
Detroit Crackdown

Avatar for PrimetimeSchein

This dawned on me earlier. With a new police chief in the city of Detroit will clubs in the city limits be able to operate as they used to or is Mayor Duggan the cause for the crackdown on clubs? Interested to hear your thoughts


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Avatar for ww

Short answer: No.

Short reason why: COVID-19.

With no end to COVID in sight, no club is going to go back to how they operated before.

Long answer: Even without COVID, it wouldn't go back. As someone who has been all over the U.S., I've watched every urban area "crack down". The number of areas/clubs to go back to "normal" after a period of time? Zero.

The generation now view stripclubs as a nighclub that has dancing girls in it that are more for show than touch. This hasn't reached every single club yet across the country, but for urban areas, this business model is the norm. Today's patron doesn't even know what they "missed" as the new normal is all they've ever known.

The most that might be gained with a new police chief is potentially some underground spots being able to operate and thrive a little longer than before, but even those would be temporary - they all eventually get raided.

Avatar for shailynn

If this would indeed happen jackslash would lose his mind.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Ww is right. I'm noticing clubs turning into bikini Bars. Girls at some nude clubs don't even bother stripping but still expect stage money.

Los Angeles clubs advertising djs and food trucks more than girls. Girls hustling bottle service. And clubs taking as much as $200 if you don't have a vaccine card.

Avatar for Rod84

Unfortunately, cities often get ruined by moralizing politicians - especially in conservative areas (good reason to pave it blue... ;)

Somewhat recent ruined cities include: Nashville (formerly one of the best), Newport KY, Atlanta (in the process of)...

Avatar for Electronman

I don't live in metro Detroit so my direct knowledge is somewhat limited. The change in police chiefs might help but I suspect that the really motivation for the more strict enforcement is traceable to the evangelical christian churches in the area. There is also the assumption that driving out the strip clubs will magically improve the blight and quality of life in Detroit.

Avatar for crosscheck

For politicians, going after strip clubs or anything in the sex business is the lowest of low hanging fruit.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Going after sex makes Republicans happy. But its more about money laundering.

Avatar for Lanechange

Theres a lot of weighing in from peiple generally without anything from anyone who shows any knowledge about Detroit specifically. Mayor Duggan is a Democrat. Chief Craig is a republican. Both started in 2013. At the time extras were widely available in Detrout clubs.

Also that is about the time I started going. At the time toy chest was one of the detroit clubs, i thinknit was 2015 it was raided, extras did return eventually but also not long after Detroit required all privacy curtains come down and the extras era in detroit city limits was over. Penthouse was closed. All this happened before covid.

Behind this was detroit evangelical activists, i believe city council would be the appropriate office to blame. Certainly dont blame the prosecutor Kym Worthy. She was using civil asset forfeiture as a revenue machine, she didnt want to kill that golden goose.

Outside detroit city limits nothing changed, and really covid hasnt changed things either. Prices are rising, some of that is supply that could be a by product of turnover that could be due to covid. But clubs that do or dont have extras are the same now as they were 2 years ago in Detroit

Avatar for ww

@Lanechange - most of your assessment is accurate although I would still argue that COVID has had an impact on most clubs since March 2020. The clubs still open are operating relatively “normal” currently.

However, that is not the question posed by OP.

Can clubs within the actual Detroit limits return to what they were prior to the VIP crackdowns with new police Chief?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

We had been alerted before about this State Assembly person, Leslie Love? She wanted to "professionalize strip clubs", meaning to destroy them. I guess this is still going on.


Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

@Lanechange ‘Theres a lot of weighing in from peiple generally without anything from anyone who shows any knowledge about ____________ specifically.’

First time on tuscl? Everyone here is an expert.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

And @Lanechange, please enlighten us.

I say that the private party model is the future.


Avatar for Papi_Chulo

w.r.t. strip-clubs there can be different factors as to why localities may want them shut-down – yes there’s always been the religious angle but IDK how much sway they have since the evangelicals have opposed “sinful” behavior for decades and for decades have been opposed to sexually-oriented businesses (not just strip-clubs) but also things like gambling – besides the evangelical angle there is also politics and $$$/big-business with these two often going hand-in-hand and over the last 10+ years it seems the political/business/$$$ interests may be what has had the biggest effect on SCs o/w blue areas would be thriving w/ high-extras clubs.

