October Inflation 6.2%
It’s clear this is no longer transitory. Biggest jump in prices in over 30 years.
Main causes are federal deficit and shortage of goods resulting from CoVid and lock down shocks. The cure is a rise in interest rates to bring down inflation while ending CoVid restrictions to increase production. Instead, the labor force is shrinking because of vaccine mandates while overall economic activity is chilled.
This is going to last a while.
Main causes are federal deficit and shortage of goods resulting from CoVid and lock down shocks. The cure is a rise in interest rates to bring down inflation while ending CoVid restrictions to increase production. Instead, the labor force is shrinking because of vaccine mandates while overall economic activity is chilled.
This is going to last a while.
Killing the Keystone pipeline was stupid - as we still have demand. We must now import fuel from countries who are much worse polluters than us. It costs more to transport fuel.
They killed the labor market by offering extended benefits - and it’s become more profitable to stay home and not work. My expectation is once folks have pissed away their unemployment money, they will need to have a reawakening and then they will have to lower their standards and go back to work.
After the lazy unemployed turds have pissed their free money away - possibly after the holidays - after a new big screen TV and Xbox - and the cost of heating their shitty apartment squeezes some more funds out - they will start crying about the bad working white man - to try and get some more free stuff. If that fails, they might need to work again! I know that free government cheese and bread is nice - but there’s still the lure of Olive Garden - and Red Lobster!
It’s sad watching Biden try to explain it. He doesn’t have the cognitive ability to explain how to make change for a dollar. Telling folks they are using too much toilet paper! He obviously isn’t making the decisions, and he’s unable to handle any questions.
He made a mistake with his appointments - especially Yellin at Treasury. That fudge packing Transportation secretary is taking gay paternity leave! As ships sit offshore - he’s greasing his butt buddy’s ass - and the only thing moving smoothly is his fist in his fag friends ass!
No offense to BBBC.
No homo!
The best thing to do may be, as twentyfive above says, is have fun. You should do sensible things like not keep a lot of cash, which will rapidly decrease in value, but not spend a lot of time worrying about something you have no control over. As far as strip clubs go, the inflation will cause an upward pressure on prices. At the same time, as the economic situation deteriorates there will be fewer guys with good paying jobs and more unemployed ones so demand for strip clubs may drop. The combination of rising prices and decreasing demand are likely to hurt strip clubs.
I've talked to some long time strippers over the years. They have told me strip clubs never really fully recovered from the 2008 crash. The era right before that may have been the peak of demand for strip clubs, with a long slow decline from there on out.
Businesses are bleeding the nation dry via price gouging and working with skeleton crews.
Many job openings are fake....they offer part time minimum wage positions with no benefits and won't fill them coz they look committed PPP fraud. As long as they pretend to look for employees they don't have to repay the loans they pocketed.
Printing money and taking on additional debt are horrible practices for a country that wishes to remain a world power. There must be a point when they understand how detrimental spending has become, and they must simply begin to reform.
Our greatest enemy is not white supremacy - it is our own elected leaders. They must show restraint and curtail spending. Either Biden is simply a puppet, and the progressives (along with Pelosi) are pulling his strings, or he never planned to reach across the aisle.
In the past, there were a good number of strippers from Russia and Brazil, after their economies and currencies self destructed. We have been fortunate so far, but restraint must be utilized.
It’s the working class that is being absolutely fucked.
Is higher inflation cause for concern? | The Economist
And gov't spending does not have net cost, until the money is siphoned up by rich people. And rich people are rich because they do this. So if you want to make welfare payments and not go into deficit spending, you only need to raise taxes on the rich to exactly that amount that they are being fattened by it.
This is Keynesian economics, at least updated to the Wealth Creation Scam era.
“A lot of people were so wrong Joe Biden myself included. I thought this guy would be a typical moderate Democrat”
Not me - I knew he would be too weak and the more progressive wing of the party would push their agenda and he would be powerless to stop it even if he wanted to.
Inflation Hits Record High
The bail out/ paycheck protection / relief payments were stupid. Enough money was created in order to get us
1. Universal Basic Income
2. Strong Public Housing Offering
3. Medicare For All
4. Free College and College Debt Forgiveness.
You only need to raise taxes to the extent that all of this enriches the rich.
As it was done, it all just propped up land lords and mortgage lenders. That was wasteful and will need to be taxed back.
Like I said earlier go out and have some fun. prices will start to come down when interest rates rise a bit probably first quarter 2022
I am enjoying myself. We got a rare late week of beautiful weather and I've been riding my Harley every day. I never pay attention to gas prices but today I was a little surprised when it cost me $18 to fill up. Never spent more than $12 before. Whatever, 6 bucks ain't shit.
