I am in Seattle for the Summer

avatar for PinkSugarDoll

Lake City Way on Weds Thurs day shift

Occasionally Kittens

Occasionally Fox’s

Come see me ❤️


last comment
avatar for FishHawk
3 yrs ago

I keep hoping you will come my way. Maybe one day 😜

avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

Good to see you back on TUSCL. You have been missed. But Seattle couldn't be much further from me. :-(

avatar for Muddy
3 yrs ago

You know Pandora's is such a popular club on here. Over 1200 reviews. I'm sure your going to stumble into a few TUSCLers if you work there that's for sure. I was in Seattle a couple weeks I probably should've checked it out.

avatar for wallanon
3 yrs ago

Can't argue with that thinking. She's pretty hot.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 yrs ago

I lived in Seattle for a long time and definitely have a very good idea of which places I do and do not want to work in. 👍🏼

avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

PSD, Do you feel safe in Seattle now ? I know that was the location for a lot of rioting during the BLM movement. And there was big time "defund the police" talk there. I'm wondering how that has impacted crime there.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 yrs ago

Yes. Every time there are riots on tv it’s in a small area and it is portrayed to be a much bigger deal than it is. I have never encountered anything like that here because I don’t go looking for it. I don’t believe there should be less police force and I also feel safe. Know where I would not feel safe? Pandora’s. Kitten’s is also a shit hole, those two places I don’t feel great about going to.

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