In the clubs in Bangkok the ladies will play games with the PL's such as Connect 4 etc... They get really good. They do other fun things like a geisha would do
How come that is never done in America? Past "wanna dance" or "where are you from" the ladies in America don't have much of an arsenal.
Because when customers want to say things like “so what are you doing after this” or “if we go back there, what will I GET” one can’t pretend to be concentrating on the next move in the game. 😝
I remember WAY back as a baby stripper during a sluggish slow time telling somebody that he was absolutely going to get a dance. And Rock Paper Scissors will determine if he has to pay for them. I kept losing 😭 I think he explained somewhere how to win at the game, I was drinking too much to really take it in, and later on he withdrew money from the atm later on anyways haha
I also added somebody from the club once as a Pokémon Go friend.
I’ve seen dive bar type strip clubs with pool tables where there’s usually at least one dancer playing with a group of customers. I think that’s the best equivalent we’re ever going to get in America.
There was a time period right before covid when more girls started using props on stage. There was one who did a sword swallowing routine. I haven’t seen anything like that around here again since the lockdowns.
I can't see playing at the club, but I've played games at home with strippers pretty freqently. Especially during peak lockdown. I've got one of those jumbo Jenga things made out of 2x4's and big checkers game out by the pool that are both popular. My fave wanted to bring a friend one night and the friend brought over some kinda slutty monopoly game. She actually had two different versions & brought them both. She's been invited back a few times since.
We've tried twister, but besides being entirely to stiff and unbalanced to begin with, we also play naked and it takes about 2 moves before someones mouth is on something and by the 3rd it's not really twister anymore. Strip Uno is also pretty popular, as is strip bullshit.
But again, I can't see going to a strip club and playing board games. At home, when you're there together for hours or days its another story.
It could be fun to play those party games with strippers in a club. It could help if a customer isn’t good with chatting with women, as it might be an icebreaker?
The only negative would possibly be if it slowed the selling of dances in the club - or it detracted from the interest in dancers on stage.
The big risk would be time wasters and low tippers. They could charge by 15 minute increments plus tips. Otherwise I don't see it being profitable for dancers.
I remember WAY back as a baby stripper during a sluggish slow time telling somebody that he was absolutely going to get a dance. And Rock Paper Scissors will determine if he has to pay for them. I kept losing 😭 I think he explained somewhere how to win at the game, I was drinking too much to really take it in, and later on he withdrew money from the atm later on anyways haha
I also added somebody from the club once as a Pokémon Go friend.
There was a time period right before covid when more girls started using props on stage. There was one who did a sword swallowing routine. I haven’t seen anything like that around here again since the lockdowns.
We've tried twister, but besides being entirely to stiff and unbalanced to begin with, we also play naked and it takes about 2 moves before someones mouth is on something and by the 3rd it's not really twister anymore. Strip Uno is also pretty popular, as is strip bullshit.
But again, I can't see going to a strip club and playing board games. At home, when you're there together for hours or days its another story.
You wrote and I quote:
“I've played games at home with strippers pretty freqently”
Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
Good times, good times.
The only negative would possibly be if it slowed the selling of dances in the club - or it detracted from the interest in dancers on stage.
Probably you can then get it to go as you want.
The big risk would be time wasters and low tippers. They could charge by 15 minute increments plus tips. Otherwise I don't see it being profitable for dancers.
Belly Dance…
She was fun, playful and flirtatious.
Simarik (Kiss Kiss) - Ghazi (Belly Dance)…
Belly Dance…
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