Often, when a dancer expresses concern that her boobs may be too droopy, I volunteer to retire early, so I can walk around behind her and hold them up. This volunteer activity would I think drastically reduce my spending on lap dances, stretching my retirement savings. I'd still have some money for lap dances from strippers with nice booties while she's sleeping and stuff. Is this a workable retirement strategy.
I would eat at Olive Garden with the dancers with nice booties while the dancer with imaginary boob droop was sleeping. The hygiene of Olive Garden bathrooms is mediocre, but so is mine.
One of my favs thought her butt was too flat. Which it was not, it was perfect. I asked her to marry me, and said I would be OK with her cheating, since I was old. But, alas, my plan to capitalize on her butt-doubt failed, she declined. In truth, I'd want to marry her even if her butt was actually flat, she was a total sweetheart.
Most of the women in The Organization will have come from strip clubs, but we will get giving them an education and helping them to build second careers. Some we will make into entrepreneurs.
Boob tape is another cost-effective solution.