Hey Teachers and Doctors, Leave Those Kids Alone

avatar for yahtzee74

U.S. Doctors Are Performing Double Mastectomies On Healthy 13-Year-Old Girls

https://thefederalist.com/2018/09/12/u-s-doctors-performing-double-mastectomies-healthy-13-year-old-girls/ https://twitter.com/StandingforXX/status/1472988554125058049 https://4w.pub/tiktok-gender-doctor-per-breast-removal-on-13-year-old-girl/

L.A. Schools Host LGBT Club For 4-Year-Olds, Promote ‘Two Spirit’ Sexuality And Child Mutilation https://thefederalist.com/2021/12/15/l-a-schools-host-lgbt-club-for-4-year-olds-promote-two-spirit-sexuality-and-child-mutilation/

2 teachers at a California school reportedly coached a 12 year old into a trans identity behind her parents back. The school also changed her name and pronouns without informing the parents. https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1471356907176615941


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avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

I'd have to hear more about these matters from other far less polarized sources before I could say anything.


avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

The Democratic base of rich (almost always white) coastal progressives and radical activists won't let them course-correct. The Republican attack ads write themselves.

Like McAuliffe's gaffe (defined as a politician inadvertently telling the truth) in the VA governor's race, Nikole Hannah-Jones is saying parents shouldn't decide what their kids are taught. If there's one way to piss off suburban moms, it's to meddle in their kids' education and their golden path to Yale.

avatar for skibum609
3 yrs ago

Maybe cite some lying price of shit news sites that the scum called progressives rely on for their disinformation. Stary with nYT; Wapo: MSNBC; CNN and then down the food chain to the other lying sites. To progressive facts are no different than wooden stake is to a vampire. Want to talk about election cheating and fucking up democracy? Democrats in 2000 blamed Scotus; in 2004 blamed voting machines and 2016 blamed the Russians. All 100% lies they stupidly still believe. They know that in 2022 they are going to get smoked hence all the lying about voting rights. Wishing for a tragic year for all progressives in 2022.

avatar for RandomMember
3 yrs ago

I did a quick search under "gender-affirming" surgeries. Surgery on minors is very uncommon and is allowed in some states under the order of a psychiatrist and the diagnosis of severe "gender dysphoria." For example, for a kid who's already attempted suicide. The idea that surgery is done at the whim of liberal elites is comical horseshit.

I have no opinion other than it should be left to medical experts. I understand how the topic would be clickbait to nutcases intolerant to the LBGT community.

avatar for skibum609
3 yrs ago

Medical expert = someone who agrees with my pre-conceived opinions. in 2019 13 unarmed black men were killed by the police in a country of 335 million. That makes it very uncommon and the idea that it is done at the whim of racists is comical horseshit. There; fixed it.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

Yeah, I would like to see what more centrist news coverage there is on the OP's citations.


So basically you're outraged by teachers and doctors offering a safe place for chikdren

avatar for yahtzee74
3 yrs ago

I don't think there are any reliable or centrist news networks. For example how the Weinstein stories were initially not reported.

But here's a story from the BBC: NHS gender clinic 'should have challenged me more' over transition https://www.bbc.com/news/health-51676020

There's also a 60 Minutes story that includes some statements from Doctors and teenagers that diagnosis isn't always thorough before treatment.

The Doctor on twitter posted about how some hospitals deny her facilities for surgery on minors because of ethics. So not all medical institutions are on board.

avatar for yahtzee74
3 yrs ago

outraged because teachers shouldn't be talking about sexuality with grade schoolers and kindergardners.

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

Every time I read shit like this I want to go outside and kiss the Florida ground I live on. Just sayin.

This shit was common for a while in the UK, but the tide is turning. They were "ahead of their time" some years back, but now there is a growing collection of young adults who regret having that stuff done to them.


If they have parents like you thank God for those teachers

avatar for skibum609
3 yrs ago

Sick, depraved, mentally ill child abuser applies to every single person who supports this.

avatar for Studme53
3 yrs ago

They need to be sued and forced to pay $millions for the damage they do to children. That’ll slow them down.

Bigots need to be sued for yhe damage they cause

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