I hope you all don't mind me asking what is probably really obvious to all of you: I'm on the autistic spectrum (not too bad, but a bit socially awkward and shy and bad at reading subtle signals), so social cues are kind of hard for me to follow. Which, you know, sucks for dating, so Strip Clubs have been a good outlet here in the Seattle area when I'm single.
Here's my question: I know there are girls who are willing to provide extras without paying more than two or three hundred dollars. And I figured, from people's comments, that if a girl is stick shifting and grinding, there's a good chance she's up for some more. But the few times I've been direct, the girl has kind of frozen up and been a little weird. And if I try to be subtle, I get kind of evasive answers, but I have a feeling that they're trying to feel me out. The few times I HAVE gotten what I was after (BJ/HJ/FS), it was with aggressive girls who are basically trying to rip me off for $1k+, and make the whole experience really uncomfortable until I just leave.
Anyway, sorry to be stupid, but I wish someone could just directly tell me what works for them. Like: do you just unzip and invite her to go for it, or do you ask directly, or do you hint at it and she takes charge?
Feel free to mock me all you like, I've heard it all, but if anyone wants to give me a real answer, I'd love to hear it.
When the topic of VIP comes up If just ask what her rules or limits are. She may close it down then or she may make you an offer but you haven’t actually asked for anything which to most strippers would be polite. Avoid the girls who are cage. She may also ask what you want which is an invitation to just say what you’re looking for.
You will likely strike out a fair bit depending on the club. Just make sure you agree on a price before you go to the room. Of course it’s not an exact science. Just try not to take it personally.
I was offered an HJ for $100 recently by a nice looking dancer who I would guess was in her early 30s. She didn't seem like a scammer, but the best ones don't of course. I declined, so I can't say for sure. This was in the Chicago area.
Have you tried tryst.link? I've seen ads for half hours in that $ range, although I never looked at the Seattle area. theeroticrevew.com is helpful in avoiding the scammers on tryst.link.
When the border opens, Vancouver might be the greener pasture, if you're up for the drive.
Thanks for the answers. I'm pretty nervous about anything outside of clubs, because they all require me to identify myself, and even an overnight arrest would probably ruin the few good things I have going in my life. Clubs seems mostly safe and anonymous.
The simplest route is to talk to the dancer and about exactly what you want before going into VIP. Be polite, but also be direct and don't try to use "code" or be oblique. Very few dancers will get torqued about you asking for extras; you're not the first.
And then talk about the money. Again, be exact about the numbers before you go into the room. Just be polite the entire time and it'll be fine.
Maybe you should start a new thread with "in the Seattle area" in the title. It depends a lot on what club you go to. Many clubs will fire dancers for doing extras.
Escorting is legal as long as you just agree to pay for company for a certain period of time, and don't discuss doing anything sexual, and the escort is not underage. If they agree to meet you in private, the non-scammers will do FS with a condom. Most will do BBBJ without CIM. Being a broken down old man, I generally just see no-extras dancers now, so I don't know how COVID has affected the escorting scene. Escorts often have quirky limitations on how they will cater to you. For example, some are fine with FS, but don't want you to touch their boobs with your hands.
There are clubs that force dancers to arrive before the club gets busy, and/or force dancers to work on bad shifts where the club never gets busy. You may want to go during these times, as the dancers likely spend more time hanging with you for the money you spend. You will get more relaxed with women the more time you hang out with them, and they will get more relaxed with you.
I've generally preferred to see escorts for anything more than a lap dance. From what I've seen, dancers who will cheerfully do extras will take the initiative, offer them to you. If you want to take the initiative, I'd suggest asking generally like "so, can a guy get a hand job or a BJ in this club?". Just keep in mind that what happens in the couch room is often much much less than what was promised, part of the game. Some non-extras dancers will direct you to the extras dancers, especially if you've bought a dance or two from them. The most inoffensive way to haggle is to say something like "wow, I wish I could afford that much". Try to avoid implying you don't think it's worth what they're asking (even if you do).
