Reading the introductory thread from spinnergirl, and subsequent dunking, reminded me of something that happened just last night.
I wandered into Lookers, where I have not been for night shift in forever. There were a couple of familiar faces, but mostly new to me. The bar was about 80% full, with most dancers doubled up on customers at tables. I had just come from a business dinner, so I was wearing dress professional (dark blue cotton and poly blend, not white polyester). As soon as I sat at the bar with a beer, two dancers came up, each gave me the stripper handshake just as customarily as I had shaken the hands of my dinner guests. They then each asked me to buy them a drink. Neither was up to my standards, and I remembered one as being a vindictive bitch member of the Cuban cartel, so I told them I was going to decompress and drink. Not a minute later, a fatty white girl came up and asked me to buy her a drink, I told her the same thing, but she did not leave. She continued to badger me to buy her a drink, and how she was thirsty, etc. I told her she was just going to have to sit there and be thirsty, because I had just gotten there and wanted to chill a bit. After like twenty minutes of the same bullshit, she asked me why I was even there. I told her straight up to get dances, but not from her. I went to the stage and tipped the hottest girl there, a jinatera (blonde Cuban sex worker that caters to Americans with fat wallets) with abs and great, big, perfect naturals. She immediately grabbed me for some lap dances when she got off stage.
I'm disappointed that Lookers seems to have gone the B-girls route. Using women to drive drink sales is illegal. Fortunately, the jinatera and this cute Kentucky spinner occupied the rest of my night and never asked me to buy them drinks, and only ordered one after I had offered.
The same logic applies for spinnergirl and anyone else who wants to use the TUSCL discussion board to drive onlyfans and other social media clicks. It is not realistic to walk up and ask for money or free shit. You need to sell it; the first taste is always free. Create the interest, wait for a bite, then hook 'em and reel 'em in. When I went to the stage for the jinatera, she didn't ask for the stage tip right away, she seduced me and sold it, and made me want more in the lap dance room. I dropped a couple hundred each on her and the KY spinner last night, no regrets. The girls that walked up and asked me to buy them drinks got nothing (the girl who spent 20 minutes harassing me got $3 for her time).
If you have been going to clubs for a long time, you realize that occasionally a girl will force you into being a dick. I had a recent encounter recently where I did buy the girl a drink but then she started asking me to tip her. I will throw a girl a $20, on my own, if I have a drink with her and take 15 minutes of her time and later decide I want to spend the money on someone else or nobody at all. She stayed and stopped her stripper act with me and I actually liked her. But, she knew that she pushed to hard to go back to VIP and even said she blew it by pushing for the tip. I did end up giving her a $20 after she finished her drink and told her that maybe we can start off better next time.
I don't like being a dick but I also won't be pushed around. I will compensate if a girl stays around for 15 minutes or so because I realize her time is money. Sometimes, as I talk more with a girl that rushes me like you described, I will end up spending on her once I unwind a bit and they actually grow on me while we talk.
Basically you're just saying what broke niggaz at the club always say. She has to earn that dollar from the bankroll you keep flashing. And she better work hard for it coz you're a rich nigga 😭😭😭🤡🤡🤡
Yeah I had a similar issue w/ a pushy-Cuban at Gold Club Pompano a couple of weeks ago - I walk in and sit at the bar and place my order – a Cuban makes a B-line for me and the first words out of her mouth was for me to buy her a drink - I shook my head no and she kept at it until she finally gave-up, made a mean-face at me, and left in a huff.
To each their own but I’m not there to subsidize a dancer’s drinking nor spend $$$ on dancers that don’t interest me – I don’t mind buying a dancer a drink that I’m interested in but I’m not gonna be spending $$$, drinks or o/w, on dancers that don’t interest me – and even if it’s a dancer that interests me, if the first words out of her mouth are “buy me a drink”, I usually won’t deal w/ her b/c for me it’s a turn-off; comes across as entitled or as if she thinks I should be “honored” that I get to buy her a drink – kinda goes in-line with how many of these girls see custies as just walking-ATMs to be fleeced every second they are in the club.
