
favorite spot to finish 🙊

Avatar for violetrosexo
violetrosexotravel dancer

i love when a guy takes his throbbing cock and finishes in my vagina. then i feel it ooze out all warm yummy!!! 😋 where do you finish on your dream girl????? 💦💦💦😚🤩🥰


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I finish on her hair so she can use it as styling gel - I'm always looking to help

Avatar for doctorevil

Going to be in ATL anytime soon? I can show you.

Avatar for rickdugan

I've always been curious about something. When a dude pretends to be a girl and he's getting fucked in the ass by his boyfriend, does he secretly wish that he had a vagina for the guy to stick it in? Inquiring minds want to know.

Avatar for chessmaster

Is op trolling or just looking for attention?

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Her profile says: "DM if you have too much $$$ and wanna give me some"

So, likely looking for online customers. But who knows.

Avatar for Cashman1234

If she’s a she - and she lets customers bareback her and finish inside her - she’s likely more of a traveling STD spreader…

To answer the question - I will cover up first - then when I’m ready - I will enjoy cuming on her face - then make her clean it off and swallow it all.

Avatar for chessmaster

"So, likely looking for online customers. But who knows."

Good point. Hadn't thought of that.

"I will enjoy cuming on her face"

From "her" avatar she is pretty in the face so I wouldnt mind unloading on her face either.

Avatar for motorhead

Papi -

Did you ever see “Leaving Las Vegas”

The awesomely beautifully Elisabeth Shue to Nic Cage

“You can fuck me in the ass. You can cum on my face. Just keep it out of my hair. I just washed it.”

Avatar for Heellover

I have this strong idea that I need to see Leaving Las Vegas for some reason. Not sure where I got that thought.

Avatar for Tetradon

In her pussy, in her mouth, on her tits

Avatar for BBBC

Oooooh Ricky! I know you are just trolling. We all know how you feel about yucky vaginas 😉 You knpe the prostate exam feels better than any vagina would feel! Silly girls! Dicks are for boys! 😉

Avatar for Cashman1234

Motörhead - I love that movie. That is one of the great lines from that film!

Avatar for TheeOSU

If OP is really the chick in the photo I'd finish everywhere I could and anywhere she wants!

Avatar for bang69

in her vagina

Avatar for Digitech

I think facials are my favorite, at least when the girl is eager for it. It's a surge of excitement unlike any other when a girl is on her knees offering her face for me as I'm about to cum.

Seems like a LOT of women enjoy a man cumming in her pussy. I love doing it, too. Of course it has to be with a steady partner you trust and not a random hookup/stripper. One of my favorite sexual memories is the first time I came inside the pussy of a particular girl. Before that time I had expressed some reluctance and we had fucked a few times but I had always pulled out or used a condom. She explained she had a tubal ligation and couldn't get pregnant. Anyway on this occasion we were doing it bare and I told her I was about to cum and asked if she was ready to feel it. I'll never forget the look on her face when she realized I was going to cum in her pussy. I saw a flash of excitement and happiness in her eyes and when she felt my first shot inside her she started to have a HUGE orgasm of her own. I continued hooking up with her on and off for years after that and always made sure to fill her pussy because she loved it.

I love a woman that can swallow. Not every girl can do it, so when I find one that can it always knocks me out. Just like with facials and creampies, there's a huge surge of excitement and anticipation in the seconds leading up to the finish. You know what is about to happen and it just makes the event so much more intense.

If I had to choose I would say I enjoy facials the most, with creampies and swallows about equal. Cumming on other places like boobs, belly, ass, etc is fun but facial/creampie/swallow takes the crown.

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