
Do you pay for Age Appropriate ?

Anywhere there are Titties.
Saturday, June 5, 2021 11:54 AM
Someone recently did a Thread on Younger vs Older Dancers. I'm one of the pigs that selected younger, although I don't want them too young. But I was in a Florida club yesterday. The dancer I was with was a beautiful 45 year old women. Very fit, nice c-cups, no tattoos, very affectionate. Her dances were awesome. We hit it off fantastic from a personality point also. She was getting very frisky with the dances when she suggested we go to the VIP section. I respond back to her with why don't we just go to my hotel room . Her eyes lit up and she nodded. Then starts the negotiation. She wanted $500. Now if this were a 25 year old version of herself, I would have jumped all over that. At that point, it hit me. Why am I paying for age-appropriate ? I'm a successful, fit, articulate man. There are websites that I can get laid by a woman like this for free. Heck, I get Favorited on [view link] by women like this all the time and I delete their profile. So at that point, I say No Thank You and walk away. She was stunned. I did pay her for the dances she did. I got involved in Sugaring about two years ago and love it. I've lost count of how many 20-somethings I have been with during that time. I had almost stopped going into strip clubs because of that website. But should the age matter ? I was definitely attracted to this woman. I'm sure sex with her would have been awesome. I just didn't want to pay for something that I should be able to get without paying.


  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Hot is hot and age doesn't matter.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "But should the age matter?" Not really. But I can also still date 20-somethings when I feel like dealing with the headaches. If she's hot for one reason or another she's got a shot. There's a late 40's to possibly 50's woman I bump into from time to time who's pretty and has a fit body that can still get it done. I have to keep talking myself out of fucking her because I can tell she'll be looking for more. "Do you pay for Age Appropriate?" No, I pay for convenience.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I guess it depends how old you are but HELLLLLLL NO on paying $500 for almost a half century old pussy. I’m right there with you warrior.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Women get better at sex as they age. I know its only been 45+ years of strip clubbing, but one day I will find some stripper as sexually skilled as I am married to and find in real life.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    I'm a sucker for the 19 y.o. Barbie doll type, but my regulars have always been in the 30-40 range. One of my favorites is late 40's and still looks great. I'll do a one-time quickie with some young floozy, but for regulars I like someone I can have an actual conversation with.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    Profound thread. That's the beauty of prostitution, @Warrior: you can pay for whomever you want (within legal restrictions, of course), even if you're old enough to be her grandpa. However, as a courtesy, I would be extra careful not to dick around with a middle-aged stripper who's trying to make a living.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    “I'm a sucker for the 19 y.o. Barbie doll type” me too... and i’ll pay for it... (but not too much!)
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Ski - I don't doubt I would have enjoyed a session with her. I just didn't want to pay for it with her. Am I going to get some hot 25 year old to sleep with me without paying ? No. But I can get a 45 year old. Wall - The convenience factor is a good thing to bring up. But I had already had a session ITC with another younger girl. So this would have been session #2 for the day. Probably why I said No so easily . Ran-Dumb - I know you are really trying to insult me there. But you are going to have to make a better attempt than that one. And she made about $200 off me from the dances, so I did not "dick around" with her. Muddy. - You would have paid $500 for a 25 year old version of this woman though. From 20 feet away, she was stunning.
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    in general yeah you more than likely can score with a woman that's 45 years old and not have to pay $500. the question is can you score with the one you're referring to w/o paying the 500? also is that 45 year old just as sexy as most 19-20 year olds? if yes then maybe reconsider your stance.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    This thread reminds me of a bad joke my brother told me years ago. What do women and dog turds have in common?......The older they are, the easier they are to pick up.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    ratt. - Good point. Can I get one like her? Yes. But that would probably entail commitments/relationships/affairs, etc. Things I would not want to have to deal with . So that comes back to Wall's convenient factor.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Not a criticism Warrior. Generational thing lol. I am almost 64 and without a bi-wife, not 45 year old's aren't in my wheeelhouse.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    "Ski - I don't doubt I would have enjoyed a session with her. I just didn't want to pay for it with her. Am I going to get some hot 25 year old to sleep with me without paying ? No. But I can get a 45 year old." @Warrior - you already made the point I was about to post. "Can I get one like her? Yes. But that would probably entail commitments/relationships/affairs, etc." The whole reason we have this hobby is the convenience of getting what we want, when we want it, without the commitment. It's like if I wanted to drive a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, but didn't want the car payments. I could just rent one for a day.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Ski, I'm not in my 60's yet. orange - Yeah, 25 years are looking for a hook-up. 45 year olds are looking for a husband.