I’m also not much of a drinker so sitting around spending $$$ on often over-priced often watered-down drinks is not how I prefer to spend my time/$$$ in the club.
Many of these girls are good at taking, but they rarely reciprocate in terms of giving you something in return - they will usually make you pay every penny you owe them and then some - don't ask me to give you stuff if you are unwilling to give anything in return - I can understand buying her a drink for her time, but don’t ask for a drink b/f you say anything else – I’ve had dancers ask me for a drink, I buy it, they get their drink then go on their way – not saying it happens a lot, but has happened – many of these girls have no shame.
A couple of weeks ago I was at one of my local small black clubs – I see a supa-thick in-the-right-places ebony – I go and tip her on stage and tip her pretty-well to show my interest – no one else had tipped on stage and in these small dives most guys just hang and don’t spend any $$$ on the girls – she gets off stage and then goes to another custy; sits there for a while w/ him; and from what I can see he doesn’t spend shit on her – then she goes to another custy and same shit, sits and talks w/ him a bit and no-dice in terms of getting anything from him – after a while she finally decides to come to where I am and the first words out of her mouth are her telling me to buy her a drink – she was my type physically and I would have spent well on her but her attitude put me off to where I felt the dances would likely be shitty also – IMO as a dancer you should give a reason to spend $$$ on you and coming up to me and just telling me to buy you a drink does not put in the mood to spend $$$ on you.
I'm generally not there when it's busy, so any time a girl sits at my table, I'll offer to buy a drink...and if it's particularly not busy, than sometimes turns into several. I like to have a few and look around for a bit.
Only once has a girl left right after getting a drink, and I didn't even mind. Her phone kept going nuts, so she checked it and then showed me the msg...some big spender who'd arranged time w/her got there 30 mins early. Told her no worries, go make some money, and come find me later (I left before she could). But I had no issue with that...while waiting for the drink (and before she checked her phone), she got awfully grind-y, and out of nowhere just came out with some incredible dirty talk. So a five-minute lap dance with a lot of very naughty suggestions...for the 8 bucks or whatever that the drink cost.
I can only remember one time where a girl came up and asked me to buy her a drink. She was on something and wouldn't leave me alone. I had zero interest in her, and explained that to her. I went so far as to get up and walk to the other end of the building... where a few mins later the waitress came asking for money. I had no idea what she was talking about, until the crackhead walked over with a drink...that she had ordered and said I'd buy. I took one last swig of my own drink, stood up, apologized to the waitress, and told her I specifically told this girl to leave me alone, quit harassing me, and I wasn't buying her anything. And then I left. That's the one and only bad time I've ever had at a strip club.
^ LOL - that is another version of the "buy me a drink" - although infrequent, there are dancers that order a drink for themsleves w/o asking you and then expect you to pay for it part of that though wasn't that she ordered a drink w/out asking me... it's that she ordered a drink and said I'd buy it, after having asked me a half-dozen times, and being rejected every time. Bitch interrupted me with another girl earlier. I went a month or so before returning there, and don't think I've ever seen her since.
I try not to hold it against a club the actions of a particular dancer - and I try not to let a bad-dancer run me off per se b/c she pissed me off where I could o/w possibly have a good-time w/ other dancers in the club - but depending on the club and whether it's shitty to begin with, or I'm having a bad-day, I may just not wanna be in that club at least for that visit - at the end of the day some of these girls come from shitty f'ed-up backgrounds and running into a shitty dancer is kinda part of SCing - if clubs only relied on the nicest most-well-adjusted dancers there'd likely be a significant shortage of dancers in many clubs.
Oh for sure. My reason behind not showing up for a bit was I just wasn't familiar with it yet, think I had only been once before. So I wasn't really missing anything, and I figured I'd rather not run into her anytime soon. It all worked out in the end, though!
