
What Halloween candy do you like the best ? What do you not like ?

Anywhere there are Titties.
Saturday, October 30, 2021 2:06 PM
I'm a choco-holic. I pretty much like anything that is made of chocolate When I'm home at Halloween, the wife has to hide the candy or I'll eat it before the trick-or-treating gets started. I'd have to say my favorites are the small Snickers bars or Kit-Kat. I am NOT a fan of Gummy Bears. Don't like anything sour or made of liquorice. I'm in Florida now in my condo. I bought a small bag of assorted candy last night. I'm trying real hard not to eat it all before tomorrow night. Although I kinda know I won't have any kids come by.


  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I brought a large assortment bag of snickers, milky ways , three musketeers , and Twix in Costco last month I might snack on the Twix or the Milky Ways, but probably the same as the last dozen years I give out candy on Halloween and take what’s left with me on my next stripclub visit, I’m more of an ice cream person than a candy lover
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    I don't get that many kids. Maybe 30 -40. I buy a box of full size Snickers from the wholesale club. What I don't give out goes into the freezer to be eaten frozen over the subsequent months. The things I never liked even as a kid are candy corn and the candy corn-like pumpkins. Gritty, waxy, flavorless lumps of too much sugar. Yuck.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I live in a senior citizen subdivisions (55+). No trick or treaters here. My candy drug of choice is Hershey's nuggets. I always have a bag of them in my frig. Of course my top choice is See's Old fashioned candy. It will seen be time to order 5 or 6 boxes for Christmas gifts.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    FAV: M&Ms or for non-chocolate have to go with Starburst. DISLIKE: Anything with coconut in it. Yuk!
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Reece cups Kit Kats Twix (especially the peanut butter ones) I’m like warrior though, if it has chocolate in it - I’m down I’m not going to complain!
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    i bought a bag of assorted hershey minis. not my favorites but still definitely a temptation.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Tootsie rolls are the worst Little butterfingers and kit kats the best
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I like the caramel apple milky ways
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    faves: kit kat, candied corn, jelly beans, pez can't stand: twix, black jelly beans
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    Snickers used to be my favorite But now I kinda find them too sweet. Like Kit Kat now. They are less sweet. Or Hershey nuggets with Almonds
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    The leftover little Milky Ways go in the freezer and I try to break my teeth on them - they’re good
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I hate most of all this bullshit but I would say Reese's are pretty good. And I'll always grab some dark chocolate. Overall less sweet is better. I cut out most super sugary shit years ago and now there's no going back. Your tastes buds adjust. A soda will fuck my ass up now.
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    I would have a tough time choosing between Reese's Pieces and Mr Goodbar as my favorite. I have no reason to buy halloween candy where I live because it is almost 1/4 mile between houses out here in the country so no one goes door to door for trick or treating. When I first moved here I went up to the fire house in town to pass out candy at their "trunk or treat" event for those who live in the areas where door to door isn't an option. I never went back because there was just something oddly creepy about a bunch of adults standing around by their cars passing out candy to random kids.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Snickers and Reese's cups. But like Muddy I've mostly cut sugar out of my diet. Nowadays a baked potato or some pasta with my red sauce are real treats. The older I get, the more I have to make hard choices about which vices I keep and which I let go. If I was going to keep enjoying Jack as often as I do, something else had to go to keep me from getting huge and causing liver and other health issues. So out went the flavored coffee creamers, ice cream, chocolate covered peanuts and other sugary things I used to enjoy. Also out went super carb heavy meals. But that doesn't mean I can't promote diabetes in others by handing out full size candy bars. I just got back from the warehouse club and I've got over 300 full sized candy bars sitting in the garage, lol.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    When I was young enough to trick or treat, I always looked forward to the Willie Wonka candies like bottle caps and jawbreakers. I never got those the rest of the year. The worst ever are those nameless chews that came in orange and black wax paper wrappers. No one ever know what they were or what they were supposed to taste like. Peanut butter? Caramel? Nothing was worse, although Neco wafers came close.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    I like chewy stuff, not hard stuff and not suckers. Chocolate is good, but so is caramel and toffy. SJG Skirts don't get any shorter: [view link]
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    I'm a chocoholic, inside and outside the club. Reese's, Snickers, Kit Kats rule. Licorice, candy corn, lollipops drool.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Anyone remember Halloween BAG SNATCHING? When I was a little kid, trick-or-treating was like walking the gauntlet. There was no such thing as parents escorting their kids around. You'd spend 3-4 hours ringing doorbells to get a pillowcase full of candy. Then out of nowhere the older, bigger, faster boys would jump out of the bushes, chase you down, and force you to hand over your hard-earned loot. We'd be wearing really creative costumes, but the bag snatchers would always be dressed as "bums" because that was the easiest way to disguise yourself with minimal effort. It was like a rite of passage when my little friends and I grew up enough to become the bag snatchers, instead of the bag "snatch-ees". Lol. But we were kinder than our predecessors. Yes, we still threatened a severe ass-kicking if they didn't turn over the bags, but we would dump them on the sidewalk and only take the good stuff. They were welcome to keep the crap nobody wanted so at least they could still go home with something. Another thing about Halloween during my youth: There was a real jerkoff who lived next door to my house. He was the kind of asshole that if your ball went into his yard while you were playing, he'd take it and refuse to give it back. It was my Junior year in COLLEGE before I stopped egging his house every year on Halloween Eve a/k/a Mischief Night. We used to call it "Cabbage Night" but I don't know why we called it that. We never threw cabbage. Just eggs and toilet paper. Kids today are such a disappointment. Mischief Night isn't a thing anymore. Can't remember the last time I even saw any toilet paper in a tree.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    My favorites are Reese’s Cups, Twix, and Kit Kat’s. I never understood why anyone liked Mounds or Almond Joy.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    ^^ Yeah Cashman... It's the coconut. Fuckin' sucks!
  • loper
    3 years ago
    Kit Kat, Reese's cups
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Let's make this a war like every other thread. If you like coconut you're a fucking asshole! Lol
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Hey Bag Snatcher. I like coconut . What did you just call me ?
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Fuck you motherfucker! You coconut eating prick. Yeah, now we're talkin'!
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    If it weren't almost midnight on the East Coast, I might come back with a witty comeback. But I think I'll go to bed instead.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Haha, I'm laughing too much to even say anything. Sleep tight you jerkoff!
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    club ad.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    I remember getting apples and pennies when I was a kid. I guess that came out when people ran out of candy.
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    The one thing I hate about candy nowadays is some dumbnut probably a millenial turned all the green candies from lime to sour apple. I dont know if ypu can even find a old fashioned lime sucker these days. Thats bullshit. 😂😂 Oh yeah and they discontinued the Life Savers swirl suckers years back. Those were my ATFs.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    I can’t stop eating the candy I bought. I may have to go buy another bag
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    I used to be darn near addicted to candy bars, especially chocolate ones. But like Muddy, I mostly gave up the sugary stuff, my tastebuds adjusted and my health benefitted. Way different than things used to be but I don’t miss it.
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