If you're only on this site for info rather than laughs, put 2ICEE on ignore. He claims that paying dancers for anything is beneath him, he gets it all for free, so God only knows the basis for what he's telling you here.
I've been going to strip clubs in Indiana for over 10 years and go almost weekly so I've been in a club probably over 400 times. I can think of only two times in the club where the girl came right out and offered me extras in the club. It involved me paying more for a more private area rather than in a open lap dance area where someone might see us. For outside the the club extras, I've only had one direct offer of sex. When I declined, she laughed and said she had just been joking. Another direct offer came from a girl who offered to be my mistress and made me memorize her phone number and repeat it back to her before I left the club.
The majority of offers, maybe 8 or 9 total, involved questions that could be interpreted as possible offers but may not have been or offers to do something ambiguous enough that I wasn't sure what all would be involved. Sometimes, maybe 4 in all, strippers have said we can do more in the private room without specifying what. A couple times girls have asked me if I ever thought of doing something outside the club. These may have been indirect offers or they may have just been curious why I never asked them. One girl talked about how she would go with me to Vegas. One Mexican stripper offered to come over to my apartment and smoke marijuana with me. These situations might have led to something else if I had taken them up on the offer. For every girl who might do something, though, there are probably several others who wouldn't. I've heard a lot of stripper complaints over the years about customers who want extras in the club or want to see them outside the club.
When you get more offers for OTC than extras, I think that's a sign they risk being fired for doing extras at that club. Indiana may be a place where state or local LE are still sending undercover cops to bust strippers for prostitution. That may be going on in the Seattle area. I remember reading a news story about a vice cop in WA state who got caught buying dances over and over from the same stripper, on the government's dime. He said he was making really, really sure she wasn't prostituting. So that would be a reason for the customer to take more initiative. I've never heard any warnings about any CI strippers or undercover cop strippers.
Here is what I do in Seattle, and I manage to get extras probably 75% of the time. There are no guarantees, and I never pay for the champagne room, I just get regular dances in whatever lap dance area there is.
1. Go to one of the independent, extras-friendly Seattle clubs: Playground/Sands, Pandoras, or Kittens. They have their differences, but are a better bet than the fancier alternatives.
2. Tip your waitress, politely decline any dancers than come right up to you the minute you sit down, and scope the room out for a girl you’d like to get a dance from.
3. Pick a girl that is not the youngest, hottest 10 in the room. The most highly sought-after dancer will likely be more difficult to get extras from, for a variety of reasons. This doesn't mean you need to pick the worst model either, just aim slightly short of the obvious #1 girl. You can flag them down or let them come to you, I don’t think it matters. If I’m sitting with a girl and going to get dances from her, I always buy the lady a drink when asked. It comes off of their bill, they appreciate it, and this gesture pays dividends in goodwill later on in the LDA.
4. After a brief chat, accept her offer to get a dance in the Lap Dance Area. Once you are in the LDA, and before she starts dancing, ask “how much are your dances”. Here is what I do based on the answer:
• $20 – I take it, but I assume this is a newbie who doesn’t do extras. • $30 – I take it. • $40 – I take it. • She says “my dances range from $30 (or $40) and up” – this is a good sign, she's telling you there are "upgrades". I take it. • $50 or higher – bail immediately, this is a scammer. • 3/$100 – I don’t do this, but some guys do.
5. At the end of dance 1, I decide whether the dance was good (grind level, tits out, 2-way contact, attitude, no bad smells, etc.) and whether the intensity was escalating over the course of the dance. If the answer to both questions is yes, then I say “that was awesome, let’s try your (next level) dance” … i.e. if I was on a $30, I try the $40. If she just has one price, I say “that was awesome, let’s try another”. If the answer was no to either, I flash a warm smile and say, “thank you very much”, and finish the session right there. BTW, never pay up front.