Seattle is very weird in this way… there is no alcohol, just shitty soda fountain drinks. So no one really wants a drink. BUT you have to buy one to get into the club (usually $5-$10), and they have a thing where when a dancer sits with you the waitress will come up and ask you if you “want to buy the lady a drink”, while the dancer is sitting there a bit uncomfortable wondering what you’ll do. The drinks are small, medium, large, and cost more for each size. A large at Playground costs ~$30, for example. This comes off of the dancer’s rent for the night, so they appreciate you buying it, even though it’s the same watered down Diet Coke that PLs get and they never really drink it anyway. My personal PL philosophy is: if you’re getting dances from her, buy the lady a drink. You will cash in on the goodwill you build up with that $30 in the lap dance area!
Yeah you got to be a dick sometimes. When girls try to sell I don't blame them, they are trying to make a living. But then again just don't get upset at me when I'm not buying you and all your girlfriends drinks on me.
To the other extreme: We were sitting in the Spearmint Rhino with my brother's comptroller tracking business expenditures when an exquisite young lady of Chinese descent and perfection personified came over; sat in my brother's lap and said: "I have eyelashes, eyebrows, hair on my head and none anywhere else. I invite you to see if I am telling the truth." 90 minutes later we found out she was honest. She never came back my brother kept her.
===> "even if it’s a dancer that interests me, if the first words out of her mouth are “buy me a drink”, I usually won’t deal w/ her b/c for me it’s a turn-off; comes across as entitled or as if she thinks I should be “honored” that I get to buy her a drink"
I was with you regarding the girls that don't interest me, but not so much with this part. Unlike you and the OP, I don't mind if a girl that I like asks for a drink. Indeed i find it a very cost effective way to get to know a girl a bit better.
In fact it wasn't so many years ago that buying drinks for dancers was an implied part of the social fabric of most strip clubs, at least on night shifts. Only in more recent times has this been a point of contention, probably due to the more modern pussification of men.
===> "After like twenty minutes of the same bullshit, she asked me why I was even there."
I'll never tell another man how to interact with women, but nowadays any chick that I don't like is gone in under 3 minutes. If she's showing signs of settling in, I usually just look her directly in the eyes and say something like: "Look honey, I'm not buying anything from you or for you so you're gonna need to look elsewhere." Easy peasy.
Does that make me a bit of an asshole to some? Maybe, but I can live with that. I am so fucking busy nowadays that there is no Cardinal Sin greater to me than wasting my limited entertainment time on a girl who I'm not interested in.
Another scenario that I encounter is when I buy 2 dances and intend to dismiss her because the dances were tame and before I can she asks me to buy her a drink. If I buy her the drink she then hangs around expecting me to buy more dances. It's tough to say no when she is otherwise very attractive.
I kinda got stuck last week. The dancers at this club are pretty strict about policing themselves and won’t approach a customer if another girl is sitting there. While waiting for a favorite girl to get off stage, I dismissed a couple of approaches until a girl with whom I'd previously done a room, and with whom I’d had a number of bar visits came over. Big hug, stripper handshake and she quickly told me she was getting a civie job, was cutting back her club schedule and was so glad to see me because she was thinking she might never see me again. I couldn’t send her away, bought her the drink and made the best of it. Rare occurrence that an anchor is able to latch onto me but it happened last week.
I've had similar situations. Some dancers don't take rejection well. I suppose I understand, it can't be easy to deal with a bunch of assholes all day. I've tried to politely dismiss girls I find unattractive and had them come at me with that "why are you even here" shit. Depending on my mood and how long the lead up is, I've responded with polite banter or something more like "I came in to see some hot strippers shaking their asses but instead this dumb fat and ugly one keeps begging me for drinks like we're in the middle of the Sahara and I'm the only one with a bottle of Aquafina."