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    I love experienced women. Thing is these 20 something's have grown up with Fred porn at their fingertips so the 20 somethings now are far more skilled than the pre internet 20 somethings. 500 too much.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I cant deal with old women. Especially dancers. They come off as hardened hookers. Can't keep a conversation going
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    I don't care about age one bit -- she just has to be hot enough to be worth it to me to pay for. I imagine if I found a hot enough 45 year old I'd be fine with it... but I've never OTCed with a stripper past her late 20s, and most are low to mid. I've never seen a stripper in her late 30s or older who didn't look rode hard and put away wet. But her age wouldn't bother me otherwise.
  • SteveSutton
    3 years ago
    If she's really beautiful and fit and in her 40's ... yeah, I'm a sucker. But that rate is what I've paid for companionship in cities like Vegas and LA, and they were in their 20's and reasonably hot, certainly hot for this 50 year old. Seeking (SA) is addicting like that because there is a virtually unlimited supply of ladies in a lower age-range (20-30) who for an amount far less than $500 (in smaller cities) will go out for an evening with you, have a nice dinner, maybe even see a movie and then retire with you for a few hours after that. SA is also the reason that for a while I didn't club at all because it was all SA all the time on my business trips ... just been WAY too many disappointing evenings in clubs with either no interest in OTC, or interest but then flake out etc. But all that said, now that it's going on 2 years since I've clubbed or SA'd, I can guarantee that I would have jumped on that offer in an instant and I'm sure we would have had a fantastic night ... errr 15 minutes of fun!
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    The dancers in nicer clubs selling the expensive several hundred dollar bottles and VIP rooms that cost over a G tend to skew older. Granted a lot of it has to do with club politics and stuff, which older dancers are probably better at dealing with and getting to work in their favor. Customers with the budget for paying for that kind of stuff don’t seem to mind though. But to be fair, many dancers don’t even look their age. Older dancers are made out to be something so *NICHE* on this site sometimes that I wonder whether customers even know how old many dancers they dealing with even are.
  • mjx01
    3 years ago
    When age appropriate means second hand plus another guy's kids... seriously... you can't be surprised by that not being particularity appealing.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    For me, it’s not an age thing. It’s a combo of looks/fun. I’ll pay if the looks/fun factor is good enough. Warrior, specifically to the situation you described, there is still some logic in paying a gal that you wouldn’t normally *have to* pay for. You’re at risk of blurring of the lines of the relationship if you don’t pay. The FWB thing is great when it happens but, since you met her in the p4p realm, you and she would need to be able to stay on the same page if it’s not transactional. Doable but tricky.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago
    @Warrior15 Unless you can provide a picture of her holding her drivers license, it didn’t happen. :D Some people add 10-15 years to their real age to be complimented about how good they look for a 40-45 year old person. I always make a point (kiddingly) to ask strippers that look young for their ID to verify they are over 18, “because in California, 17 can get you 20” most take it as a compliment, laugh and say their age is 19-25 So to answer your question: Do you pay for Age Appropriate? Yes, she has to be between 19 and 29 years old. And most important I have to be really attracted to her.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Age appropriate for me is young. But I wouldn't even pay for that. But as a guy ages. If you're gonna pay then pay for the best quality you cant normally get.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    My tastes lean younger, but that's because there are very few women at or around my age who strip and have really taken care of themselves (and genetics plays a role as well). But, if I look at a woman and I think she's hot, then that's who I'll spend my money on. She could be in her 20s, 30s, or even 40s. I'd say my sweet spot is mid-to-late 20s.
  • herbtcat
    3 years ago
    It's not "how old is she?" It's "how old is your boner?"
