Tijuana Video

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Came across this YouTube vid about Tijuana/HK - not that much to it but may be of some interest to someone who's never been there:



last comment
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Good info, thanks.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Good video. The area looks better than I had pictured it. More modern.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Interesting. Last I checked Tijuana had the highest murder rate in the world by a significant margin. So I’m gonna pass. Yeah Fuck that.

Juarez is No.2 I wasn’t interested in going there either. I’ll make due by jerking off, it’s ok. Jesus Christ how desperate are we.
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago
“I think this is mostly sensationalism – thru the years on TUSCL it seems the guys w/ the greatest fear of TJ are the ones that have never been there.

If a foreigner viewed American news talking about the crime in Chicago; Philadelphia; New York; Baltimore; Detroit; Atlanta; etc; they too would think “OMG if I go to these places I will be killed – there’s no way I’d ever go to those places”.

TJ isn’t the only place where if one goes by what’s reported in the news you’d think/feel it’s a 50/50 chance of something bad happening to you – e.g. every so often you hear things on the news downhere in Miami of something bad happening to a tourist – e.g. a couple of years ago there was a heinous crime where a young (20-something) girl was partying downhere in Miami I think over the Christmas holidays – anyway she went missing and her body was eventually found burnt in a dumpster – and similar other shit that has happened to tourists downhere in Miami – yet millions of people visit Miami and many TUSCLers have come down here to SC – similarly millions of Americans visit/cross-into TJ per year and have been doing to for the last hundred-years – not to mention all the Americans that live in Mexico; retirees; etc (according to Google about 1.5 million Americans live in Mexico).

Seems plenty of Americans go to TJ to party (not just SCs; i.e. bars; clubs; etc) – if it was that dangerous people wouldn’t go – this is not to say the danger is zero; but avoiding TJ and the good time it has to offer b/c of fear of being a victim of a crime is somewhat analogous to people who refuse to get on a plane b/c once in a while one may go down.

If TJ was so bad and scary, then it wouldn’t be so popular on TUSCL and people/TUSCLers would not keep going back – you’d think they go once and say “never again”, but it’s usually the opposite; most TUSCLers that hit TJ seems their take-away is that they can’t wait to go back – TUSCL HK reviews are over 1000 and go back close to 20-years; yet I don’t recall ever reading a review of a dangerous incident nor have I read any reviews where the reviewer says “stay away it’s too dangerous”. Again if one goes by what is reported in the news, one would not leave the fucking house.

~ Papi_Chulo
~ White (Hispanic/Cuban) guy residing in Miami, FL
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
^ I guess is like any bad area (Detroit; Chicago; etc) - as long as one stays away from the bad-areas you likely significantly reduce your risk - as the guy in the vid, as well as TUSCLers, say, as long as one sticks to the Zona where the clubs are and doesn't go wandering around the rest of the city one is probably reducing their risk by a large amount
avatar for TFP
3 years ago
We got a 68 year old white dude on these very forums who has visited TJ hundreds of times, no problems. We got person after person leaving reviews of all the TJ clubs with mostly zero incidents. Yet we still got folks hella scared to visit.

Well shit, cool then! Hong Kong is already crowded enough.
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