I'm kinda in between Papi & Rick's MO's though. I'm happy to buy a knockout a drink to evaluate her a bit more, I won't write her off for simply having a shitty approach. At the same time, if a marginal girl comes over with that approach I'm equally happy to send her packing. Both my time and money are valuable to me. Spending 10 minutes and 10 bucks on a drink to figure out if I want to go try some dances or a room is time & money well spent. I also tend to enjoy having a drink and chatting with strippers, so sometimes it's entertainment in and of itself. I'm not gonna sit and drink with a stripper I find unattractive physically or whose attitude doesn't please me.
I'm sure they're making similar evaluations of me, and I'm fine with that. I'm sure plenty of strippers have seen me dismiss a girl I'm no interested in and not approached me because assumed I wasn't worth their time or effort.
I'll just add that my best OTC partners, including my ATF, were all developed with multiple barside visits. Fortunately I don't find a couple hours barside with a hot entertaining girl to be a chore, nor do I find springing for a few rounds of drinks during that time (with the exception of course of tourist trap clubs) particularly burdensome.
The only girls agreeing to OTC with dudes who want nothing more than 9 minutes in the LD room to grab a girls' asses and tits - and maybe cum in their own pants - are the high volume girls who offer it up readily to almost anyone. You guys are free to have those girls all day long.
The most recent example of this for me was at Thorobred Lounge here in Louisville. I walked in, stepped up to the bar, and before I’d even ordered my drink, a dancer with a very heave Spanish accent started in asking for a tip, a drink, a dance, and a VIP. To each I responded with “no thank you”. When I said no to the VIP, she turned around with a huff and let out a string of what I assume was Spanish invective. 😂😂😂
what gets me about girl drinks is When I buy a girl a drink and she just grabs it and walks away (usually to the dressing room or their break area) and doesn’t take the time to drink it visiting with me. that happens frequently at some clubs like synn coi. in tj that behavior does NOT happen 99% of the time. there she stays with you drinking her drink for a period of time. some slam it down… especially if she gets the watered down ‘tequila’… but most choose the cerveza fitcha. most will drink with you for five minutes or longer… i’ve have some girls make that drink last twenty minutes or longer! to me the girl drink is like paying her for some time with her… and experiencing her interaction with me…usually even having a lap dance at my table! needless to say the longer she stays with me drinking her drink the better chance i’m taking her up on dance opportunities…!
Someone from here(Tuscl) came to see me two months ago. Not more than 5 minutes went by (I timed it) he had a chick in his lap blowing money(raining) I tried to stop by and say hello because it’s polite if someone comes and see you to do. The dancer was rolling her eyes getting mad. I asked him you couldn’t wait 5 minutes for me or tell her you was here for me. Because she looked like she wanted to fight. He replies she wouldn’t take no for an answer. I cut his ass loose on the spot.
But dancers wouldn’t be aggressive if that shit didn’t work. That’s never been my hustle but I don’t believe customers when they say they don’t like it. Because my eyes throughout these years tell me different
I’d like to hear more about byob etiquette. I have only been to one and was unprepared. Do you bring glasses? Solo cups? Or pull from the bottle and not share?
Carlitos, it depends on the club. Read the reviews for Showcase, Body Shop and McDougals here in Maryland. Also, players club though it is long closed. Same for the Bucks Wild clubs in Houston and Dallas. That will give you an idea of the variety of systems. I’m sure others can chime in with more.
last commentI don't like being a dick but I also won't be pushed around. I will compensate if a girl stays around for 15 minutes or so because I realize her time is money. Sometimes, as I talk more with a girl that rushes me like you described, I will end up spending on her once I unwind a bit and they actually grow on me while we talk.
To each their own but I’m not there to subsidize a dancer’s drinking nor spend $$$ on dancers that don’t interest me – I don’t mind buying a dancer a drink that I’m interested in but I’m not gonna be spending $$$, drinks or o/w, on dancers that don’t interest me – and even if it’s a dancer that interests me, if the first words out of her mouth are “buy me a drink”, I usually won’t deal w/ her b/c for me it’s a turn-off; comes across as entitled or as if she thinks I should be “honored” that I get to buy her a drink – kinda goes in-line with how many of these girls see custies as just walking-ATMs to be fleeced every second they are in the club.