6. At the end of dance 2, if the quality continued to be solid, and the intensity has continued to go up, I ask “so if I put on a condom, would you jack me off”. At this point, 75% of the time I get “sure”, and then get a CHJ, which is what I like. I guess this would work with CBJ and FS, but I would assume at lower rates of success. If the answer is no, I usually pull the same exit as in #5.
This isn’t what everyone does, and I think I am fairly unique in liking CHJ, but it is what works for me. Also, since you asked me separately, I wear comfortable, light clothing to clubs. Old Navy Breathe On shorts, sheer boxers, and a loose t-shirt. All provide easy access for eager strippers, and all lack buttons/zippers to get between you and the grind. The dancers appreciate this as well. I don’t think they give a shit about how well dressed you are, though they will react better to good hygiene, so your clothes should always be clean. I also bring a hoodie that I can remove easily and put wallet, phone, keys, etc. into the pocket before the dance starts, I don’t want them grinding on my housekeys.
Again, this is just me and there are many approaches, but it works pretty well for me in Seattle. I normally spend ~$300 in an evening. The stages described above give me a change to sample a few different dancers while zeroing in on the one who wants to do what I like. I also don't get butt hurt if there are no extras in the club that night. Sometimes, that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
@ilbbaicnl: I like CHJ because I don't like LDKing, clean up is easier, and DC Jr tends to get stuck into and rubbed up against more interesting places when I'm covered. Also, the girls seem to appreciate it, and that always helps in the mileage department.
I also don't like direct contact on my dick from her hand. This is because I've heard stories of pissed off strippers picking a little bit of cold sore (herpes) from their mouth and rubbing it into PL's dicks when giving an uncovered HJ. I'm sure this is rare. However, I have definitely reached up in a dark LDA and accidentally brushed my hand across a scratchy scab, so I know some of them go into work with pancake makeup over herpes scabs. I figure it's better to keep a layer of latex between me and someone who is willing to do extras in the club.
Also I am paranoid, so this take a load off of my post clubbing anxiety cycles.
Thanks, everyone! Especially DesertScrub, who in my short time here has correctly identified me as both LE AND a shill. It's a hard double life, but someone has to do it.
@bill: hahaha! Scrubby’s jabs are a feature of the landscape for me at this point. Predictable and entertaining, if not always coherent. I could mute him, but for me it’s honestly more entertaining letting him drop random rants into my tuscl experience. Good luck in the clubs.
last commentYou will likely strike out a fair bit depending on the club. Just make sure you agree on a price before you go to the room. Of course it’s not an exact science. Just try not to take it personally.
Have you tried tryst.link? I've seen ads for half hours in that $ range, although I never looked at the Seattle area. theeroticrevew.com is helpful in avoiding the scammers on tryst.link.
When the border opens, Vancouver might be the greener pasture, if you're up for the drive.
And then talk about the money. Again, be exact about the numbers before you go into the room. Just be polite the entire time and it'll be fine.
Escorting is legal as long as you just agree to pay for company for a certain period of time, and don't discuss doing anything sexual, and the escort is not underage. If they agree to meet you in private, the non-scammers will do FS with a condom. Most will do BBBJ without CIM. Being a broken down old man, I generally just see no-extras dancers now, so I don't know how COVID has affected the escorting scene. Escorts often have quirky limitations on how they will cater to you. For example, some are fine with FS, but don't want you to touch their boobs with your hands.
There are clubs that force dancers to arrive before the club gets busy, and/or force dancers to work on bad shifts where the club never gets busy. You may want to go during these times, as the dancers likely spend more time hanging with you for the money you spend. You will get more relaxed with women the more time you hang out with them, and they will get more relaxed with you.
The majority of offers, maybe 8 or 9 total, involved questions that could be interpreted as possible offers but may not have been or offers to do something ambiguous enough that I wasn't sure what all would be involved. Sometimes, maybe 4 in all, strippers have said we can do more in the private room without specifying what. A couple times girls have asked me if I ever thought of doing something outside the club. These may have been indirect offers or they may have just been curious why I never asked them. One girl talked about how she would go with me to Vegas. One Mexican stripper offered to come over to my apartment and smoke marijuana with me. These situations might have led to something else if I had taken them up on the offer. For every girl who might do something, though, there are probably several others who wouldn't. I've heard a lot of stripper complaints over the years about customers who want extras in the club or want to see them outside the club.
