Stupid ways strip clubs let you know time's up

avatar for Muddy
I club I was at not too long ago called Billy Dean's in long island. It's like a small curtain booth, I'm getting dances in and all of a sudden the owner bartender guy who I assume is Billy Dean flicks back the curtain and yells in times up. Is there a less intrusive and surprising to notify somebody, like I don't now just say the same thing without flicking the curtain, I'll take the hint. Talk about a boner killer. I'm almost traumatized to go back because all I'll be thinking about is when this fuck is pop in. What are some awful ways you've been given the heads up that VIP is over? Maybe some good too.…


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avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Turning the lights and the music off...

DJ announcing last call and closing time...

The worst I've seen was bouncers beating a drunk guy who fell asleep coz he wouldn't get up and leave
avatar for gSteph
3 years ago
Nothing worse than 'that couldn't have been 15 minutes, damn.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
I was in Flight Club outside of Detroit. Extras City. Now I assume that when a girl is in VIP, she is off the rotation. Right ? Wrong ! Luckily the girl and I were just done with the deed. Sitting in the booth naked, relaxing and talking. Bouncer opens the curtain and yells. " Your up next" . The girl had to go on stage. I mean WTF ? If this guy would have barged in 30 seconds earlier, he would have seen a live porno.
avatar for RockAllNight
3 years ago
Warrior- if he works at Flight Club, I’m sure he’s seen plenty of live porno.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
^ Probably so. But the other times weren't starring me.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
As I've posted in the past; strip-clubs are seedy businesses filled w/ shitty people from staff to dancers to custies; they don't attract the best society has to offer.

Anyone w/ half-a-brain; or half-manners; knows all they have to do is yell from outside the curtain that your time is up or whatever; they often times just don't give a fuck and are either too lowlife(y) or just too-stupid to act w/ common-sense.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Not when time was up…but a manager marching up and angrily confronting a customer about his card not running through. (I guess the waitress couldn’t handle that herself…?) He stayed polite and said he received the text from his bank about the transaction, he had already okayed everything, and that it should run though fine now. And it did. And he leaves to use the restroom and she arrives to bitch again, like we are supposed to leave when it was only like 40 minutes passed and there was 20 minutes or so left. Considering how expensive cabanas are at that club, the whole thing was ridiculous imo.

Now that I’ve had the opportunity to experience better club environments, I don’t miss it there at all. 🙄
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
This is why you want to go the club with SJG. When SJG starts his FRMO session, you start your 15 minute dance. By the time they extricate his pancaked body from underneath his favorite dancer, your 15 minutes have turned into 30.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
It seems like 80% of the time they forget you're back there, as opposed to trying to cut the time short. I've taken to running a timer on my phone. If it's cut short by a couple minutes, I let it slide. Otherwise the dancer and I just continue till the phone timer runs out. One time a bouncer got peeved that we stopped before he said we should. The fact that clubs don't have timers is a serious mystery. Another appeal of OTC, even without extras.
avatar for GrayFox
3 years ago
I have had dancers use their phones and set the alarm. One club that hasn't opened since covid handed the dancer a timer when you did a VIP dance which was good since you knew how much time was left. Another club would pull open the curtain and tell you that you had 5 minutes left in the VIP room
avatar for BGSD3100
3 years ago
I've never had anyone but the dancer say times up. And it's never times. I pay for the number of songs.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
When I've found a dancer I like, I want at least 30 minutes. It gets annoying to count more than 3 or 4 songs.
avatar for 8TM
3 years ago
There are some Deja Vu clubs that have a vending machine with a timer in each booth. Your insert your Andrew Jacksons into the machine and the manager can even set prices for dance specials, etc. It takes a little getting used to but I have to admit it keeps everyone honest.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
^ I'd prefer that system - the "honor system" is flawed in the often seedy strip club world
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
People make fun of the parking meters but it’s a fair and honest system.

Even with the cooking timers and phones, some dancers cheat
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