I’m also not much of a drinker so sitting around spending $$$ on often over-priced often watered-down drinks is not how I prefer to spend my time/$$$ in the club.
Only once has a girl left right after getting a drink, and I didn't even mind. Her phone kept going nuts, so she checked it and then showed me the msg...some big spender who'd arranged time w/her got there 30 mins early. Told her no worries, go make some money, and come find me later (I left before she could). But I had no issue with that...while waiting for the drink (and before she checked her phone), she got awfully grind-y, and out of nowhere just came out with some incredible dirty talk. So a five-minute lap dance with a lot of very naughty suggestions...for the 8 bucks or whatever that the drink cost.
I can only remember one time where a girl came up and asked me to buy her a drink. She was on something and wouldn't leave me alone. I had zero interest in her, and explained that to her. I went so far as to get up and walk to the other end of the building... where a few mins later the waitress came asking for money. I had no idea what she was talking about, until the crackhead walked over with a drink...that she had ordered and said I'd buy. I took one last swig of my own drink, stood up, apologized to the waitress, and told her I specifically told this girl to leave me alone, quit harassing me, and I wasn't buying her anything. And then I left. That's the one and only bad time I've ever had at a strip club.
I was with you regarding the girls that don't interest me, but not so much with this part. Unlike you and the OP, I don't mind if a girl that I like asks for a drink. Indeed i find it a very cost effective way to get to know a girl a bit better.
In fact it wasn't so many years ago that buying drinks for dancers was an implied part of the social fabric of most strip clubs, at least on night shifts. Only in more recent times has this been a point of contention, probably due to the more modern pussification of men.
I'll never tell another man how to interact with women, but nowadays any chick that I don't like is gone in under 3 minutes. If she's showing signs of settling in, I usually just look her directly in the eyes and say something like: "Look honey, I'm not buying anything from you or for you so you're gonna need to look elsewhere." Easy peasy.
Does that make me a bit of an asshole to some? Maybe, but I can live with that. I am so fucking busy nowadays that there is no Cardinal Sin greater to me than wasting my limited entertainment time on a girl who I'm not interested in.
I'm kinda in between Papi & Rick's MO's though. I'm happy to buy a knockout a drink to evaluate her a bit more, I won't write her off for simply having a shitty approach. At the same time, if a marginal girl comes over with that approach I'm equally happy to send her packing. Both my time and money are valuable to me. Spending 10 minutes and 10 bucks on a drink to figure out if I want to go try some dances or a room is time & money well spent. I also tend to enjoy having a drink and chatting with strippers, so sometimes it's entertainment in and of itself. I'm not gonna sit and drink with a stripper I find unattractive physically or whose attitude doesn't please me.
I'm sure they're making similar evaluations of me, and I'm fine with that. I'm sure plenty of strippers have seen me dismiss a girl I'm no interested in and not approached me because assumed I wasn't worth their time or effort.
The only girls agreeing to OTC with dudes who want nothing more than 9 minutes in the LD room to grab a girls' asses and tits - and maybe cum in their own pants - are the high volume girls who offer it up readily to almost anyone. You guys are free to have those girls all day long.
Hookers will fuck anyone so that makes me wonder how nasty you have to be for them to avoid you.
The whole exchange took less than a minute.
I tried to stop by and say hello because it’s polite if someone comes and see you to do. The dancer was rolling her eyes getting mad. I asked him you couldn’t wait 5 minutes for me or tell her you was here for me. Because she looked like she wanted to fight. He replies she wouldn’t take no for an answer. I cut his ass loose on the spot.
But dancers wouldn’t be aggressive if that shit didn’t work. That’s never been my hustle but I don’t believe customers when they say they don’t like it. Because my eyes throughout these years tell me different