IDK much about Detroit politics, but if I recall correctly the state had taken over the running of Detroit at some point in the past and it seems that may have been when certain things started being put in place “in order to rehabilitate” Detroit and part of the “rehabilitation” likely was going after “the seedy strip clubs” – many different areas/cities have gone after strip-clubs over the last decade and I think most of what’s behind that is money-interests mainly gentrification and a lot of massive new-developments whether they are commercial or housing.

IDK the exact reason why Detroit went after SCs but I assume the Detroit SCs have been taken down via political and/or big-business means which is where the true-power is (religion/evangelicals seem to have much less sway in today’s society compared to the 20th-century; not to mention that is not uncommon for certain “religious leaders” to often just be a front for other interests and be on-the-take) – w.r.t. the police; police are mostly blue-collar-guys that don’t really care if a guy is getting head in a strip-club and most probably enjoy strip-clubs themselves – the police may be proactive w.r.t. a particular club if it becomes a nuisance due to violence (2AMers; etc) or heavy-drug trafficking – it seems the police are usually just used as the muscle to enforce what politicians and big-business want done, vs the police taking it upon itself to wipe-out a SC-scene in a city (of course there are often exceptions).

Avatar for Rod84

Papi - I agree on other pressures, aside from presumed evangelicals. I've often thought that in Atlanta, the path of development/progress dictates where the anti-SC zealots focused their efforts. Most recently, Buford Highway has seen a lot of development and Follies was directly in their path.

Similarly, I remember years ago when the Gold Club on Lindbergh seemed "targeted." After successfully closing it down, a huge Lindbergh Shopping Plaza/Apartments/Marta Transit Station, etc., opened. I gotta believe that an SC was not part of anyone's development plans.

Also a little Northeast from there, Oasis sits smack-dab in the center of the I-85/295 Cloverleaf, where most recently, the semi-abandoned shopping plaza across the street was torn down for new apartments. Oasis has a huge parking lot, which of course, in a more valuable urban/higher-density context, is a massive waste of land. I can't see Oasis last more more than a year or two before it's closed to make room for a new highrise, etc.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Disgusting how jackhole politicians, on top of not respecting the freedom of consenting adults, are indifferent to whether they may be causing deprivation/homelessness/hunger to sex workers and their children.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

The Dallas Cowboys opened their new multi-billion-dollar stadium in Arlington, TX in 2010 (prior to that the stadium had been in Irving, TX) - before 2010 Arlington, TX had s pretty-good SC scene and although I lived in Dallas I often preferred to club in Arlington.

I moved from Dallas end of '09 while the stadium was being built - mid to late '09 SCs in Arlington started to be forced out by the city and in short-order after the stadium opened there was only one SC left-standing where pre-2010 there were about a dozen (the one left standing was mediocre to begin with and in the early-2010s the mileage had significantly declined; IDK why that SC alone survived; I heard it was b/c of some kinda grandfathering-clause or perhaps the owner was connected w/ the powers-to-be; IDK).

Avatar for shailynn

Can we please get Rechs view in the Detroit strip club scene?

Avatar for Lanechange

Well in my view, the forces behind the pushback against Detroit strip clubs is unchanged so a new police chief dies not really change anything one way or another.

You really need to take in the whole picture though. The extras market is pretty well covered by the clubs outside the detroit city limits. You have 2 low end clubs 2 mid level and 2 high end where extras are available and really none of that is going to change. Detroit clubs have lost customers. But they are still there.

Detroit was put into bankruptcy under mayor Kilpatrick, really that was the era when extras went on the rise. Mayor duggan got detroit out of state financial management and that was all years before the curtains came down.

Now extras aside i also think detroit clubs are higher mileage than other areas. Theres still no tell motels.

If anything currently the police enforcement focus seems to be more interested in dealing with street racing.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^ Lanechange, thank you for that info.

I still say we need to be promoting Private Party / Membership Model orgs.


Avatar for BubbleYum

Metro Detroit is still a mecca for extras, but clubs in the city are now known for being extras free. Every Club had to convert their VIP area and remodel. If extras became a thing at the clubs in the city again, I feel it would be a slow and gradual transition back into it. Most of the girls who work at the clubs in the city slut shame the extras girls who come to check out their clubs. The extra girls are a minority and often driven out and it used to be the complete opposite.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Hookers who work clubs are considered yhe bottom tier by dancers at every club... they ruin everyone's bag by doing the most for not much.

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