
Miami VIPs

Friday, July 9, 2021 10:11 PM
Posting about mileage not price or the club. Want to share info and get info on the ones I don’t know. I’ll kick it off: The ones where you get what you expect: Booby Trap Doral Pink Pony PTs (when it was PTs don’t know now) Stir crazy LD room (before they opened a VIP don’t know now) Anyone care to share about other clubs?


  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    VIP in Miami/SoFlo clubs is about getting extras (fucking and sucking) - very rare for SoFlo VIP rooms to be used for getting dances - if one wants dances, one does them on the floor (clubs that have them; not all do), or in the dance-area - most clubs have around a $100 room-fee for VIP so why pay that to get dances one can get w/o paying the room-fee.
  • Beat100
    3 years ago
    I might visit in a few months. How is Scarlett's? I remember, I danced with a Brazilian dancer and she let me kiss her.
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