
OK I'll join the "I get no love" whine

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Pathetic geriatric trick that I am, my favs can take $200+ of off me in under 45 minutes, no extras. With a dozen or so regular PLs like me per week, a dancer could break into six figures per year, working less than half time. It seems like I'm easy money to them, I'd think they'd have steady work in Hollywood if they're pretending so well that I don't bug them. But most won't give me a way of knowing when their working, and some won't make a point of rolling up on me if the club's at all busy. I don't see Lambos in the parking lot or anything. Are they making $200-300K, but it's some leech boyfriend living large, not them? They seem too healthy and clear headed to be on heroin or anything.


  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Whatever dude. Like I always say, I'll never criticize how another grown man spends his own money. If you are happy with what you're getting for that $200 then cool beans. If not then you can always re-purpose it.

    As far as the girls who won't give you attention because their time is worth more than $200 for 45 minutes on a busy night, I am a bit surprised but I also don't know where you live and club. Probably not much to be done except to reward consistency by giving those girls who DO visit you on the busier nights your business on the slower nights too.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    @rickdugan I almost always club in small to medium size cities. I've only taken up offers of extras from two dancers. I had a great year with one, but $600 per meetup, she got dissatisfied with me, but wouldn't say why. The other was on The Block in Baltimore, a place I can't get to often, and she seemed to have a bad alcohol problem, which bothers me a lot. The other extras offers I've gotten from strippers were not competitive with a free date with Rosie Palm, they seemed unhealthy to me. In any case, my little soldier is less able to stand at attention every year, so 2-way contact is pretty much as good at it get for me now. A dancer who's OK with kissing can take $300 off me in a half hour.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Naughtiness with sex workers is the only expensive diversion I have, so don't know in what way I would "re-purpose" the $. I'm planning to give P411.com a try, but I don't have high hopes.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Man idk why I don’t just live in the Midwest
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    What's the rate range for the Patriot's Cheerleaders?
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    @nice might be worth it to try P411.com and make it clear in your ad you're just giving private lap dances. Frankly strip clubs have very subpar security, so private meetups with good screening is probably at least as safe as dancing.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Ah, I’d have no problem with clubs. Every club I’ve tried in the region has somebody walking you to your car? I’ve never felt unsafe. But possibly it might be after dancing in San Antonio with our record 2amers and thugs, idgaf and don’t feel much fear lol
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    Why not buy a puppy, @Ilbbie? Probably cheaper in the long run--and you'll get unconditional love.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    ^ Just for context, this guy was the one who goes to a club, throws some dollars down on stage, won’t buy any dances, and thinks a dancer will take a pitch to become a sugar baby seriously. Oh, and states that said dancer who was in her early 20s in 2019 is Gen X.


    Personally, I don’t think Rando is in much of a position to judge how I-bai is in clubs
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    We need to warn the nation's animal shelters that Rando sees puppies as substitutes for sex workers.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    They don't get money out of you. You go to their work and spend it on them.

    Find dancers who will give you attention.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    You wrote and I quote:

    “I had a great year with one, but $600 per meetup, she got dissatisfied with me, but wouldn't say why.”

    Have you considered it might be you are being a “Debbie Downer”?, because like they say “nothing someone says before the word “but” really counts”.

    “choosing to have a positive attitude is going to allow you to have a better relationship with yourself. If happiness seems unattainable, she recommends turning to a good therapist or counselor to determine if you unresolved trauma, grief or conflict. The right resources can help you heal, make sense of past events and choose a different path and attitude moving forward.”

    ~ How to Stop Being a “Debbie Downer”
    ~ https://shiramiller.com/how-to-stop-bein…


    I just saying it because, in my humble opinion and limited experience, you seem/sound a little depressing/negative sometimes.

    Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
    ~ Dr. Seuss
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    A hooker won't reject $600 just coz she doesn't like him or coz of how he feels
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    I'm past retirement age. When you are this old I think you just need to accept that you have to spend a lot of money on these girls to get them to spend time with you and even then there is some reluctance on their part. They really would rather be with younger guys. I could have received more friendliness from the strippers if I had gone to clubs when I was younger but I spent those years with my girlfriends and I really don't regret it.

    In addition to these girls not really wanting to be with old guys that much, I also think many of the girls in these clubs don't really think in terms of trying to maximize their income. Some of them think of strip clubs as a place to do what they would normally do anyway, drink and party, while picking up a little extra money on the side. Spending a lot of money on a girl who doesn't care that much about money is going to lead to disappointment on my part because she is not going to put out much effort to keep me spending it. So I need to be selective and look for the girls who are either serious about making money or girls who just naturally happen to be the really friendly type.

    Some of my best experiences have been with a regular who wasn't quite certain I was coming back. If you go see a girl for a long time there will inevitably be a time you go see her when she is in a bad mood and is rude and unfriendly to you. Strippers often regret this later after the guy leaves and start to worry he won't come back. I had one regular who was unfriendly to me while she was in a bad mood one time. The next time I came into the club she immediately came over and sat on my lap, something she had never done before. My all time favorite was in a bad mood one time and took it out on me. When I went back the next week she was much more friendly than she had ever been to me and when I left I was surprised when she suddenly hugged me and said she loved me.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    Strippers be crazy. You can't understand them or their lifestyle or their motivation.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Youre right and that's one of the most candid and honest things anyone has written. Here.

    How about going for older dancers?

    The ones you go for sound like selfish brats.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "How about going for older dancers?"

    This. You might have better luck with girls who are reminded of their Dads rather than their Grandads when they see you.