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    Age doesn't factor into whether I will pay or not. It is all about how hot she is. If I could get someone of her level of hotness from a civie for free I wouldn't pay for it. I will pay for someone who is significantly hotter than I could get for free. Just like anything else, I am willing to pay for high quality products.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    I have a wife and 3 kids so I have been paying for sex with an age appropriate woman for a very long time...and paying...and paying... ;) But as a treat myself one-off transaction? Hell no. If it isn't better than what I could already have at home then I don't want it. Now my views may certainly change when I reach the age of Social Security eligibility already attained by some here, but for now I want them pre-menopausal and preferably well south of 40.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    As I’ve often posted, I’m into the womanly-look vs the girly-look – although I find women of just about any age (except children of course) attractive, I prefer the womanly-look vs one that can pass for a high-school senior – it doesn’t have to do specifically w/ them being too young, I’m just more attracted to a different look, and this has pretty-much been the case for me since puberty where I tended to be supa-turned-on by MILFs (that looked a certain way). As I’ve often posted, I’m also way into the voluptuous-look and older women more-often tend to be fuller/bigger in the areas I like (breasts; hips; thighs; ass); def always been more turned-on by a curvaceous-woman than a supa-toned 19 y/o with small-Bs, no-hips, and a small-ass (the latter is not that much fun for me) – I’ve also always been a fairly straight-laced vanilla type guy; never been a big-party guy w.r.t. liking hitting nightclubs, bars, have never smoked anything, and never done an illegal-drugs – being fairly conservative and vanilla I tended to feel more comfortable and felt had more in common w/ older women vs party-young-girls and thus enjoyed the company of older women more (this is meant as a generality since there are also young-girls that are conservative like me - and I did some of the nightclub/bar thing when I was younger mainly b/c of friends I hung w/ during that period but it wasn't really my thing). It could be my biased mindset/preference; but as I’ve posted in the past, the best-fucks I’ve had has been w/ women in their 30s and a couple in their early-40s – it felt they were more into it and not into playing games, and more into satisfying me and seemingly themselves also; and usually had the voluptuous body-type I'm into but not always). And I’m also into dark-women (black or dark-skinned/olived-skinned Latinas) – IMO/IME these women tend to age better – particularly black women either b/c of their more muscular-density or taught-skin seem to maintain their firmness better as they age – the oldest dancer I’ve knowingly been with was a 42 y/o AA but no way one would assume she was that age; she dressed like a girl in her 20s and wore her makeup and hair like the young-girls; she had natural either large-Ds/small-DDs that were supa-firm and stayed in place in w/o a bra – she worked-out w/ a personal trainer and her biceps were harder than mine and the avg guy (her biceps were little fat and almost all muscle) – I can’t say I’m nearly as attracted to fair-skinned women in their 30s and early-40s and feel most have lost firmness and shape and have often aged much worse than older AAs I’ve dealt with and even olived-skinned Latinas. w.r.t. paying for it – to begin w/ I’ve already stated I find certain women up to their 40s desirable – I also do not want any kinda of a relationship nor expectations beyond sex (don’t call me I’ll call you) – I’m also generally not the type of guy that women wanna get in bed w/ from just laying eyes on me (IMO few guys are or are able to pull that off); thus often times for me to get laid w/ civilians is after they’ve gotten to know me and I’m just not interested in civilian-dating; I enjoy doing what I want when I want w/o having to take someone else into account – so for me paying for it is a better way to go in order to maintain my 100% free-agent status w/o having to worry about owing anyone anything (my time, my affection, etc).
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I like my women to be in their 30’s and 40’s. I’m in my mid 50’s, so I think a woman in her mid 40’s would be age appropriate. To answer your question, I pay for the convenience (as Wallanon said). I am not into sugar dating, and I don’t have any dating site accounts. I don’t want a relationship. I am upfront in my desires, and I am happy to pay to fuck a girl - and leave after. I don’t want to concern myself with wondering if a woman meant what she said, or if I should call/text her a few days after seeing her.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Given my preferences posted above - if there is a 20 y/o and a 40 y/o that are both put-together the way I like (not that hard w.r.t. AAs IME), I will almost-always be more excited about being w/ the 40 y/o
  • Bharlem
    3 years ago
    This was an interesting read
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Given my preferences posted above - if there is a 20 y/o and a 40 y/o that are both put-together the way I like (not that hard w.r.t. AAs IME), I will almost-always be more excited about being w/ the 40 y/o 0" There is a lot of middle ground between 20 and 40, lol. Hey look, I'll never criticize another grown man for his preferences in women, but for me 40 is getting a bit long in the tooth to dig deep into my pockets for that special experience. Even women who take great care of themselves show the inevitable signs of aging, like crows feet along the eyes, skin that is a bit less smooth and shiny (especially the hands and neck) and a variety of other mixed signs (depending on the girl). Fuck that as part of some side fun? If I was single, no doubt. But pay a large some of money for that? Not so much. But again to each his own.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    ^ IME it's not uncommon to not notice the aging signs you mentioned in WOCs - if one's experience is mostly to solely w/ Caucasian women then IME that applies more
  • Lil Jayne Doe
    3 years ago
    I mean a 25 yr old strippers pussy could be just as worn out as a 40 somethings.... Especially this day and age.... just saying..... Your paying clearly for the pussy not the person it seems with your statements, so really you cant go by age saying bc shes younger it's better or worth more. In the same sense, a younger female will target a man like you with your thinking and be like a fish out of water in bed and yea you can say you got the young girl, but really she got you for over paying for a blow up doll with a pulse lol Your paying for the sex not their age, if your paying for the strictly the age and not the full expiernce and wanting it be good due to connection that's more of a creepo factor than just preferring a younger female. In my opinion.... Start saving up now, because you'll keep getting older and there will still be 25 yr old strippers and sugar babies and you'll be paying 5x the amount for them the older you get, and they may end up making you feel not good enough like maybe you made this older female feel like she wasnt worth it. One day your dick wont be worth taking 500 for from any aged female ..... Just saying a female shouldnt be deemed worthy based on age, especially if you seemed to like her ..... You already spent 200 on her and seemed into her, and yes it's your money you have every right to spend how you like and on what, but kinda rough seeing you dog her for her age and what she asked for otc, remeber if she left right than for your room, shes missing out on money at work, so really 500 is fair for any aged female if she was good enough to pull 200 from you for dances, leaving with you shes taking a hit on making 500 or more staying at the club, maybe on her day off she would have been less as its bonus income. Just giving a females pov
  • BBBC
    3 years ago
    @ warrior. I get your point! Men age like fine wine and women age like... well, milk!!! It is definitely not worth spending money on spoiled milk! Congrats on joining the pink team warrior! You, me, Ricky, Muddy, skibum609, Randommember, mike710, pistola, icee, mjx01, cjkent, and an honorable mention of desertscrub should all get together and celebrate our aging as fine wine! We don't need no yucky vaginas! We can celebrate by licking each others lolly pops until we reach that tootsie roll! Sausage is better anyway! Real men eat lots of sausage! 😉
  • BBBC
    3 years ago
    Let the party begin!!! 😉🍆🫒 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭 🍌🫒🍒🍆🥕🌽🌶🥒🥖🌭
  • BBBC
    3 years ago
    Let's all pop each others corks! 🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾 Nicespice,Bharlem and Lil Jane Doe need to get OUT NOW!!! Us real men have cork popping to do! 😉
  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    Those who say strip clubs are "prostitution," is it really? For that matter is "prostitution" really "prostitution"? Most straight men have to pay for dates, buy women gifts, etc. Isn't most heterosexuality "prostitution"?
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Well, I never went on a date expecting sex because I paid for dinner. I'd hope, but I didn't expect. Oh yeah, its also nice to have dinner with someone you like and might like you. Its the same in that getting your teeth cleaned and 5 root canals is the same because you went to the dentist.
  • Lil Jayne Doe
    3 years ago
    Marriage is legal prostitution if it's a one income household really lol unless theres no sex .... however that is just a really smart prostitute hahahaha paid without working gay people also buy gifts for eachother and pay for dates ....... they don't just walk into stores and restaurants and bars and get everything for free lol
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    I'm early 40s. When strippers who are age appropriate for me to date outside the club an look good for their age but average to below for a stripper I always pass. I don't pay for what I can get for free.
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