
How much time do you spend on this site ?

Anywhere there are Titties.
Thursday, May 27, 2021 2:04 PM
I just noticed on my profile that I recently went over 5,000 comments. I do realize that others have several times that many so I know I'm not setting any records with that. But 5 thousand seems like a lot. I normally am not a very chatty guy. I discovered this website in like 2006 or 2007. Back then everything was free. I "joined" in 2016 back when there were Lifetime Memberships. That means I don't have to write any Reviews to maintain my VIP status. I didn't really get active on the site until 2018 when I discovered the Discussion Forum. So almost all of the activity referenced on my profile is from the last 3 years. I do my business from a laptop computer. That laptop is open for like 12-14 hours a day. I eat meals with it open. I watch ballgames with it open. But during the long work day, I need mental breaks. That is where TUSCL comes in for me. I'll switch over to the site maybe 3-4 times during the day, look thru the Topics to see if anything interests me, look at the Photos, maybe looks to see if a club I"m interested in has a Review, then go back to work. I'm gonna guess that on a given day, I spend 20-30 minutes total on the site. But that will be spread between all hours of the day. How much time do you think you spend on the site a day ?


  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    You looked at that 5,000 comment milestone and said to yourself “man am I that much of a PL.” lol I believe I’m one of the longer active members on here. Joined 2003 but didn’t become active on the boards until somewhere around 2011??? I was absent for almost 2 years up to the fall before COVID hit. I work alone, my day is just like yours, only I’m usually in a car, maybe on a plane... I may go 3 days without physically talking to someone other than my wife at home, although I communicate constantly with people through txt, email, occasional phone conversation. That’s the way it was before COVID and COVID only made me more isolated. During the day I am on one of 2 smartphones more than a laptop. I check this site out, USA Today app, NEWSER app, and the rare Reddit visit. That’s how I break up my day. Between those sites/apps I feel I’m pretty well informed with worldly news/events. I come to TUSCL mainly for entertainment. As for strip club info, I’ve never been to Tijuana but anything written about it really intrigues me. I haven’t read strip club reviews in ages but I imagine I will be on the road a lot this fall and will read them closely because I’m sure many clubs are totally different in a post COVID world. So like you - maybe 20-30 minutes a day, although it sometimes seems a lot more time is spent than that.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I would say I try to check in daily, see what some other people are saying on here and I’ll post something if I feel like I got a thought I feel I just have to share. This is actually probably the last and only place on the internet where I haven’t been instantly banned. I especially check the site when I’m taking a dump or kill time when I’m waiting on line or waiting for something. The one thing you could say about this site is that everyone kind has a personality. You kind of are somebody here. Not Reddit he’ll no. And that kind of shines through and I feel a lot of people I still haven’t hung out with yet on here (even if I don’t always agree with them) would be a fucking blast to go drinking with at the strip club. That kind of creates an environment where you feel like your having the same conversations that you would with your buddies at the club busting balls, making jokes, politics, sports, women. I stick to a lot of strip club related stuff but I’m against it all being strip club related material on here. Because is that all you would talk about at a strip club? The point I’m trying to make is that’s what keeps me coming back for more it’s like online kicking it with fellas and talking to some strippers. Hell when I’m waiting at the DMV I could punch in [view link] for that, too easy.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    How much time do I spend? Too much. I check the Discussions and Stripper Photos a couple times a day.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Great every time Muddy posts something I’m going to assume he was pooping in the process 💩
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    I spend my entire day uploading pictures to the site.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    This site is a great time waster. Certain assholes want me to leave and never post again, but that only incentivizes me to post more. Fuck it. T&A are a worthy pursuit.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Longball, we all appreciate your efforts. Keep it up !
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Too much
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    This is an interesting question - and one that offers a harsh realization of the time I spend doing “research” on clubs. I just checked my comments and it’s far too many to be considered healthy. Since I’ve been working from home during covid - it’s been much easier to spend time on this site. Pre-covid I would check things out when I woke up - before I showered and drove to work. I’d check on this site once I got home in the evening - for entertainment purposes. So I’d estimate an hour or more daily.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    i’m on tuscl a fair amount. these girls are my life pretty much. right now i’m waiting at the va covid clinic for a few minutes after getting my second vaccination shot. they just want to be sure i don’t have a adverse reaction in the first fifteen minutes.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    I just passed 2,000 comments. I like to check daily for any new great pictures. This is the only 'social media' thing I do. Titties are great. Perhaps 5 - 20 minutes a day. Sometimes I write something that takes time to complete. A bit more than I should? It's all fun. Have a boob day.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    During the week, it's one of my mental-break sites, alongside RealClearPolitics and FailBlog. Usually it's to check in on the usual cast of characters, sometimes exchange a message or vote on a review. On the weekend, I'm here more to check out reviews and guide my clubbing.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    Used to spend more time here before people started to crack in bunches during the height of the pandemic. More threads are back on topic and posts are generally getting some polish and civility back, so I've started checking the forums a little more lately.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Too much time is all I know 😅
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    I checked my statistics. Since I joined in 2007, I have started over 2,700 discussions and made over 12,000 comments. If I had used this time productively, I could have cured cancer and brought peace to the Middle East.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^^ you time would have been better spent getting your delicious lasagna and beef stroganoff to the masses.
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    I've been on here ten years and have 174 comments. I'll be on here 3 or 4 times a week and spend half an hour each time. I usually only make comments on the political discussions if they are related to strip clubs. For example, if the question is whether we should have business lockdowns including strip clubs to deal with COVID I'll comment on that. I work in accounting and am interested in the business aspects of strip clubs and like to start discussions or listen to discussions about that but I'm aware most customers couldn't care less about that so I limit talking about that a lot. I'll be sitting in a strip club wondering about what their fixed and variable costs are, type of depreciation used for assets, their pricing structure or how much profit they are making and then suddenly become aware that I'm probably the only person in the club thinking of something like that unless the club owner happens to be there.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "I'll be sitting in a strip club wondering about...then suddenly become aware that I'm probably the only person in the club thinking of something like that..." Maybe not. I think about buying a strip club from time to time, but too many things go off the table if I do.
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