What was the best upgrade Founder made to this website?
I'm just curious and maybe even get tuscl history lesson. I don't go way back like shadowcat and dandydan.
At least from what I've seen the voting on reviews thing, it used to be only a minimum character threshold, then they changed to voting 3 then 5 and now 7. If you check out the reviews from even just a few years ago, and even from like top reviewers on here, the quality has gone way up on these things. The voting mechanism has really has worked big time. I'm no stickler but it's really amazing the shit that got through back in the day.
At least from what I've seen the voting on reviews thing, it used to be only a minimum character threshold, then they changed to voting 3 then 5 and now 7. If you check out the reviews from even just a few years ago, and even from like top reviewers on here, the quality has gone way up on these things. The voting mechanism has really has worked big time. I'm no stickler but it's really amazing the shit that got through back in the day.
One free FRMOS for every 100 posts
Why aren't you there right now, preaching to your own choir?
Founder has also gotten zillions of women registered and adding newer and better pictures daily.
I am suggesting that Founder give special category listing to these new Private Party / Membership Club places. Both the mobile party type and the type which more looks like a strip club.
I am suggesting also that Founder set TUSCL up to replace XotiSpot. That was set up for the whole country. But in fact it was mostly just used in Portland.
So clubs could get a TUSCL built site, and have listings for the current crew and the entire roster, which shows a lead picture for each girl, from which you can click on and get to her profile.
That Founder got so many women registered and posting pictures has undoubtedly led to a huge boost in traffic and new registrations. People want to look at the women's pictures. I certainly do. So they keep coming back to the sampling given on that front page.
Frampton, very clever jazz harmony in this!
Meanwhile, I know that this site can move to give special support to these new Private Party and Membership Club venues. And it can let dancers, who wish to, promote themselves.
PBS Newshour
And Shailynn will be succeeding Robert Tilton: