being able to handle reality is your problem
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
And where the fuck has juice been
avatar for Heellover
3 years ago
The guy that did the bracket for the hottest famous women that we were voting on. I think it made it to the semi finals or finals and then we never heard from him again.
avatar for Huntsman
3 years ago
Eve, PD and April have been mentioned and I agree. Also BJ99.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I remember BJ99. And I remember the one who went to prison, but I will not disclose her name.

I remember EchoPizza, and he has been a big loss. Until recently TUSCL was more like an ongoing bar fight. A lot of people have done good work in civilizing it.

And then SlickSpic and Gawker.

Shailynn, wearing that extra tight jock strap may keep your voice from changing, but it is fucking up your brain too.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Nicole was the most entertaining member. Gawker one of the most interesting
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Again Icee:

Name one person here that can stand you.

Keep making up stories and asking about sneakers and hoodies and how not to lose crackhead girlfriends.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Go buy another hooker and do some more moralizing bitch
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
Stiletto25, FetishDancer.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I also enjoyed BJ99's posts.

Her final comment before ghosting entertained me.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
flagooner was an odd duck.

Would come at me pretty aggressively in the forum, but was much nicer and conversational via PM.

I'd rate him a 6.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Struck a nerve Icee? Go pick your girlfriend up out of the gutter and beg her to come home.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Shailynn you have a vivid imagination. Does making shit up about others make you feel better about yourself?

You're an old fuck who has to pay hookers and attacks anyone who doesn't
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
Reverendhornibastard hasn't posted in a while. He wrote some interesting stories about himself, his wife and her Indonesian friends. His best tales were not really strip club stories.

Rech disappeared in 2016. All evidence of his existence was wiped from TUSCL. Rech and I met at several Detroit clubs, sometimes intentionally and sometimes merely by accident. He was always cool. I think he might have been smoking weed.

Farmerart died in 2015. He told good stories. He and I would often PM.

Vincemichaels died in 2018. He was another Detroit character I knew. He was on the Detroit strip club scene long before I joined the motley crew.

GoVikings hasn't contributed to the discussions in a long time. He is still writing reviews.

Silkypants used to be a regular in the discussions. He must have grown tired of them. I see Silky several times a year when he comes to Detroit for strip clubbing.

Dougster, the epic flame warrior, seems to be gone for good. He posted under aliases for a while, but I don't see any signs of him now. He was an intelligent guy. He and I would sometimes PM. He was worth talking to when he wasn't attacking someone.

Gawker is someone I miss. His stories about his ATF made my stripper adventures seem tame. He still writes reviews.

Alucard died in 2014. I don't miss him.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago

She was a lesbian and we can be "pretty informal around here" w/ our posts which at times are not LGBTQ "affirmative/supportive" and I could thus see her being frustrated/upset by that
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
I actually heard from Eve back in July - she texted me that she was in town (SoFlo) - we had gotten together back in early-2020 and hit a few clubs when she had been in town then, and back in July she said she was in town again but was leaving the next day - it was short notice and I wasn't feeling too-well at the time so I passed on meeting-up but I was happy to hear from her - I didn't ask her why she was not posting on TUSCL - I did ask her how she was doing and she said something along the lines of "better now" but I didn't inquire if she'd had something going on.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I may not have the TUSCL name right - but JS69 or JohnSmith69 posted entertaining stories about his DS1.

I hear from Gawker from time to time. He seems to be doing well. I think his ATF moved away, and a lot of the craziness went with her.
avatar for Musterd21
3 years ago
Nicole - I miss her!
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Nicole was fun - even if she could get annoying at times.

Didn’t NiceSpice meet up with her once? I thought they took a photo together.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago

JS69 once wrote a raview of him having sex with his wife at the time.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I’ve missed Juice and his posts. I’m guessing he’s making good money at his job, and making great money in the casinos.

I wonder if any of his aliases know what he’s doing? BBBC?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Echo Pizza was a really good guy. He posted great stuff, like this about shortwave radio.


But he did not get many takers so I think he just pulled out quietly and politely.

This was back when TUSCL really just like a continual bar fight.

avatar for TxVegas
3 years ago
Glad to hear Gawker is still with us and doing well. His stories were out there.

I assume the JohnSmith69 has settled into life with a new significant other. I think he said his exploits wete the result of a divorce.

I miss the Revhornybastard and his stories about Mrs. Hornybastard.
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