But energy prices affect all the other stuff. Every single thing we buy is going up because of the cost of transportation, and it won't go down because of interest rates. Biden has single handedly changed us from energy independence to energy disaster. And that isn't going to change anytime soon. He's going to keep restricting our ability to drill, frack or run pipelines, while allowing OPEC and Russia to fuck us right up the ass. Why? I'm sure I have no idea.
What I do know is they are all laughing at us and our idiot President. And we are suffering with inflation that is only going to get worse and last a LONG time.
What do you disagree with, the rate of inflation, is the rate for the year or that the rate will start to come down first quarter 2022, you don't think that gas prices are under control of the American president, there are many reasons that gas prices are under pressure, the main reason is the move away from fossil fuels, there's a lot that Biden has fucked up, but one of the main inflationary pressures is the tariffs that the other guy imposed, and it's really not quite as simple as everyone seems to think. Let's see how this all play's out, the Russians and the Chinese are determined to screw with us, so far they aren't succeeding.
LOU REED "Egg Cream"
But our major supplier has had three price increases this year which is unheard of. With a possible 4th before the end of the year.
So you'd prefer going back to Nixon with the price freezes and the gas lines, don't forget the stupid sloganeering, WIN (Whip Inflation Now) or before him with the national speed limit and thermostat set to 68 degrees that wasn't a great policy or time. But on the bright side no price increases were allowed !
We have to follow the example of Western Europe and install social democracy, limit what capitalism is expected to do. We need to do more than that, we need to lead.
1. Universal Basic Income
2. Strong Public Housing offering, in leu of rent control
3. Expanded Medicare for All
4. Free College and College Debt forgiveness.
And we only need to raise taxes to the extent that these programs enrich the rich.
Lou Reed (2000 2hrs)
The left is super-adept at twisting-words to obfuscate reality - I think what they mean by transitory is that inflation may come down in 20-years and that can be considered "transitory"
The year-over-year inflation rate looks high, but if you use a window that goes back, instead, two years, the inflation rate looks more benign. I know that's true for energy prices, where we had depressed market prices in 2020. Inflation is nothing like the 80s so far; it's still possible that inflation will subside when supply chains open up. Nobody knows.
I'm not paying that much attention, but I read the Fed is planning to finally start tapering QE bond purchases, which is probably a preamble to the Fed raising rates. Pulling back on QE purchases is an experiment and who knows how much that will tank the overvalued stock market? OTOH, raising interests rates is welcome for those that want to save; it may be possible, once again, to have a bond ladder that pays something above pathetic.
No, I certainly don’t want to go back to those days.
I remember the 55 mph speed limit. The truckers used to claim that the trucks were inefficient at lower speeds and actually used more fuel. I’m not a long haul trucker so don’t know if that was really the truth.
My point is, from an operational view, multiple price increases during the year are a real pain in the ass. Price files need to be updated, customer quotes and pricing agreements need to be redone. For an already overworked, understaffed company the extra work alone of price increases are unwelcome.
Customers have actually been amazingly accepting of price increase. Customers, who in the past, would bitch about a few cent price increase or demand 30/60 day notices seem to understand and in many cases have dropped their demand of advanced notice.
The supply chain problems are a bigger issue right now than inflation - but that should eventually return to normal. I think. Lol
There is a shortage of about 80,000 long haul truckers along with a shortage of specialized rigs that are licensed to haul containers. These drivers require federal licensing. Training and licensing that many drivers will take a long time. Probably measured in years rather than months.
China still has a near monopoly on many essential goods. For example, it controls 85%-90% of Magnesium production. Magnesium is required to make aluminum among other things. Without magnesium, a wide range of goods like cars and trucks cannot be made.
China has closed much of its magnesium production because of its problems generating enough electricity. This is just one way that a problem in China, intentional or unintentional, can shut down the world economy.
To fix the supply chain issues will require years as manufacturing is moved out of China. Plants must be built. Workers trained. Transportation logistics reinvented.
fuck Reagan
Hanke said, “This is utter rubbish what you’ve just played. Inflation is always a monetary phenomenon. It’s how much money the Federal Reserve and the commercial banking system is creating. And they’ve got so much money excess in the monetary bathtub right now that no matter what they do, if they completely cut the spigot off and didn’t put anything in, we’d still have a big inflation problem that will last through 2024.”
Very different in Latin America where Spanish colonialism consisted of racial supremacy, and of attempted genocide.
Go out have some fun inflation or not, spend a few of those bucks, that you wealthy guys have been hoarding. I've never seen such a cheap bunch of fuckers.