Sports teams: Cities that need one, Cities that should lose one

avatar for Muddy
I was recently at an Oakland A's game at the Oakland Coliseum and I have to admit for an at the time first place team, there might not have been even 7,000 fans at the park. It had a very minor league feel to it. Now they've been talking about a new ballpark in Oakland for a while now, at least 20 years. If they can't finally get it, they really need to leave. And it got me thinking, where would they go? What other places really shouldn't have their teams and what are some places that should have one? Any sport.

Possibly add:

Nashville: For Baseball. It's really a growing city that super popular with young people moving too. But still not really not big town. The other teams in Nashville get good support, I don't think it's the worst idea and at least for baseball, only Atlanta is in the south, not counting Florida.

Charlotte: For Baseball. Same kind of thing. Their triple A teams is usually the top draw in the minors every year. Growing city.

Austin/San Antonio: I think it's only a matter of time. Maybe they are considered part of the Houston market. But I always think to myself it's crazy they only have the Spurs. That won't last. Big time expansion area.

Montreal: For baseball. They always talk about this one, and it looks like the Rays will play some games up there. But it was not really a roaring success the first time around. IMO they would need a new stadium if they were going to try round 2.

Houston: For Hockey. It's too big a market to not have all 4 sports.

Possibly subtract:

If you were to take all the sports teams up today and redistribute them where they should be based on population, do you think places like Buffalo, Cleveland or Pittsburgh would get football teams? Maybe not, but you just could never take those away, they have some of the most die hard fans in the NFL. Although there has been rumblings over the years about the Bills leaving.

Tampa/Miami: For baseball at least. I don't think you could based on the fact that Florida is growing like a weed. But seeing playoff games not sell out is just a odd thing to see.

Las Vegas: I know they just got 2 but I don't get the putting a team in Vegas thing. We'll see how things work out over the years but Vegas has like it's immediate suburbs and then there's absolutely nothing for miles and miles. Tough to draw fans to the ballpark when they don't live near there. It's kind of transient population too, I haven't been a believer but lets see if I'm wrong.

How about y'all out there


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avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
San Antonio wanted to keep the saints after Hurricane Katrina.

Cape Coral-Fort Myers is the most populous city in Florida, but all they have is Twins and Rded Sox spring training plus the MiLB Mussels. (It's too fucking hot, anyway).

avatar for motorhead
4 years ago
I’m a huge baseball fan and this is a frequent topic of conversation in some of the sports groups I belong to.

Because of baseball’s schedule, mostly night games and few days off, a much larger population is needed to support a MLB team compared to the NFL or NBA. A study was done several years ago and the absolute minimum required metro population living within 30 minutes of the stadium is 2 million people.

Sure there are other factors involved, but using population alone, Charlotte would the best choice in the US. I will discuss Montreal later.

The only other cities meeting that criteria would be San Antonio, Las Vegas, Portland, Indianapolis and Nashville. (Nashville as of the last count didn’t quite make it but they may be there now). And to be precise, there are a couple of California Statistical Metropolitan Areas also like Sacramento and Riverside that are 2 mil plus but I didn’t include them because Cali is already saturated with teams.

Montreal is a unique situation. Their popular warrants it. I believe it’s higher than US city without a team. But in book they had their shot and blew it. I was around when the team started in 1969. They built their fan base during the 70’s and 80’s but then things really went south. Look up their attendance the last 4-5 years of existence. Less than 10,000 fans per game. You can’t support a baseball team today with attendance like that. There are high school football teams in Texas that draw more than that. A hard NO to Montreal.

A city that often gets overlooked is Mexico City

Personally I think baseball is at a good level now. Interest in the game is declining among younger kids which is a shame because I think it’s the best game around. Two more cities max. Las Vegas abd Charlotte would be my predictions
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
I think there is a cornfield in Iowa somewhere that supposedly would support a baseball team…

Other than that, I’ve wondered if the A’s might move to Charlotte.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Vegas shouldn't have any. I can't stand the fake fans. Acting like they've been hockey fans their whole lives. None remembering the vegas thunder even lmfao. The raiders and As will be the same.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I'm a huge football fan and I enjoy most all sports mostly root for NYC area teams, I think one most important factor is whatever area get's either a moved franchise, or a new expansion team, the location where whatever team moves to should not ever consider using taxpayer's funding or loan guarantees to fund any team that is a private business entity, and any team that receives any tax breaks at all needs to pay a dividend to the municipality in which it locates.
avatar for 623
4 years ago
In Vegas the hockey team is worth 4 times what was paid for it R years ago. That’s 2 billion with a B. Raiders more than doubled their value even before playing their first game. You better believe the A’s have seen these numbers and are betting that of the 4 million tourists to Las Vegas each month ar least many of them would like to have an option of what to do in the daytime. Hands down the best fit.
avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
4 years ago
Nobody will contract and nobody will move because there is too much money in expansion. Houston will get hockey. Baseball will go to Charlotte or Nashville. And shit attendance franchises like the As, Diamondbacks, Coyotes, Rays, and Marlins will remain as that (sucks being an AZ sports fan... often).
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I don’t see the need for more expansion in pro sports. There are locations underserved by pro sports, but I don’t think expansion is necessary.
avatar for iknowbetter
4 years ago
In addition to population, a city must be able to demonstrate the potential for local corporate support to be considered a “major league city”. How many Fortune 500 companies are in the local market? And how many of them are willing to shell out for hospitality suites and advertising at the stadium? Individual ticket sales are important, but don’t move the meter for major league franchises like the hospitality suites do. This is why you see the newer stadiums being built with more sky boxes and fewer individual seats. Also, what are the demographics of the local market? Is there enough wealth in the local population where families have sufficient disposable income to shell out several thousand dollars each year for season tickets?

Las Vegas is an interesting example. One could argue both sides of whether or not Las Vegas vacationers and convention goers will choose to attend a football game that will take them away from the casinos for several hours. Only time will tell.
avatar for magicrat
4 years ago
In baseball it's all about the real estate opportunities. Time Warner, who owns the Braves, also owns all the surrounding real estate, which all white Cobb County paid a bunch of $ for. That is also the situation in Oakland. The owners want $1 BILLION from the city...not for a new stadium, but for real estate improvements surrounding it which has nothing to do with the team. So the standoff is if they don't get it, the owners are taking their proverbial ball and going to Vegas. And of course MLB is 100% on the side of the owners.

The result is it doesn't really matter if a team wins or loses..the $ is made elsewhere. Makes it much tougher to be a fan for sure.
avatar for GACA
4 years ago
Having stayed in Charlotte for the last four years, I sure as hell hope they don't try to put another team in the uptown area, traffic was bad enough. More south like Ballentyn or north towards Huntersville.
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
San Diego deserves to get NFL football back.
avatar for NJBalla
4 years ago
Los Angeles doesnt need any teams. Beautiful weather and women means you should be at the beach or on a boat. They should make the jaguars play their once a year instead of London.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
Just one final thought, I did read that actually the most viable markets were yes, a third baseball team in either NYC or LA but I just don't see that happening though.

Portland could be another spot but I don't if it feels big enough for a baseball team.

If Oakland does move, just keep those uniforms for the love of God. With the white shoes, that green and gold looks sharp, best uniforms in sports. To me the Austin A's could be a thing in the future.
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