1. Go to one of the independent, extras-friendly Seattle clubs: Playground/Sands, Pandoras, or Kittens. They have their differences, but are a better bet than the fancier alternatives.
2. Tip your waitress, politely decline any dancers than come right up to you the minute you sit down, and scope the room out for a girl you’d like to get a dance from.
3. Pick a girl that is not the youngest, hottest 10 in the room. The most highly sought-after dancer will likely be more difficult to get extras from, for a variety of reasons. This doesn't mean you need to pick the worst model either, just aim slightly short of the obvious #1 girl. You can flag them down or let them come to you, I don’t think it matters. If I’m sitting with a girl and going to get dances from her, I always buy the lady a drink when asked. It comes off of their bill, they appreciate it, and this gesture pays dividends in goodwill later on in the LDA.
4. After a brief chat, accept her offer to get a dance in the Lap Dance Area. Once you are in the LDA, and before she starts dancing, ask “how much are your dances”. Here is what I do based on the answer:
• $20 – I take it, but I assume this is a newbie who doesn’t do extras.
• $30 – I take it.
• $40 – I take it.
• She says “my dances range from $30 (or $40) and up” – this is a good sign, she's telling you there are "upgrades". I take it.
• $50 or higher – bail immediately, this is a scammer.
• 3/$100 – I don’t do this, but some guys do.
5. At the end of dance 1, I decide whether the dance was good (grind level, tits out, 2-way contact, attitude, no bad smells, etc.) and whether the intensity was escalating over the course of the dance. If the answer to both questions is yes, then I say “that was awesome, let’s try your (next level) dance” … i.e. if I was on a $30, I try the $40. If she just has one price, I say “that was awesome, let’s try another”. If the answer was no to either, I flash a warm smile and say, “thank you very much”, and finish the session right there. BTW, never pay up front.
6. At the end of dance 2, if the quality continued to be solid, and the intensity has continued to go up, I ask “so if I put on a condom, would you jack me off”. At this point, 75% of the time I get “sure”, and then get a CHJ, which is what I like. I guess this would work with CBJ and FS, but I would assume at lower rates of success. If the answer is no, I usually pull the same exit as in #5.
This isn’t what everyone does, and I think I am fairly unique in liking CHJ, but it is what works for me. Also, since you asked me separately, I wear comfortable, light clothing to clubs. Old Navy Breathe On shorts, sheer boxers, and a loose t-shirt. All provide easy access for eager strippers, and all lack buttons/zippers to get between you and the grind. The dancers appreciate this as well. I don’t think they give a shit about how well dressed you are, though they will react better to good hygiene, so your clothes should always be clean. I also bring a hoodie that I can remove easily and put wallet, phone, keys, etc. into the pocket before the dance starts, I don’t want them grinding on my housekeys.
Again, this is just me and there are many approaches, but it works pretty well for me in Seattle. I normally spend ~$300 in an evening. The stages described above give me a change to sample a few different dancers while zeroing in on the one who wants to do what I like. I also don't get butt hurt if there are no extras in the club that night. Sometimes, that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
Happy punting!
I also don't like direct contact on my dick from her hand. This is because I've heard stories of pissed off strippers picking a little bit of cold sore (herpes) from their mouth and rubbing it into PL's dicks when giving an uncovered HJ. I'm sure this is rare. However, I have definitely reached up in a dark LDA and accidentally brushed my hand across a scratchy scab, so I know some of them go into work with pancake makeup over herpes scabs. I figure it's better to keep a layer of latex between me and someone who is willing to do extras in the club.
Also I am paranoid, so this take a load off of my post clubbing anxiety cycles.
I really do appreciate the help.