    I'm not saying this to be remotely harsh. Our options change as we age, even in the strip clubs. I include myself in this. As fortunate as I've been so far in the aging process, with a full head of hair with no visible grays and a younger looking face (for my age), there is nonetheless a certain % of younger bubble girls that I probably could have pulled OTC 10 years ago that I cannot today. As I get older I fully expect that % to grow. C'est la vie.

    So as our resident uber troll mentioned, positioning yourself for greater success might not hurt. Perhaps do more dayshifts and early weekday evenings and less weekend visits?
  • herbtcat
    3 years ago
    @docsavage, sorry my friend, but that's total horseshit.

    A stripper (or any woman) will think you are too old ONLY if YOU think you are too old. I retired two years ago and I still have amazing times, including doing the horizonal mamba, with 18-35 year old strippers and sugar babies 3 or 4 times a month. Attitude, personality, sense of humor and confidence are so much more important than youth. And to be honest, having a good amount of disposable cash helps a lot. Now there are certainly strippers who prefer younger guys, and I pass on then as soon as the size of my big, hard wallet fails to close the deal. But those are the strippers who haven't learned that stripping is a job, not a party. Once they grow up a bit and learn that guys over 40, and especially guys over 50 have the most cash, they change their game.

    I will talk to any stripper that wants to talk to me at a club. But I rarely spend money, even for a $10 drink, on a stripper over 35, especially if she looks over 45. My friends who see me dating women in their 20's often ask me why I don't date women closer to my own age. I just smile and tell them I don't have to. Rule of thumb: I don't want to bang any woman who has an 18+ daughter I'd like to fuck more. MILF's are for younger guys with no cash.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Op needs to focus on finding women who will give him what he wants. If he wants hoes that will mostly be older ones and Rick Dugan gave great advice about going for day shift slow nights etc
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    @herbtcat, things like personality, sense of humor and so on certainly help in gaining the interest of much younger strippers if you are on old guy but all that is secondary. It's primarily about the money. Once the situation changes and I am no longer a potential source of income their interest in me dries up. I've had a number of strippers as regulars over the years who have left the stripping profession. They liked me, at least more than a lot of the other customers, and the few times I've run into one after she left stripping she has been friendly and cordial to me. Not a single one, though, has ever shown much interest in seeing me once their stripper days are over. The few exceptions were situations where they thought I might be a potential sugar daddy. Once they decided that wasn't going to happen, any further interest in me evaporated. A 65 year old guy might have an entertaining personality but there are plenty of young guys who do too. Why would some young girl want to have a sexual relationship with some guy old enough to be her grandpa if there is no money involved and there are plenty of guys around her own age interested in her? I'm not saying it couldn't happen but it hasn't happened to me, even though women generally like me, in the 12 years I've gone to strip clubs. I wouldn't even waste time looking for such a girl.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    I am well aware I am the outlier here, but as I approach 64, other than sex, I can think of no reason at all to spend time with a 24 year old woman, no matter how hot.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    If its p4p yeah its just about money to her.

    But personality health looks etc help with women overall. Plenty older men look better than younger ones.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    To be clear, I'm talking about favs. Any dancer who seems to find me disagreeable doesn't become my fav. I doubt they are great at acting, and just feel like there's too much smog in Hollywood. But, always possible I'm easier to fool than I think I am.

    I'm pretty tolerant (maybe too much) of a fav having a bad day or having bad shit going on in her life that makes her grumpy.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Why do you think they treat you like that? Find another club coz you're paying for punishment. Or figure what it is on your end and work on it
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Ilb, just because a girl is your favorite doesn't mean that you're hers.

    I'm not going to debate with guys who club in places like COI, PVD, S. FL., and Detroit metro about whether age or other non-monetary factors play in. They operate in looser club environments dealing with a lot of girls who will fuck anything with a heartbeat and a wallet. They may pay an old man premium, but they are going to find what they want.

    Many of us, however, club in places that are not that open. I suspect that Ilb and Doc fall into this category.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    skibum609 makes a very good point. I agree.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I can't blame the dancers. Dancers will take anyone's money. The only exceptions I've seen is if there has been trouble with a guy. He has creepy requests or has a bad reputation in the club. Even if a guy spends a little. Girls won't reject it. A guy who gives her $100 a week is covering a few bills. Seriously look at your behavior before blaming her.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I see, there were just ricks up in the club, so I got kicked to the curb.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ the real reason he is in a second tier market is the truth he’s not going to admit, he doesn’t have what it takes to complete with the real Alphas
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Most of the 20-something women I meet who are from the western hemisphere (the Americas, mostly) are too stupid to believe. They are not uniformly lazy, but they are just lacking genuine curiosity, ambition, and grit. I find that they Further east you go from Germany to Ukraine, the young women become more worldly, less materialistic, have more common sense and better instincts. This is true of everyone from strippers to professional women. We hired a Ukrainian PA in late summer who blows me away with her intelligence and insight. She's fairly attractive now, but you can tell she has the genes to become a babushka later. She's still a legal resident alien, but will become a citizen soon.
  • magicrat
    3 years ago
    "I am well aware I am the outlier here, but as I approach 64, other than sex, I can think of no reason at all to spend time with a 24 year old woman, no matter how hot."

    Amen brother
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I'll go ya one better.

    As I approach 80, other than sex, I can think of no reason at all to spend time with a woman, no matter how hot.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    The only people I don't like talking to are the ones who can't tell or don't care when they're boring the shit out of others. Or get wound up when you don't agree with them. Those people come in all ages.
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